Miku's POV:
My dad offered to pay for me and Mikuo but the Kagamine family wouldn't hear of it.
When I say "Kagamine family" I mean ALL of them.
"No way! This trip is for you guys." Len had smiled.
"Are you kidding me!?" Rin screeched. "Mom and dad can pay for it...they're RICH for heaven's sake!"
We were currently standing in front of the map of the amusement park trying to figure out where to go first.
"When it get's dark we should go to the haunted house!" Mikuo yelled excitedly.
"Ugh. I hate haunted houses." I moaned. I really did, it's not that they were actually even that scary I just don't like it when people come up behind you and poke you or whisper in your ear. Sometimes they even have fake thunder and that always freaks me out.
"It's okay Miku!" Rin laughed. "I will protect you when we go."
"Okay we're splitting up right?" Len asked.
"Stay with your buddies!" Mrs. Kagamine cried. "I'll be right here on this bench the whole time if you need something okay?"
"Okay!" Everyone yelled while we ran off.
Rin first took me to the games. "We should totally win a big prize!" She said.
"Not if I can win one of the big prizes first!" Mikuo called, running over to the games.
That poor man that was running the game.
They had picked the one where you shoot water into the clown's mouth. Rin won four times but My brother still insisted on a rematch.
Rin won a ton of prizes but eventually Mikuo won the grand prize. The man didn't have any prizes left from their battle.
"All right you won fair and square. What do you say we stop competing now? Ya know...since we're even?" Rin asked my brother.
"Yeah all right...you can have this stupid bear as a peace offering to never arm wrestle with me again." He replied, handing her the giant orange bear.
"AW! He's sooooo flufffffyyyyy!!!!"
Len rolled his eyes at me and I laughed.
"Miku come pick out one of my prizes!" Rin called. "I guess Len can have one too."
I picked up a cute little penguin.
"I shall name him Ritoruburu and he shall be mine!" I announced.
"Little Blue?" Len asked. "Isn't that a type of penguin?"
"Yes and he shall be it!" I replied. "Which one are you going to take?"
"I don't really want one..." He started but Rin cut him off.
"Oh so you're too cool for stuffed animals? Even MIKUO is gonna take one right?" Rin asked my brother.
Mikuo's POV Plus time skip:
It was starting to get dark. The day had pretty much worn us all out. Rin had wanted to go on every ride, and although Len and I could have left the girls at any time (since Rin was buddies with Miku) we pretty much just followed them around.
"Now..." Rin whispered in her creepiest voice. "We shall brave the haunted house of death."
"Do we get to die? Oh goody!" I said sarcastically.
"First one's to come out alive and without screaming their heads off win!" Rin announced.
"Since when are you the boss of this trip?" Len asked.
"Since you guys decided to do whatever I said anyway." Rin pouted. She had a point there. We all did everything she suggested cause it had all sounded like fun.
"Are the teams the same as our buddies?" I asked.
"Uh huh!" Rin laughed. "Betcha us girls will come out cool as cucumbers while you guys run around screaming for your mothers!"
Miku had stayed pretty quiet the whole time. I noticed she didn't really want to go to the haunted house. I opened my mouth to suggest maybe we just head back to the car but then Rin pulled Miku inside. "Let's go!"
I looked at Len. "Let's WIN!"
Len nodded and we headed inside.
Len's POV:
We hadn't even walked for a minute when I heard Rin shriek. Then she started to giggle nervously.
It was almost pitch black inside so I couldn't see anything. I saw a bunch of clowns standing around. Since when did people start to try and make clowns scary? I think they look even more stupid wearing black and white with blood stains.
There was a bunch of staged murders and things like that as we walked.
"Ugh. This is really lame." I whispered to Mikuo.
He didn't answer. He had done this a few times and then he would poke me or something to try and make me freak out.
This time however...he actually wasn't there. I guess I must have lost him when we were in the maze.
Of course there had to be another maze just as I thought that. I'm terrible at mazes.
This one's walls were painted to look like the night sky and the walls were made to look like bushes.
Every once and a while I saw some sort of figure in a white mask pop his head over or through the bushes. It didn't really scare me much though. I knew it was all fake. If it was real I would be running and screaming for my life, but I wouldn't let Rin hear me scream in here.
I walked right into someone. That's how dark it was.
"Oops, sorry." I stretched my hand out to help them up because I heard them fall.
"Len? Is that you?" Miku asked in a small voice.
"Miku? Where's Rin?"
"I don't know. We just came through a room and then I turned and she wasn't there anymore."
Then some fake thunder boomed and a flash of lightning revealed the white mask guy.
Miku grabbed my arm. Of course they had to put fake thunder in here. It's like they knew she would have been fine with everything else but the thunder.
"Don't worry Miku." I said. "It's fake."
"I know...but I'm still scared of it."
Another fake flash and boom.
Miku's grip tightened.
"Okay...I'll get us out of here super fast." I took her hand and wandered around the maze. Every time the thunder boomed she jumped, or used her spare arm to clutch onto me.
Finally we got out, but it was evident that Mikuo and Rin were still inside somewhere. I took Miku over to a bench and we sat down. She laid her head on my shoulder and tried to calm down.
I looked around for a while.
There was a bunch of people running busily about. I could hear some screams coming from the haunted house still. The stars were mostly blotted out by all the street lights. There were two girls sitting on the bench across from us. One was maybe five and fast asleep. The other looked more me and Miku's age, and was sketching in a small book. She looked up at me and then back at her book and up and down again. What was she doing?
Two minutes later she stood up and came over to me and Miku, clutching her book.
"Um hi...I have something for you if that's okay." She said with an embarrassed smile.
Miku raised her head and looked at the girl. She saw the girl's nervousness and melted it away with a warm smile in return.
"I...uh. I drew you." She said to Miku and handed her the book.
Miku took it and looked at the page. It was Miku and I sitting on the bench with her head against my shoulder.
It was really good
"Oh wow! This is really good!" Miku cried.
"Yeah!" I echoed. I couldn't stop looking at the loving gaze she had drawn me and Miku with.
"You can keep it if you like!" The girl announced excitedly.
"Can we? I really would like too!" Miku smiled.
The girl nodded and tore the page out of the book. Then she bowed and said: "Arigatou! I mean...thank you!" And walked back to the bench.
Maybe she used to live in Japan too? Or she's just one of those people that really likes Anime.
"Now I have a picture for the frame you got!" Miku said happily. She carefully put the picture into the pocket of her sweatshirt.
Then Rin and Mikuo came running up.
"You would not believe..." Rin gasped. "How terrible it was in there."
"It wasn't that bad until that person grabbed you." Mikuo declared.
"Yeah, and get this. He wasn't part of the haunted house! Mikuo beat him up cause he started to drag me off, but I thought he was still apart of the house and I just screamed my head off."
"How did you know he wasn't apart of the house?" I asked Mikuo.
"Um, he wasn't wearing a costume. Plus he had been following your sister through all the rooms and the people are supposed to stay in their assigned rooms right?"
"How did you know he had been following her?" Miku asked.
"Because!" Mikuo cried exasperatedly. "He went in after us and when I bumped into Rin after I got lost in the maze he was following her still."
I had a ton of questions about that, and I wasn't sure if they were telling the truth or not but I decided to hold my peace.
"Let's go find mom and go home. I'm hungry." I announced.
"Same here. What's for dinner?" Mikuo laughed. "Not pizza please!"
As we left I side-glanced the girl who had given Miku and I the picture. She was picking up her sleeping sister and carrying her in the direction of the parking lot.
"HEY MOM!" Rin screamed as she ran over to our mom. "WE'RE HUNGRY LET'S GO HOME!
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