Chapter 3: Secretly Awesome
Warning! Long Chapter!!
Miku's POV:
I wake up to the sound of my alarm screaming its head off. I turn it off and look at the time. I need to get ready for school but my bed is EXTRA comfy right now. Why must it be so evil? I get up and change into my uniform. I quickly put my hair up in my usual twin tails. I need to have my hair up because it reaches my ankles and I trip on it a lot. I don't cut it because my oni-chan told me I should cut it. I think I'm a little stubborn.
When I go downstairs my oni-chan has already left for school and my dad is staring at his computer working on something. I grab a bowl of cereal and eat as quick as I can. I go back up to my room and brush my teeth and then I look for my backpack.
Oh yeah.
I don't have my backpack because some idiotic jerk took it. I grabbed my homework and binder and start walking to school. As I was walking I couldn't help but think about that boy. Especially after I passed the bakery pastry shop thingy place. I wish that I could see him again. He's the only one who has ever taken notice of me and could've been my friend. (Except Karen but she doesn't count cause she's an adult) Thinking of him made me sad, I know i'll never meet him again. That's how it would work.
I reach the school and a boy comes up to me. "Um is this your backpack?" he asks.
I look at the backpack he's holding out to me. Yup its got a leek charm on the zipper.
"Yeah." I say taking the bacpack.
"Sorry, It looks a lot like my backpack and I grabbed it instead." He muttered looking away and smiling sheepishly.
I nod and get into my classroom just as the bell rings. students start flooding into the classroom. Including that Luka girl.
"Miku!!!" I hear a voice yell. I turn and stare. What! It can't be!
The boy from yesterday comes up to me. "Hi Miku!" he says. Then he looks at the empty seat next to me. "Would the person who's sitting here be mad if I took their spot?" he asks.
Oh shoot I forgot his name.
"Um no, nobody is sitting there." I say smiling.
He looks surprised but then a huge grin crosses his face and he slams his stuff down on the desk.
"Then I claim this seat." He cries. I hear a few students giggle in the back.
I must not have been paying attention yesterday in class. I didn't notice that...Len! Yeah Len! was even in my class. (I remembered his name thankfully)
Mr. Shion comes in and looks at Len a little weird but then begins the lesson.
<><>Time Skip<><>
Len's POV:
(A/N:Flashback time!) "Hey dad?" I say coming into my dad's office.
"What is it Len?" My dad asks me. I can see he is reviewing some of the student's portfolios
"I want to switch classes." I say.
"What!" My dad shouts. "Did something happen with the boys again!?"
"No!" I cry shaking my head and arms. "I made a friend but they are in a different class than me."
"Len made a friend!!!!???" My mom comes into my dad's office screaming.
What the heck! Has mom been listening in!?
My dad is smiling at me...he looks really happy. "Perfect! Just give me the name of the student and I can have your schedule match theirs." My dad says.
"Miku Hatsune." I say not making eye contact with my mom. (This is a girl i made friends with, my mom will definitely take this the wrong way.)
My dad raises his eyebrows but his eyes are laughing. My mom starts clapping her hands and smiling like a maniac.
"Well alrighty then!" My dad announces and he immediately switches my schedule...
End flashback.
I am kind of realizing now that I'm never going to hear the end of this from my mom and my sister. Having a friend is worth it though. I wonder if Miku thinks of me as a friend yet. It's really easy to be my friend. I like pretty much everyone except for some of the boys in class that are...mean to me. And a few of the girls who are creepy.
I reach the cafeteria and I get my food. I look around for a spot to sit and I see Miku all the way in the back. She is sitting alone. Maybe she doesn't have any friends...just like me.
I walk over to where she's sitting. she is looking down at her lap but when she hears footsteps she looks up. I smile at her. "Can I sit here?" I ask. She nods and smiles. Her eyes were twinkling. Her eyes are a really deep blue. I was happily chomping on my banana and was about to bite into my sandwich but then I noticed that Miku wasn't eating.
"Did you already eat?" I ask her.
She looks at me startled for a minute. Kinda like: Did you just speak to me??? but then she gives me a fake smile and says: "Um, yeah I ate earlier."
I've used this trick to avoid lying. My dad said if he ever caught me lying he would make me dress in Rin's clothes for two days. So I would use these tricks to get away with it.
"How much earlier?" I ask her raising an eyebrow.
She blushed a little. HA! I knew it!
"Um...before school..." She says.
"Did you forget your lunch?" I wonder if I'm annoying her. She looks a little flustered.
"Yeah..." She says looking down. She seems...ashamed?
I dig out some extra pocket money. I would share my lunch but I already bit into that and she isn't my sibling so thats kinda gross.
"Here." I hand her the money.
"No no it's okay!" She says, "I'll just eat when I get home!"
I stare at her. School goes on for three or four more hours!
"Fine." She mutters and takes the money.
She comes back with an apple and a drink and hands me back the leftover money.
"Nuh uh." I say shaking my head and using my best impression of my dad. "You need protein missy."
She smiles and rolls her eyes. "Fine DAD."
Ha ha!
She finally comes back with a sandwich along with the apple and juice. "Is this enough?" She asks.
"Yep!" I cry taking another bite of my sandwich.
<><>Time Skip<><>
Miku's POV:
I'm skipping music again today. It's the last class and it doesn't REALLY affect my grade THAT much. It's more of a club than a class. I decide to stay at my desk again but this time I put my backpack on my back so it doesn't get stolen again (although it wasn't super comfortable). I lay my head on my desk but then I hear a thud outside the door. This classroom is right at the end of the hallway and music is all the way on the other side. Nobody should be over here right now, but I definitely heard something.
I slide open the door and I see three boys. Two of them are standing over the third who is pinned against the corner. I look a little closer and I see the boy is Len.
"You think by changing classes you can get rid of us?" one of them laughed and punched Len in the gut.
WHAT THE HECK? Okay think Miku!!! You need to get Len out of here, but these guys are really athletic looking and your just a girl...AHA! A GIRL!!! I have the perfect plan!
I walk over to one and tap him on the shoulder. He whips around. and narrows his eyes at me.
"Oh wow!" I squeal. "You are SO HOT!" Ugh I'm barfing on the inside.
The dude looks taken aback for a minute as he looks me over and then he smiles at me. Ugh he is super creepy.
I look past him and his fellow goon who is also staring at me a little surprised. Although his expression was nothing compared to Len's, his eyes looked ready to pop out and he was all red in the face and freaked out.
"Is that Len?" I ask.
The dude looks unsure of how to answer. He doesn't seem to want me to know he's beating poor Len up.
"Do you mind? I kinda have a score to settle with him." I say trying my best to look like Neru: Tall. sly, and flirty. I kept my eyes narrowed a tiny bit.
The goon laughs and throws Len onto the floor. The two goons stand on either side of me, blocking Len from running. Len was on his knees staring up at me. He looked scared and confused.
"Looks like your going to get an EXTRA beating today Kagamine!" One of the goons laughed. I rolled up my sleeves and Len's eyes got even wider. (Which I didn't think was possible.)
I step forward, did a little teenagery girl hair flip and drew my arm back. Len looks down trying to protect his face. The goons laugh but they don't laugh for long. Instead of punching Len I whip around and punched them both as Hard as I could in the jaw. One of them fell to the ground and the other stumbled back. Len peeped his eyes open when he heard them fall. I grabbed Len's arm and started running as fast as I could. He caught on and ran too.
We ran out of the school and kept on running until we got to the park. I collapsed under a tree and panted like a dog. Len sat down too and laid his head against the tree. He closed his eyes and panted even worse than I was.
I reflected over what happened and laughed at myself. I am secretly super awesome.
Len's POV:
What on earth!!!!!! Did that even just happen? I mean I guess it did since I am sitting under a tree at the park instead of getting beaten up at the school.
I was honestly starting to think Miku was part of their little Let's Bully Kagamine group. I could feel my face getting all red when she was talking to the first goon. It made me angry for some reason. Then Miku's voice brought me back to reality.
"I wonder if they live by the rule: Don't hit girls." She said, with a half worried half laughing expression on her face.
I started laughing like a maniac. I actually started crying partly because I was laughing so hard and partly because it hurt my stomach where I was punched to laugh. Miku started to panic.
"Oh my gosh! He went hysterical! AH! What do I do? Len are you seriously hurt? Can you even hear me? Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!!" She stood over me and her big beautiful eyes were staring worriedly down at me. I stopped laughing and looked up at her. I closed my eyes and leaned towards her.
"Um Len, what're you doing???" She asks me. My eyes shoot open and I laugh a little nervously. "Uh nothing, I just got hit really hard on the stomach and, uh it hurts. so I uh, bent forward to see if it would feel better that way..."
"Ah! Maybe I should take you to the school nurse to get checked!" She cried.
"No! I'm fine!!!" I yell jumping up. I did NOT want to see the school nurse for two reasons, one is it would risk running into those idiots and the other is she would have to tell my father about it and then he would ask me why I was there and then he would get mad cause I got beat up again and then he would make me switch schools and then I wouldn't be able to see Miku!!! Am I overthinking this? I do that sometimes.
"If your sure..." She hesitated.
"YES! I'm sure!!!" I yell.
"Shh!" Miku shushes me and she gestures around. I become aware of the fact that people are staring at us. I blush a little. Whoops.
"Len, why don't you come to my house and we can have a snack or something." She says.
Ah! A snack sounds nice. I wonder if they have any bananas.
I nod and we start walking to her house. When we reach her house Miku fumbles a little with a key and inserts it into the lock. She opens the door and we start to head inside.
"GET OUT!" A voice screams. "GET THE HECK OUT!!!"
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