On The Run
It had been about a month since the Justice League had caught Phantom and they had finally learned his name. The government still didn't know that they let Phantom go so they hadn't done anything about the fact that they let him go. After a lot of arguing and severe headaches the government, or the GIW specifically, had told them a little more about Phantom.
The only things they told them were that his name was Phantom and he had powers, they also said he was dangerous and Robin had rolled his eyes when he heard that. Robin called Phantom every night to make sure he was okay since he now had a good idea of what Phantom had been through on a daily basis. Phantom would always pick up and sometimes he'd have to call the hero back but he always picked up.
Phantom had been hiding from all of the people that had been hunting him and he was getting annoyed. Phantom was a bit irritated that the Justice League knew his name but at least Robin hadn't told them. He had started to trust the young hero when he was locked up but now he trusted him even more, Robin was nice to him.
Phantom was currently on the roof of a building leaning on the small structure that lead to the stairs. He did someone a favor in his human form and they gave him some money, he used it to buy food and a bottle of water. He finished off the bottle of water and he sighed, the full moon had passed two nights ago so the moon was starting to disappear a bit.
It was a bit cold out since winter wasn't far away but he couldn't feel the cold thanks to his ice core. Robin had already talked to him that night and said he had a mission so Phantom could just find somewhere to stay for the night and just chill out (haha, puns). Phantom pulled his mask up before he jumped from the top of the building and landed on the ground without a sound.
Phantom was about to walk away when a blast was sent his way and he saw five figures in the shadows. "Fuck." Phantom took a step back before he ran down the alley he had jumped into, he could fly but he wouldn't have any cover. He could also use his powers but they could still track him, the best thing to do was stay hidden and destroy their trackers.
He also had to make sure they weren't leading him into any traps because he had learned from the first time that not paying attention could get him killed. Phantom ran down the alley and hid behind a dumpster, he saw the tracker but he couldn't destroy it without risking getting seriously injured.
He growled to himself and he saw that they were getting too close to him so he ran, he dodged their shots as he ran and he looked for new cover. There was a branching path and since Phantom didn't have much of a choice he dove for the other path. One shot had already grazed his arm and another hit his back, he needed to destroy that tracker and get away.
Phantom kept running and he came to a large space surrounded by buildings, that wouldn't have been so bad but there was no cover. Phantom cursed himself before he heard running footsteps and he turned to the ones that were chasing him. Phantom glared at them before they started shooting at him and he dodged the shots and sent a few ecto-blasts at them.
The team of young heroes had just completed their mission when Superboy heard running and shooting. Superboy stopped walking and Megan noticed after a second, she gave Superboy a confused look. "What's wrong Superboy?"
The others stopped and Superboy looked at them, "I can hear gunshots."
Everyone's eyes widened before they all headed to where Superboy said the gunshots were coming from. It took them less then three minutes to get there and when they did they were all shocked and slightly horrified. Five people were aiming blasters at Phantom and they were still firing, Phantom was dodging them but he was injured and looked tired.
Phantom sent an ecto-blast at one of them and it hit a device on an older woman's hip and knocked it away from her. Phantom turned his attention to the device and shot at it one more time, it broke and Phantom smirked from under his black mask. Not even a second later a blast hit his leg and another hit his shoulder, he hit the ground and only hissed in pain.
He looked at the small group and he quickly avoided a few more shots by rolling out of the way. He landed in a kneeling position and he sent a few ecto-blasts at them but none of them hit his enemies which Robin found odd. Phantom put up a shield but he knew he wouldn't be able to keep it up for long, he was already exhausted.
Robin had enough at this point and he threw a few exploding disks at the group that was shooting at Phantom. The group stopped shooting at Phantom for a few seconds and Robin ran to help Phantom, the team followed a minute later. Phantom let the shield fall and Robin helped the halfa stand before he turned to glare at the ones that hurt his friend.
The other team members put themselves between Phantom and the group, all five of them glared at Phantom. The younger male pointed his blaster at the teens but Phantom shot it with an ecto-blast and the blaster fell from his hands. The youngest female sent Phantom a death glare, "You'll pay for that."
Phantom rolled his eyes, "Like I haven't already." Before anyone could say anything Phantom created a sheet of ice under everyone's feet and hit it with several ecto-blasts. Fog filled the air and Phantom yelled to the young heroes, "Run!"
Running footsteps could be heard as the second youngest woman spoke, "Don't let it get away!" The five tried to see Phantom through the fog but by the time it cleared he was gone, and so were the young heroes. Phantom made sure the heroes were a safe distance from the group before he told them they should be safe.
Phantom glared at the group, "Why the fuck are you here?"
Robin got a bit closer to Phantom, "The place we had to go for our mission was nearby, we were heading back when Superboy heard gunshots. We went to see what was going on and we saw you getting attacked, we couldn't just sit by and do nothing."
Phantom crossed his arms as he leaned against the building behind him, "You couldn't sit by and do nothing, they couldn't care less." Phantom looked at the other heroes when he said the last part and a few of them either looked shocked or offended.
Megan spoke, "Why wouldn't we care?" Phantom just tsked before he put his hands in his pockets and he pushed away from the wall.
Phantom began to walk away but he stopped, "You asked me why you wouldn't care, but you haven't given me a reason to think you would." Phantom didn't even look at them as he spoke and once he was done he continued walking before he jumped from wall to wall. He reached the roof of the building to his left and he ran across the rooftops and he disappeared once again.
Hello! So, a few quick matters to address. First, life is still being a jerk so I'm sorry if I miss an update or two. Second, I've forgotten what I was going to do with We're All We Have Left so that story is on hold at the moment. And third, I ask that you please be patient with me because I do post on other websites and I do have school so time isn't always on my side. Once again I'm sorry but I'm really trying guys! See you next time dear readers!
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