Each and every one of the Leaguers had tried to talk to Phantom but none of them could get him to talk. He just sat there and glared at them, the only thing he would do is glare at them until they left the cell. The teen also wouldn't eat, if someone tried to get close to him to give him food he'd growl and his eyes would glow brighter.
The Leaguers found out that he was hurt, badly, but he wouldn't let anyone close enough to take care of the wounds. The blood from Phantom's wounds had dried on the bandages he had used before and when he took them off it reopened the wounds. The heroes ended up leaving a medical kit in the cell and Phantom took care of his wounds himself.
The Leaguers had cameras in the room but they hadn't been working ever since Phantom was put in the cell. Batman had been trying to find out why the government was looking for him but he hadn't found anything. It had already been a week, at this rate he was actually worried that Phantom would die from not eating, he wouldn't even drink water.
Batman mentally sighed before he got up from his desk at the watchtower, he had one more trick up his sleeve. Batman used the zeta tubes to go to the mountain, the team walked into the room after a minute or two. Batman silently hoped that this would work as they walked into the room and waited to see why he was here.
"This isn't a mission, the League has recently captured someone that the government is looking for."
Aqualad looked confused, "What does that have to do with us?"
"The person we captured is a teenager, we have no idea why the government is looking for him and until we find out we aren't turning him in. The only problem is that ever since he was captured he refuses to talk, won't let anyone get near him, and he hasn't even eaten. He was injured when he was brought in and we had to leave a medical kit in the room so he could take care of his wounds on his own."
Artemis crossed her arms, "So how long has it been since he was captured?"
"A week, the only time he spoke was right after he was taken was to ask if we knew why the government wanted him to be captured. We've tried asking what his name is and he won't even tell us that, the government won't tell us anything either. That's why I'm bringing all of you to the watchtower to talk to him, he might talk to someone that's closer to his age."
It wasn't long before Batman lead the team through the zeta tubes that took them to the mountain. Batman had already talked to the rest of the Leaguers about this and they all agreed that it was their best shot at getting the teen to talk. When they got to the cell Batman looked at the team, "Each of you are going to go inside on your own to talk to him."
Superboy gave Batman a strange look, "Why?"
"He might be even more reluctant to talk to anyone if there are a lot of people in the room. He's chained up so you don't have to worry about him lashing out, we need to get him to talk." The young heroes nodded and Megan was the first person to be sent inside and the heroes waited outside.
After Megan walked inside she closed the door and she looked at the glowing teen sitting on the other side of the room. He glared at her and she froze for a split second before she smiled, "Hi." The white haired teens eyes narrowed and Megan wondered if she should just leave but she was still willing to try.
She took a deep breath before she spoke again, "I'm Miss Martian, what's your name?" The teens glare became ice cold and Megan was sure that the teen didn't want to talk to her so she reluctantly left the room. The other heroes looked at her and she shook her head, Aqualad, Superboy, and Artemis didn't do any better.
Kid Flash was the next one to go inside and he hoped that he'd do better then the other, partially because he actually seemed a little scary. When he walked inside the teen was leaning against the wall from where he was sitting, he looked irritated. Kid Flash was surprised, he looked like he was Robin's age, which was sixteen, Kid Flash smiled nervously, "Hi."
The teen rolled his eyes in annoyance before he glared at KF and the speedster was even more nervous. He tried to act normal, "I'm Kid Flash but you can call me KF, what's your name?" The teen looked beyond pissed by now and he growled menacingly, KF ran out of the room and closed the door as fast as he could.
The heroes outside the door looked confused and KF cleared his throat a little, "He wasn't very happy."
Robin mentally sighed, "Looks like it's my turn then." Before anyone could say anything he walked into the cell and closed the door before he turned to look at the teen. His eyes widened a bit when he looked at him, he was literally chained up and mental studs for a wall were bent around him.
He understood that he was probably dangerous but this seemed a bit excessive, he was just a teenager. He also looked absolutely exhausted and thin, even if he hadn't eaten for a week he shouldn't be this bad. Robin could understand why he didn't want to talk to anyone, he wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't eating because he didn't trust them.
Robin sat across from the teen on the opposite side of the room, the teen didn't glare at him, he actually looked like he was observing him. Robin mentally sighed, "I'm sorry."
Phantom was surprised, he hesitated for a second, "Your apologizing?"
Now it was Robin's turn to be surprised, the teen raised an eyebrow and Robin shook his head a little. "Sorry, I just didn't expect you to talk."
Phantom tsked, "All of your friends expected me to, now tell me why you're apologizing."
Robin looked at his hands before he looked at the teen again, "You shouldn't have been chained up. We don't even know why the government is looking for you and yet we locked you up, it just doesn't seem right."
Phantom quietly sighed as he leaned against the wall behind him again, "You'd be the first."
Robin looked confused, "What do you mean?"
"Lets just say people don't normally feel bad for me or think that me getting locked up isn't right."
Robin looked at the teen sadly, "I'm sorry, I really am."
Phantom actually wanted to smile but he didn't, Robin noticed that the teen seemed to relax a bit, he almost seemed kinder now. Phantom spoke again, "What's your name?"
Robin smiled a little, "Robin, care to tell me yours?"
Phantom sighed, "Just don't tell anyone." Robin's smile widened as he nodded and Phantom actually smiled just a little, "Phantom."
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