31. Side By Side.
Jacob's POV:
Storming through the door of Lollipop's house was Selena and Nathan. How did she figure it out that we were here?! Easy, she would've checked hers and Nate's place, or the other way round.
Lilac's house was just like ours in a way. There was a small bed in the middle of the room. On the left side was her dresser and closet. The bathroom was beside the closet that was attached to the wall. On the right side of the bed, was the kitchen and the store room. Exactly like Sells'.
"We're here!"
"Selena, did you cry? Oh my gosh, you did! Tell me what's wrong? Who made my best friend cry?!"
Exactly after a second when Sells announced, Lilac bombarded her with the questions?
"Give her some space, Lollipop!"
"Keep your mouth zipped, JB!"
"Why the hell do you call me that?!"
"It suits you."
Here comes the evil grin from her. Jeez, why does she do that?! Selena smirked and nudged Nathan. Well, it's not so bad, since Selena smiled.
"So tell me, Nathan. What do you see while looking at them?"
"They're happy?"
Nathan gave her a confused look. Selena nodded. Lilac grinned. Me, being me, didn't care about it. I wasn't the one counseling, remember?
"And who are they? Who are us?"
"And what do you do for them?"
"Live. Be happy."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Nathan moved his hand over his lower jaw, brushing his invisible beard. A light bulb turned on in his head. I could practically imagine it turning on and off by the way he was gawking at his sister, eyes popping out of his head.
"I get it now. Thanks, Chubs."
"Anything for my douché bag of a twin."
I chortled. Lilac wiped a fake tear from her eye.
"That was beautiful."
Nathan winked. Lilac blushed. Nathan half-hugged Selena and went to Lilac. Selena sat with me. Hey, why do I feel like I'm being a robot in disguise? Anyways, back to earth, I came. Selena peered at me. I peered at her in reply. She looked beautiful, with a ponytail tied smoothly, her blue jeans and white shirt making her look like a model on the front page of a book cover.
I tried to break my eye contact, but couldn't. Instead, I replied to her smoothly.
"Nothing. Just waiting for you to say something?"
I mentally slapped myself. Stupid, stupid, STUPID! Whoa, she blushed. I saw it, she really did! Lilac started cackling and I saw Nathan on the floor, clutching his stomach.
"Someone has an addiction to Saltybuns!"
I realized what he said and glared daggers at him. He winked. Please don't understand. Please don't understand. Oh god, please don't make her understand.
"So what if I have? Got a problem? Speaking of which, I am hungry. Lilac, got anything?"
Phew. Thank Jesus she didn't understand what Nathan meant. I threw Lilac's slipper, that was lying besides me, at Nathan. It hit square on his face.
Lilac screamed in my ear. To be honest, I would've been deafened by her scream. I pushed her and stuck my finger in my poor ear. Great. Now both the siblings were howling. Man, did she look great- God, Jacob, get yourself together! You can't dream about her at the moment! Or maybe. Can I?
My chain of thoughts was broken by a loud clap in my damaged left ear. I looked up to see Selena's face near mine?!
"See? It isn't damaged. He's fine."
No, I'm not.
"Don't go in la la land again."
I gulped. It was a whisper in my ear, but it's enough for me to bring goosebumps on my skin. Sheesh, why does she make me feel like that? I moved away. I hope she doesn't see me blushing.
"Hmph, weirdo."
She rinsed her hands and started eating the chocolate flavoured cupcakes that Lollipop made. Don't ask me about Nate. He was eating like a dog.
"By the way, why do you call Jake by 'JB'? May I know the full form."
Thank you Selena. I've been wanting to ask this question from my female cousin.
"Jacob Butthead. In short, JB."
The three of them had tears in their eyes when they threw their heads backwards, guffawing and gagging. It was good to see them laughing like that. Being amused, I too, giggled.
We all turned to the door when there was a knock. Lollipop stood up, opened the door and motioned for someone to come in, and that someone was not certainly expected. Not by me.
"Isabelle, you came back! It's so nice to see you. When did you come back? How was the mission?"
"Don't bombard me with the questions. I came back a few minutes ago. The mission was accomplished and it's nice to see you guys."
They both hugged each other. She moved a step back when she saw Selena. Her eyes connected to mine. For a moment I thought I was back in the old days, when I used to see them daily. Those eyes somehow used to bring a smile on my lips, but it's gone now. Long gone. I've learnt to move on.
She gulped and bit her lower lip. She always did that when she was frustrated. She pointed to Selena and said the unexpected.
"S-Selena?! You? You're here? You g-guys are t-together?"
"WHAT! NO! No, we're not. Certainly not."
Selena quickly covered up. It hurts to hear her words, but what can I do?
"Phew. I'm sorry I thought like that."
"It's okay-
"Why are you here?"
I cut-off Selena. Why the hell was Isabelle here? What brought her here?
"Um, I was here to see Lilac since I returned an year after, and-
"Get out."
They all ogled at me on my sudden outburst. I was fuming. Something just got into me.
"Jacob, you-
In an instant, Isabelle started trembling when she felt my mood swings.
"No, stay here. Jake, you're not supposed to kick her out. This is my house."
"I don't want her here, Lilac. You know why."
"Lilac, let me go, please."
She started pulling from Lilac's grip. Lilac kept her grip and her ground.
"Jacob, I thought we talked about it. She's my guest, not yours."
"Then stay with her."
I stormed out from her house. Selena ran behind me, trying to stop me. I shut the door of my house. She kept knocking on my door, and that eventually stopped. Maybe she's gone. Whatever happens, she mustn't know about it at any costs. I don't want to tell her this thing only. God help me get over it.
Word count: 1125
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