Sooooo these past few days I've been wondering what can you express friendship with and I think I have found an example of what to describe friendship as...
A Balloon....You may be wondering. A balloon? Yes, a balloon what i mean is like friendship is like a balloon.
Friendship is like a balloon because there is only so far that you can go with friendship until it pops meaning ends.Here is what my thoughts are for friendships and balloons. Ok lets got on with it then.
Friendship is like a balloon when you first start nothing until you have a balloon there is nothing much to this balloon just latex (is that what balloons are made of?) this is the beginning of a friendship and then as you start to blow air in to it it becomes bigger meaning that you are getting to know this once-a-stranger person and you know those balloons with designs on them but you have to blow them to the true picture well this is the type of balloon that is your friend because as you get to know them then you add air and the balloon gets bigger and bigger and you see the picture then you have to stop because there should be a line where you have learnt everything about your friend so you have to tie it or it will pop if you or them try to go any further it will be awkward between the both of you and you will start anew balloon. And you can only use air because think of helium as fake information because the balloon with air stays with you but the balloon with helium floats away from you so you have to keep it attached to you so that it would stay.And for the air filled balloon it's full and you cant learn anymore so if they leave and don't contact you, you start to forget them and most of the things they shared with you until there's really nothing left because when someone leaves they change and change can either be good or bad and if its good that means there is some stuff that has stayed the same but if its worse they changed in a way you may not like so if the change is good then a little more air but if the change is bad then the balloon is not going to be there at all because you may not like them at all at this point.Now back to the helium balloon the helium balloon represents a fake friend because they feed you lies and they do that because they may not like you or they don't trust you yes it's sad but that's what life is "Sad" there could be more but most people see life as sad even the world as sad because the world is changing and you just have to face the truth the world is gonna end one day just like friendship and the helium balloon as I was saying you need to hold on to it before it goes away there is distance created by the string you need to hold onto and soon the string will be let go because you realize they never actually liked or cared about you but maybe a small bit but not really....Well Bye now at this point i don;t know what i'm talking about so umm yea I wrote this because I have friends and some are fake and some are true friends and I value the true and toss out the fake because I don't think they really liked me....Anyways please tell me if there is anything I can help with and if you wanna talk comment or PM me i'm always happy to listen....But bye now see you all later Peace.
Cookie XP
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