A\N: Hi guys. It's FlameDragonHime and I'm making a small book about me. It won't be much but hopefully it will give you some insight on me and we can be better friends. It will probably be really random and weird as we'll so...
Let's start:
Name: rfuggvfbjhdvdgh
Age: 13
Country: gfhibecesyvenosmysje
City: frvidbtcjbydhg
Fave Colour: RED! (like Natsu!)
Fave Number: 7 (seven people in my immediate family and I got my D.S when i was seven.)
Fave Anime's: Cardcaptors (first ever), Fairy Tail, Naruto, The Seven Deadly Sins, Bleach, Attack On Titan (but the movie is SHIT!), Sword Art Online, HunterXHunter, One-Piece, Gurren Lagaan and soooooo much more!
Do I like books?: YEESSSSSS!!!!! Books are a necessity of my effing life!
Do I watch movies?: ...Mate...I've watched THOUSANDS of movies. A lot had ratings over my age bit meh. If a dogey scene comes on I just cover my eyes. I'm a good girl...kinda...not really. Fics have ruined me. (Sighs) Damn you M rated fics. Why didn't i search what it meant before I read it?
Random fact: I mention potatoes a lot. -.- (im weird)
A\N: My brain can't be bothered to do anymore. Sos. Just ask me questions from now on please. Love you guys.
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