Batman and Robin went to the mountain to tell the team that they were going to try to get the teen released. The young heroes practically begged to go with and after several minutes Batman agreed to let them go with. When they got to the watchtower Robin looked at Batman, "I've got to talk to him about something so go on without me."
Before anyone could respond Robin headed to Phantom's cell, he hoped Phantom wouldn't be mad that he knew some of his secrets. Robin walked into the cell and sat down across from Phantom, the halfa raised an eyebrow, "What the hell's with that look?"
Robin was confused, "What are you talking about?"
Phantom rolled his eyes but in a light hearted sort of way, "You've got this look on your face that says something is bothering you."
Robin hesitated for a second before he sighed, "I found the GIW's files about you."
Phantom hummed, "So what did you find exactly?"
"Tests they did on you, your real name, what you are, and that you used to be a hero before you disappeared."
Phantom thought for a second before he responded, "Have you told anyone?"
Robin shook his head, "I figured you didn't want people knowing, I told Batman not to give you to the government but I didn't tell him about what I found."
Phantom sighed, "I wish you didn't have to see any of that but I guess that's a stupid thing to say now."
Robin looked at Phantom sadly, "Are you really half human and half ghost, did all of that really happen to you?"
"Yup, I'm only half alive and I was experimented on and tortured by the GIW."
Phantom's tone changed as he spoke and Robin felt horrible, he hadn't done anything wrong. "I'm sorry Phantom, you don't deserve any of this."
Phantom shrugged, "It's not about what I deserve, this is reality and no one can change it."
Robin sighed, "It doesn't make it okay."
Phantom laughed humorlessly, "That depends on how you look at it."
Robin was about to ask what he meant when the door opened and Phantom glared at Batman. Batman looked at the teen, "The league has agreed to release you, you'll be let out after a few of the other leaguers come to release you and escort you out of the watchtower."
Phantom rolled his eyes but he still didn't say anything, Batman left the room and Phantom huffed in irritation. "Like they had a choice in whether or not I'd be able to leave."
Robin laughed a little, "I'm guessing you've had something up your sleeve this whole time."
Phantom smirked, "You could say that." As soon as Phantom was done talking he went intangible and he stood up as the chains and other restraints fell to the floor.
Robin's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, "How did you do that?"
Phantom had an amused expression on his face, "Being half ghost has it's upsides, the ghost powers is just one of them." Phantom held out his hand to Robin and the hero looked shocked before he smiled and grabbed Phantom's hand. The halfa's hand was cold but Robin liked it, he didn't want to let go of Phantom's hand but he forced himself to let go.
Phantom leaned against the opposite wall from the door and when Batman walked in he glared at him. Batman was surprised that Phantom was out of his restraints and he looked at Robin, "How did he get out of his restraints?"
Robin simply smiled before he responded, "Not telling." Batman quietly sighed before he gestured for the two to follow him out of the room and he left. Robin walked out with Phantom not too far behind, the team, Batman, Superman, Red Tornado, and Captain Marvel were all waiting for them.
Phantom glared at all of them and a few of them looked uncomfortable, Phantom made sure to send a glare straight at Superman. Batman spoke, "Let's go to the zeta tubes to get you out of here." Batman directed the sentence at Phantom and the halfa put up the black cloth mask to cover everything from his nose down.
Robin grabbed Phantom's wrist to lightly tug him in the direction they needed to go, before letting him go. Phantom didn't growl or even glare at him, he just turned to follow the young hero and even walked beside him. The others were surprised since they had all tried to talk to the teen and he wouldn't let them anywhere near him.
When they got to the zeta tubes they appeared in a random city and it was night, Phantom stared at the full moon for a second. When all of the heroes had walked out of the zeta tubes Robin stared at Phantom, the moonlight made Phantom look unreal, like he was something that was too beautiful for this world.
Phantom took a few steps before he started floating in the air and he smiled to himself as he felt the wind lightly blow his hair and clothes. Phantom took something out of his pocket and turned to Robin and tossed it to him, "Call if you need me." With that, Phantom turned and flew through the air and out of sight as the heroes stared in shock.
Robin was the only one that wasn't surprised, he just smiled because Phantom was free like he should be. He was sad that Phantom was still being hunted and he might get caught again but at least Phantom wasn't being held against his will. The heroes went back to the watchtower after a few minutes and Robin kept the phone like device Phantom gave him clutched tightly in his hand.
Phantom enjoyed the freedom of flying for a few minutes before he decided to figure out where he was to decide out what to do. Phantom found out where he was after almost an hour of trying to figure it out and he decided to find somewhere to sleep. He wondered if giving Robin the option of staying in touch with him was a good idea but he couldn't bring himself to regret the decision.
Life hates me. The good news is that I've got about a week of nothing to do aside from school so life is calm right now! I'll be updating regularly for as long as I can, hooray! See you next time dear readers!
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