Narrator: Kaitlyn running towards Travis house worried that he may be already dead. Kaitlyn gets to Travis only to find him dead on the ground. Kaitlyn: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH what happened noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Laurence: I killed him. Narrator: Kaitlyn turns around just to only meet face to face with the monster all mash up with every one he ate. Kaitlyn: I AM NOT GOING DOWN WITH OUT A FIGHT YOU BIG BLOB!!! Laurence: you think you can beat me i like to see you try , i am powerful. Kaitlyn: and ugly. Lucinda: You got that right, I've seen frogs look better that then you. Kaitlyn and Laurence: LUCINDA!! Narrator: Lucinda as the light shining down on her her skin glistening through the cracks through the ceiling, turns around and shoots and kills the blob. Laurence, Aphmau, Garroth, Aaron, Travis: WHAT IN THE NAME OF IRENE JUST HAPPEND!!! Kaitlyn, Lucinda: A bad dream?Laurence, aphamu, garroth, Aaron,travis : Oh ok we can believe that. Narrator: Laurence Aphmau Travis Aaron Lucinda and Kaitlyn walk home and they live happily ever afater the e....... But what you didn't know that this was all a dream and never happend. Kaitlyn: ahhh oh it was just a dream. Aphmau: Hey good morning. Narrator: the same marks on aphmau face were the same in kaitlyn's dream. Kaitlyn: maybe it wasn't a dream (gaps). Narrator: Kaitlyn turns around to see blood drooling down the wall. kaitlyn: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
the end.
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