Phantom was currently hiding, he had a horrible wound on his left side and he wasn't sure how long he'd be able to hide. If he was found or he didn't take care of the wound he'd be more then half dead but he had to wait. He was hoping that he had lost them, he was straining his enhanced hearing to see if they were gone or not.
After a minute he heard something, "Damn it, where did it go?" It was a female voice, he could take a few guesses as to who it was, he waited to see if there was anyone else with her.
"It can't have gone far, it might have slipped past us and doubled back." Another female voice, this one sounded younger then the first.
"That thing could be anywhere by now but we'll find it." A male voice, he wouldn't be surprised if the others were there as well.
A new voice groaned, "Why does it keep running anyways, it knows it'll be found sooner of later." A younger male voice, that just left one more that was yet to be accounted for.
"It'll have to come out of hiding soon, let's just wait it out." There was the last voice, the voice of a young female, it was younger then the first female but older then the second. Phantom heard their retreating footsteps and he waited for another three minutes before he sighed and left his hiding spot.
He managed to find a hospital and he went invisible and intangible so he could find a medical kit. He took care of his wounds before he put the medical kit back and he left to figure out what to do next. He knew he was in Metropolis but that was pretty much the only thing he knew, he had to leave as soon as he could.
He soon lost the ability to use his powers because he was exhausted, he hadn't slept in almost a week and he was injured. That's why he ended up running through alleys and using his enhanced hearing to make sure he avoided people so they didn't see him. He was running through what seemed like the hundredth alley when a figure appeared in front of him.
He cursed himself for not hearing them sooner but when he saw who it was he had to bite back a growl. Superman was in front of him with a face so serious that Batman would be proud, "Stop right there." Phantom took a small step back when Superman spoke, he really wasn't having a good day today.
"I don't want to fight you."
Superman crossed his arms, "Then give yourself up and come with me."
Phantom mentally sighed, Superman couldn't see his eyes but if he could he'd see the slight sadness and exhaustion on his face. "Have you ever known that line to work?" Superman suddenly lunged at him and Phantom dodged before he grabbed Superman's cape before he threw Superman in the air. Phantom jumped from wall to wall in the alley until he was above Superman and he punched the hero in the face.
Superman crashed to the ground and Phantom landed lightly on his feet, he really didn't want to fight the hero. Phantom was about to speak when Superman flew at him and kept trying to land a hit and Phantom dodged the attacks. Phantom was doing well until his wounds flared up and he faltered for a split second which gave Superman the opportunity to land a hit.
Phantom flew through a wall and Phantom's wounds flared up a second time because of the impact. When he looked around he saw that this room must have been getting renovated because there were building materials. There were metal studs for what he guessed would soon be a new wall and Phantom tried to get up but he was in too much pain.
Superman walked over to the metal studs and he bent them around Phantom's wrists despite the teens struggles. He also bent one around his upper arms and chest to further restrain his movements. Phantom wasn't completely sure when it happened but they ended up at the watchtower.
The only thing he knew was that he had been struggling the whole time, it hurt like hell but he didn't give a damn. When they got to the watchtower Superman put him in what looked like a cell, chained him up, and left. Phantom would have tried to break out but the heroes would try to stop him, not only that but he was too weak.
When Superman left Phantom in the cell he went to the meeting that the Leaguers were having. He had warned them that he might not make it but since he was already here he figured he should tell them about the teen. They had all heard of the teen since the government was after him but they knew next to nothing about him.
Superman walked into the meeting room and he looked at the other Leaguers, they waited to hear what happened. "That guy the government's looking for showed up in Metropolis, I managed to catch him and he's in one of the cells."
Batman stood, "This meeting will have to wait then." Batman had everyone except Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, and Superman leave, the four of them were going to see the teen. Superman lead them to where Phantom was and the three heroes were a bit shocked, he was younger then they thought he would be.
Superman had been shocked when he first saw Phantom but he matched the description they were given of the teen perfectly. Long black coat, white boots, black pants, white belt, white shirt, and white gloves, along with a black fabric mask that covered the bottom half of his face but he had it down at the moment.
His white hair and green eyes were unmistakable, one thing they hadn't known about the teen was that he glowed. His skin was naturally pale but it was even more pale due to his exhaustion and the blood loss. The four Leaguers saw the tiredness in his eyes, as well as sadness and what looked like hopelessness.
Batman walked in with the other three behind him and Phantom stared at all of them with a calculating look. Batman actually felt a bit nervous and he took a deep breath, "So your the teen the government has been looking for."
Phantom tsked, "Why the fuck do you care."
The four were surprised but Batman answered anyway, "We were asked to catch you if we saw you."
Phantom glared at them, "Do you even know why they're looking for me, the real reason why they wanted you to help look for me?" Batman paused for a minute, now that he thought about it they hadn't been given a reason, they just agreed to help. Phantom mentally sighed, "I'll take your silence as a no, your just as bad as them."
Batman gave Phantom a confused look, "What do you mean." Phantom didn't say anything, after several minutes the Leaguers left, Batman wanted to know what the teen meant, he'd have to do some digging.
New story! I won't be updating We're All We Have Left today because life still wants to he a persistent ass but I'm trying. I hope you like the chapter and I'll see you next time dear readers!
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