(A/N: A HUGE thanks to my first follower!!! Superknuxfan123!!! Who this chapter is dedicated to. Take that Vocaloid hating sister! MUHAHAHAHA!!!!
Also: long chapter ahead! You have been warned!)
Len's POV:
I wake up to the piercing shriek of my alarm clock telling me to wake up (it's still better to listen to then Rin though).
I check the time. Time to get ready for school. I am always one of the first ones at school, it gives me a chance to avoid the bullies. Thank goodness for weekdays. I dread the weekend more than anything, mainly due to Rin coming home and butting into my personal life. Otherwise the weekend is great!
I grab my lunch money and my backpack and head out to school. Another wonderful day where I get to see my best friend!
I reach the school within fifteen minutes. It isn't really a far walk and I prefer walking to school for some reason. (Maybe because those boys take the bus)
I get some of my stuff out of my locker, (which I mainly use as a giant pencil box) and head to class.
"Len!" Cried a voice behind me and I winced. Don't tell me its...
"Hi Len!" Neru giggled.
Darn it.
"Hi Neru." I responded before I turned and headed into class.
There was Miku sitting at her desk, staring out the window.
"Hiya Miku!" I say as I sit down next to her. She doesn't respond.
I tap her on the shoulder.
"YAAA!" She yells and jumps up.
I laughed, she had definitely spaced out.
"Your lucky nobody else was in here!" She said with a red face. Then she sat down.
I held my arms up. "Hey! I said "hi" to you before I tapped you."
"Whoops. Didn't hear you." She replied.
"What were you thinking about?" I asked curiously.
"Why do you need to know?" she snapped.
"I don't I was just curious. Sheesh why are you so cranky."
She sighed. "Sorry Len, My brother has been being extra mean to me lately and it annoys me, I didn't mean to be cranky."
"Thats okay! My sister has been extra mean to me!" I laughed.
The bell rang and the classroom started flooding with students. Mr. Shion came into the class and started writing on the big whiteboard behind his desk.
"Alright everybody! Please open your books to page......"
And so begins another school day.
<><>Time Skip<><>
I walked into the music room a little early so I could avoid the bullies. I had decided to start taking this class because its the last class of the day and fairly close to the exit.
"Hey dad?" I said rapping on his office door.
"Len he's not home." Rin laughed from behind me, scaring the living daylights out of me.
"YAAAAA! Rin what the heck!? Well then where is he!?"
She rolled her eyes and giggled. "Len he is on a call for work."
"Why do you need him?"
"Because ,Nosy, I want to join another class or club at the end of school for right before I leave."
"Oh! Hey I know the perfect class! It is a perfect match for you!" Rin cried.
"Which class?" I asked suspiciously.
"Music!" Rin yelled running off.
"What! Rin come back!" I screamed after her.
"Hey mom! Guess what! Len wants to join the music class!" I could hear her telling my mom.
"AWW! My lenny wants to sing!?"
I hate my life. This is not going to work out. I hate singing (Well not entirely true I like singing by myself or with Rin). I want to die, this will give those bullies even more to laugh about.
Wait! Those bullies! They don't take music and they usually beat me up during music! AHA! A silver lining! This might work out!
End Flashback
I hate to admit it but music was kind of fun, there were actually other boys in the class too! We sang in groups so I didn't have to be put on the spot.
I go into the classroom to get my stuff, and Miku was sleeping on her desk. Come to think of it, she came out of the classroom when the bullies were attacking me.
"Miku..." I whisper and tap her shoulder. She didn't wake up and she mumbled something under her breath.
Maybe I shouldn't wake her up? She looks really tired. I pick up my backpack and start to leave.
"Len..." She mumbles. I freeze mid-step.
"Don't leave me..." She says. Did she just talk to me!?
I turn around, but she is still sleeping. Then I notice she's crying.
"Please..." she whispered.
I am a little freaked out. Rin pretended to be sleep talking once, she said a bunch of creepy stuff to scare me, but I don't think Miku's faking.
"I won't leave you Miku." I said and I sat down at my desk.
Miku's POV:
I am in japan. Mom is leaving me alone! Why is she leaving me!? I need her! Mikuo's yelling at me, I start crying. I can't stay here. My friend! My friend will help me! I run. I run to his house. is he a he? I can't remember his name. His house is gone. Where did he go?
"Len!" I yell. "Len?" Why isn't he answering me??? "Please don't leave me too!" I start crying harder. "Please!" Then black. I hear my oni-chan yelling at me, I hear my dad crying. I hear a plane. I am in my house again. I am walking down the stairs. Then someone pushes me. I'm falling. I can't stop falling. I scream as I hit the ground.
My eyes shoot open and I see Len. He is hovering over me with a concerned look on his face. Then I realize i'm laying on the ground.
"What...what happend?" I ask him.
"You had a bad dream. Are you okay? You fell right out of your desk screaming." He said.
"I...I did?" I can feel my face flushing. I'm so embarrassed.
"What were you dreaming about?" He inquired with a little smile.
"I don't remember." I replied. "All I remember is being alone."
"Did I leave you?" He asks me.
"W...why do you ask that?"
"Because you started crying and asked me not to leave you, so I stayed at my desk." He responded.
"Are you sure I asked you?" I ask. I don't remember Len being in my dream, just that boy that I have dreams about. I never see his face and I can never remember his name.
"You said: "Len...Don't leave me...please."" He quoted.
I flushed even more.
The bell rang and I jumped up. Why am I so jumpy!?
"You want me to walk you home?" Len asked.
Len's POV:
I wonder what she was dreaming about. I had sat with her for about five minutes and listened to her crying. Eventually I decided I should wake her up.
"Miku?" I said, as I swept some of her hair out of her face. Then she screamed and fell out of her desk. I jumped back. Thankfully nobody else was in the classroom. The students here avoid the classrooms at all costs for some reason.
"W...what happened?" she asked me.
I blushed a little when she said that. I was a little concerned.
I wonder if she dreams about me often? I'm still a little creeped out that she said my name.
Anyway, now I'm walking her home. She is super jumpy, A car alarm went off, she jumped ten feet in the air and grabbed onto my arm.
"Miku are you sure your okay?" I ask.
She lets go of me. "Y...yes of c...course I'm okay!"
"Miku, I'm your best friend...If you want to talk about it, let me know. I'm not going to pry into your private life, but I'm worried about you! I will stop asking about it now, but remember that I'm always here if you want to talk."
She nodded and we walked on in silence.
We reached her house, and she opened the door. "Thank you for walking me home." She said.
"No problem! That's what friends are for." I replied. She waved and then went inside.
I started home. I hope she's okay
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