Zachary's POV
"Happy birthday, Zach!" My mom said as she entered my bedroom
"Mommy!" I yelled as I jumped out of my bed and into her waiting arms. "Where's daddy?"
"He's downstairs waiting for you to come and open your presents."
"Presents!!" I yelled. My mommy laughed as she carried me downstairs into the kitchen. When we stepped into the kitchen, I saw daddy turn around. I looked at his hands and saw a chocolate cake with three candles on it.
"Daddy!" I yelled
"Hey bud. Happy birthday." He said while he put the cake on the table. Then he came over to me and whispered "By the way, I made the cake this year." I imagined daddy in the kitchen trying to make a cake and laughed.
"Are you laughing at me? Then I guess you don't want your presents anymore." He said
"I want 'em. I want 'em."
"Then blow out your candles first. Then you can open your presents." Mommy said. So I went over to the table that held my cake, blew out the candles and made a wish.
"So, what did you wish for?" Mommy asked
"It's a secret. Now can I open my presents?"
"Yep. They're right outside." Daddy said. I ran as fast as I could through the kitchen and living room then out the front door. However, once I made it out of the front door, I started feeling this unbearable pain. Like the bones in my body were breaking. And I started screaming.
Mommy and daddy ran outside to come see what was happening. Mommy had a bat and daddy had a gun. When they saw what was happening, they stopped immediately in their tracks and watched.
When the pain was over, I looked up at mommy and daddy and saw that everything was clearer. I got up to go walk over to them but it felt weird and I fell down. I looked at my feet and saw that they weren't feet. They were paws! I was scared and I didn't know what to do. I got up and started walking towards mommy who looked...disgusted?
When I was a few feet away, daddy pointed his gun at me. I dont understand. Why is he pointing it at me. I walked closer and he fired it at me but missed. I sat there staring at daddy.
"Get away! Get away you monster!" Daddy yelled
'I'm not a monster!' I tried to say but it came out as a bark.
"Leave! We have no place for you here you beast!" He continued to say. I looked over to mommy hoping that she wouldn't treat me the way daddy is.
"Your not my son. I gave birth to a human. Not some filthy BEAST!" She yelled as she started crying. "Give me my son. Give me back my son you monster!!"
I wanted to comfort her so I started to walk over to her. But before I could get to her, daddy shot me in the leg and I whimpered and howled in pain.
"Stay away from her!" He yelled as he dropped his gun, picked up mommy's bat and ran towards me.
I turned around to try to get away but because of my injured leg I couldn't get far. When he caught up with me, he hit me in the head with the bat. The last thing I saw was daddy's face filled with disgust.
Zachary's dad POV
"Honey, are you alright?" I asked my wife
"A monster. I gave birth to a monster!" She cried
"Shhhhh. It's gonna be okay. Everything will be alright. Look, your pregnant with another baby and you haven't slept since yesterday. How about you go take a good long rest?"
"I can't. I won't be able to rest knowing that that thing is near us." She cried
"Ok. I'll take it somewhere away from here. Just go inside and rest. Alright?"
"Ok." She said as she got up and walked inside. Once she was inside I went to the thing knocked out on the lawn, picked it up and threw it in the car. Then I started the drive to the woods.
2 days later, Zachary's POV
We've been driving for two days now. I woke up on the first day and since then I've been looking out the window at the scenery.
After a while, we end up in this heavily wooded area and daddy finds somewhere to park. Then, he takes me out of the car and carries me as he walks further into the woods. When finds a clearing deep in the woods, he sets me down and looks at me with one emotion: Disgust.
"Do you know how much trouble you have caused me?" He said. I just sat there looking up at him. When he saw that he wasn't going to get anything from me he kicked me and sent me flying into a tree. Then he stalked over to me.
"Thanks to you, my wife's having a mental breakdown and I have to take care of everything. You shouldn't have been born." He said as he continued to kick me over and over again. He even stepped on my injured leg. When he finished, he walked away, heading back to his car. But he stopped, looked at me and then said "I hope you die and go back to where you came from: hell." After, be just walked away and left me there.
I laid on the ground until I could get up and started walking. A while later, I found a river and used it to look at myself. I was a black wolf with red eyes. Also, I had theses cuff things around my paws and a chain around my neck. But that wasn't all. I had gash on my face going down the right side of my face and other open wounds from when I was in contact with the tree.
I jumped into the river so I could clean the blood off my coat. Once I was clean, I went looking for something to eat. After following the river for a few moments, I saw a deer drinking from it. I decided to hide in the bushes behind it and sneak up on it. When I was sure I could catch it, I jumped and wrapped my jaws around its neck. It kept bucking and bucking over and over again. Each almost losing my grip.
Using the last of my strength, I tightened my jaw around its neck until I heard a crack and it dropped to the ground. I then grabbed a leg and started dragging it through the forest looking for shelter. Few minutes later, I spotted a cave that was covered by some kind of plant. I dragged the deer into the cave and started to eat it. When I was done, I made myself comfortable on the hard floor and slept.
The last thing I thought before darkness overtook me was that my wish didn't come true.
'I hope we stay together as a happy family.' I repeated my wish from my birthday. 'Wishes don't come true.'
"Monster. Beast. Never should have been born." The words echoed in my head as I watched my own parents treat me as a monster. It just replayed over and over again. Over and over until I couldn't take it any more.
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