A little fan fiction thingy XD!!!!
~OK! To start off, if you are not a Laurmau shipper and don't like that stuff then, I advise you to stop reading right now XD! But if your ok with that stuff then, READ ON! FORWARD MY SHIPPERS! XD~
~P.S This has no Y/N character in this, I'M SORRY! Also, this is a MyStreet one XD~
*Laurence POV*
I woke up to footsteps stomping around the house. I groaned and got out of bed, rubbing my eyes and opening the door to my room only to be knocked into someone and onto the ground. "Hey! Who did that?!" I asked, since I couldn't see the person who did it. "Oh, sorry Laurence! I am being chased around by Garroth! Gotta go bye!" I hear Dante say, getting off of me and running off. Only to be chased by Garroth, who is right behind him. I laughed it off and went into the kitchen then started looking through the fridge, looking for a little snack.
I got out an apple, now you might be asking "Why do you have an apple in the fridge?". Well, I like to keep my apples cold, don't know why but I like them colder. I went outside and over to Aphmau's house while eating the apple then knocked on her door.
"Aphmau~Senpai, can you please get the door for Kawii~Chan? Kawii~Chan is making cookies and are almost done with them! Kawii~Chan just doesn't want the cookies to burn!" I heard Kawii~Chan through the door say. "Ok Kawii~Chan!" I heard Aphmau say, going up to the door and opening it to reveal me, done eating the apple. "Oh, hey Laurence! What brings you here?" Aphmau said, a red tint going up to her face a bit. "I just wanted to come by, may I come in?" I said, throwing my apple without anyone knowing (Don't question it! XD).
"S-sure!" Aphmau said, stepping out of the the way so I could get in. "Thanks!" I said, going in the house and sitting down on the couch. Aphmau soon sat down next to me on the couch. "Kawii~Chan's cookies are done! Oh, Laurence~Sama! Your here? OH, does Laurence~Sama and Aphmau~Senpai want some cookies?!" Kawii~Chan said, putting cookies on Aphmau's and I's lap. "Sure, why not?" I said, picking one up and eating it. "Thanks Kawii~Chan!" Aphmau said, eating one. Kawii~Chan just giggles and goes up into her room, weird.
"So, I guess were alone down here, huh.." Aphmau said, nibbling on a cookie. "You look cute nibbling that cookie. You know that, right?" I said, looking over at her to see her face all red. I started laughing. "W-whats so funny?!" Aphmau said, eating up her cookie. "It's just that, you look so cute when your blushing! Don't deny that!" I said, wiping the cookie crumbs off her face. Her face just got redder by the second when I did that so, I laughed harder from seeing her face.
"S-stop laughing at me! I-it's not f-funny!" Aphmau said, hiding her face with her hair. "I love you, you know that, right?" I said, eating a cookie again. A few minuets past and she wasn't saying anything so I looked at her only for her lips to crash into mine. My eyes widen as she kissed me so I stayed there, in shock. "I-I...w-what..?" I said, blushing harder than Aphmau (If that's possible? XD). "So, you look cute when YOUR blushing!" Aphmau said, laughing at my face.
"Well then, I have a question Aphmau. Would. You. Like. To. Be. My. Girlfriend?" I said, waiting for her reaction. She scooted closer to me and screamed "YES! Y. E. S!". She hugged me while we both laughed. "You had me worried there Aph! I love you Aphmau." I said, while she kept hugging me. "I love you too!" She said, while we both snuggled on the couch. Soon falling asleep on the couch, still snuggling happily.
~A/N: OK, thanks for reading! This is for my friend, Amya, because we had a challenge of who could write the better fan fic, XD. She chose Garmau well, because she ships it, and I chose Laurmau well, because I ship it, XD! She doesn't have an account so she wont be uploading one, but she is giving it to me on pencil and papper but, I don't write very good so I decided to write it on this XD. Sorry if your not Laurmau fans XD. PEACE MY TIGERS!~
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