Chapter 21: Realistic Peril.
A/N: Annnnnnnnd a HUGE thank you to my new follower: !!!! Mikuo's POV:
Mikuo's POV:
It was pretty much time for school. I should really be running out the door, but Miku hadn't come down yet. She's usually a super early riser, but lately she's been getting up later and later.
"Miku!?" I yelled. I ran upstairs and went into her room. "Miku we gotta get to school." I said.
She was still laying in bed with the covers pulled over her face.
"I don' wanna go..." She groaned.
"Miku don't be a baby...come on! You're going to be late!" I announced.
"I don't feel right..." Miku mumbled.
"Oh come on." I whispered to myself. I walked over to her bed and pulled the covers off her face. She looked awful. Her face was super red and her eyes had dark circles under them.
I placed my hand on her forehead. It was really warm.
"Miku I think you have a should probably stay home..." I said.
Miku nodded a little.
I closed her door and headed out to school. Hope she feels better.
Miku's POV:
<><><><>Time Skip<><><><> (By around an hour)
I felt so warm. Everything was burning. I kept seeing shadows. My heart was racing so fast I could barely breath. I jumped at every little noise. I started to lose my common sense. All I could see was darkness. Every noise was exaggerated. I felt like I was in a horror film and the jump scare was about to happen.
What could I do? I needed help...I needed...I needed the police! The police could help me! They could get rid of it!
I grabbed my phone and dialed a number.
"I need help!"
"What? What's wrong!?"
"They're here! I need help!"
Everything started to spin. I felt like I was in an oven it was so hot.
"Who's there? Are you okay?"
"" I moaned.
Then it all went black.
<><><>Another time skip YAY!<><><><>
My eyes opened. I don't remember what had happened. I was still really hot but not as much as before. Then I heard a crash. I jumped to my feet...(had I been lying down?) and looked out my window. I didn't see anything. I heard footsteps downstairs and a voice. The world started to spin again and it was all I could do to not fall over. Then my door opened. I saw a shadowy figure, it paused when it saw me. Then quicker then lightning the thing lunged at me and everything went back to being black.
???'s POV:
"Is this the house?" I asked the kid in the backseat, turning off the siren and grabbing my taser.
"Yes!" The boy cried. The fear in his voice was evident.
"Stay here kid." I commanded. Then turned to my partner. "Let's go."
We ran into the house.
"POLICE! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!" My partner shouted.
I heard a scuffle of feet from the family room.
Some guy came out with his hands up.
My partner crossed over and put handcuffs on him.
"Hello!?" I yelled.
There wasn't any answer.
"Where's she?" My partner asked the criminal.
"Upstairs. Closet." Was the reply.
I hurried up the stair and went into the first room I saw. I opened what I thought would be the closet door and saw the girl. Her hands were tied up and she had a piece of tape over her mouth.
I undid the knots and pulled off the tape. The girl was unconscious.
"Hey...wake up..." I said.
She of course...didn't wake up. She was extremely pale and her forehead far too warm.
"Hey!" I called down to my partner. "Call an ambulance! I think she's sick!"
Ten minutes later the ambulance came. The boy ran inside with a worried expression when he saw it.
"Is she okay!?" He cried.
"I don't know..." I admitted. She looked really terrible.
The ambulance brought away the girl and the boy (he insisted on going with her). I had to wait at the house for the parents to return home so I could inform them of what had happened.
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