Chapter 2 and A/N
Your Pov
I was in a very bright and white place but I didn't know what was going on.I saw Irene my mother apeer in front of me so I hugged her and not wanting to let her go.
Irene:Y/N..I missed you so.
Me(Y/N):Mom!I miss you!Why did you have to go away?!
Irene:I am sorry my Y/N.You also have to wake up for your new friends and for Star.
Me:But what about you mother?!I don't want you to leave me again!I w-will miss you!
I started crying but Irene wiped my tears away while we were both still hugging each other.
Irene:Don't fear my darling.But you have to wake up.Also take will help you take better control of your powers.
My mom gives me a golden beautiful locket that is a heart so I had put it around my neck.
Irene:One more thing my child.
Me:Yes mother?!
Irene:I have never told you that you had a sister..
Me:Whats her name mother?
Irene:Her name is Aphmau.You have found her with those two guards.Here..give her this golden star locket as well..
Irene gives me another golden locket similer to mine but hers was a star and mine was a heart.Before I could say anything else I woke up in a room all by myself so I sat up rubbing my head then there was a knock on the door and the same girl walked in.
Girl:I see your finally awake!You feeling any better? fine now.Also whats your name?My name is Y/N.
Girl:Oh!Nice to meet you Y/N!My name is Aphmau!
I look at the locket that was in my hand and remembered what my mother had told me.
Me:Aphmau?APHMAU!Aphmau!I have something for you from my mother!
Aphmau:And who is that if I may ask?
Me:Lady Irene of course!
I take off my cloak to show my wings,S/F/C ears and tail,my E/C eyes,my H/L H/C hair,and my S/C skin.I handed her the star locked and hugged her after she had put it on.
Aphmau:What are you doing?
Me:Oh yeah!I forgot to mention!Guess what!
Me:My mother had told me that..
I stopped hugging her and looked at her.
Me:My mother had told me that were sisters!
Aphmau:So that means..
Me:Yes!Your mother is Irene as well!
Aphmau squealed then hugged me so I had also hugged back then I heard footsteps comeing closer to the door so I had froze time and put on my cloak.I put on the hood of my cloak then unfroze time to see a confused Aphmau of how I got my cloak back on without her seeing.The door opened to the guard "Garroth".
Garroth:Is everything alright Aphmau?!I heard some type of 'squeal'!
Aphmau:Yes Garroth!Everything is better because I found out that Y/N here is my sister!
Garroth:Who's Y/N?
Aphmau:The girl in the cloak Garroth!
Garroth:If I may ask who is your mothers?
Me and Aphmau:Lady Irene!
Garroth fell down and onto his butt when he heard that making me and Aphmau laugh from his action.Garroth's face went red when Aphmau and I started laughing so Garroth had quickly gotten up punching us playfully on the shoulders.
~Time skip to after you meet everyone and to were your in a dream~
It was all white again and Irene had apeerd in front of you again but it didn't seem like her.She looked...angry?
Me:Mother?Whats wrong?
She didn't respond she just looked at me with glare.She then made a glowing white sword apeer and was about to hit me with it in till it in till the scene faded away and into a blood red room.I smelt blood in the air so I looked at my self only to see I was covered in the same crimson red blood as the room.I heard a scream and I heard that it was Aphmau so I ran twords her voice.
Me:Aphmau?!Aphmau where are you?!
I saw her with tears and fear in her eyes but someone was in front of her laughing.When I ran closer I saw it was me was like a darker and a shadow like version of me.Aphmau was standing on top of a cliff so I had ran faster with her screaming and getting backed up to the ledge.
Darker me:Aphmau...nows your time to die!
It was to late...the darker me had pushed Aphmau off the cliff and all I could do was fall to my knees,cry,and hear a large SPLAT as she hit the bottom of the cliff.I could of saved her..I could of helped her but no..all I did was watch so I ran up to the cliff and jumped off and then I....
A/N CLIFF HANGER!MUHAHAHA!Sorry but I am getting pain in my chest and no not heart burn and no not a heart attack.But it hurts when I breath and don't breath.I also am getting the case of writers block!
Oh!And also before I forget NO you do NOT die in this!I REPEAT!YOU.DO.NOT.DIE!
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