Let's talk about this...
Darkness, pain, suffering, and death.
These are the words that one would describe our world, our society, if it came to the relentless acts that people commit each day. Each week. Each month. And each year.
Please, if you want more information, I highly recommend for you to watch the video up above. He's an amazing news provider and would give you the facts, details, and just anything you need to be informed of what has happened.
Let's begin.
Today is a sad day.
Last night, the worst and deadliest shooting occurred in Las Vegas, Nevada.
A gunman, who I will NOT be giving his name or his face, because people like him don't deserve ANY credibility for what they've done. It's putrid. Disgusting.
Moving forward, he opened fire on a country music concert from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Hotel, which was packed with an estimate of 22,000 people. Children included.
Footage has been released to the public in the mere moments that the gunman opened fire on those poor and innocent people.
And it's horrifying.
Everyone didn't know what was going on at first, many people dropped to the ground, while others fleed the area.
Some reports say that the shooter opened fire for 5 minutes, while others say it was up to 15 minutes.
You had people who were being shot left and right, not even having a chance to grasp on the situation and escape safely.
It was an all out massacre. My heart is aching, and I can't stop thinking about the families of the victims. It's unfathomable. I can't share their pain, I can't.
It's horrific. Absolutely horrific.
As of now, there has been estimated of up to 58+ dead and over 515 injured, with the numbers expected to rise.
My heart is breaking even more, knowing that a family member will come to the terrible realization that a sister, brother, aunt, uncle, mother, father, or cousin, will not return to them. In their arms, safe and sound.
They are not coming home.
Now, I would want to take this moment, to honor the heroes and incredible people, who helped out during this tragic event and pulled the wounded out into safety. They helped safe many lives and I can't express how much bravery it must have taken to see your fellow friend or victim in such a wounded state, but stopped at nothing to get them the proper care that they needed.
The Vegas Police Department did an outstanding job, helping those in need and stopping this from escalating even further. However, sad news to say, that the pure evil and soulless being who did this, committed suicide before police could arrive at the scene.
I can't help but feel my heart and soul gleam with hope, whenever I see people unite and be there for one another, it's such an amazing thing to see and we need more of it our everyday lives.
This whole pointing fingers thing is getting outrageous at this point and I hope that it would come to end very soon, because at the end of the day, no matter who you are, including race, religion, or ethnicity, we are ALL human beings. People. Nothing more, nothing less.
Thank you. For all those who laid there lives to the victims of this horrific event, and for the same victims, who went out of their way, to help out other victims. Evil will not prevail. It will not divide us. Stand strong.
Unite as ONE.
Jolly has a family. They have friends and many amazing people who have been coming through their lives, meeting them everyday.
Please, hug them, call or text them, email them and tell them how much you love and appreciate them. Because there family members who won't be able to do that anymore, in a blink of an eye, it's all ripped away from them.
This message goes out to ALL my followers. My friends. Please, treat everyday like it's your last. Do not take anything for granted. Please.
We all know that life is very unexpected and in it's darkest moments, we need each other more than ever.
My hearts and prayers are with the victims and the families that were deeply affected by this horrific, tragic event. I don't care if people say that isn't enough, because if it wasn't, we as nation would have done something about this way much sooner.
Actions speak louder than words, that is true. But, it's still doesn't diminish the fact, that words CAN make a difference in our lives. They CAN mean something. And they CAN provide faith for those who are lost and scared, in moments like these.
Darkness is inevitable. But, all it takes is one ray of light, to outgrow the void left by this horrific events and give hope to those who needed the most. To the innocent. To all of us.
Please, keep Las Vegas in your prayers tonight. Show evil that we can continue. Show evil that it has no say in what we do. Show evil...we can kick it right where it hurts.
Stay strong Nevada.
Stay safe. Hug your loved ones. And have marvelous day.
I love you ALL.
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