Chapter 11 February 13
Sidney, Jonathan, Antti, and Patrick arrive at the Black Sea and start searching around for Jonas.
"Jonas!" Jonathan shouts. "Jonas Hiller! Where are you?"
"Quack, quack!" Sidney yells.
"We know you're here, dude! You can come out, man!" Patrick tells the sea.
"Jonas, missä olet?" Antti calls out. (Jonas, where are you?)
"Nemo, he won't understand you!" Jonathan tells him.
"Oh, right!" Antti clears his throat. "Jonas, wo bist du?" (Jonas, where are you?)
"I don't think he won't understand that either...," Sidney tells Antti.
"It's German; he should know German," Antti tells Sidney back.
"Why not Swiss?"
"Swiss?" Antti chuckles. "Sid, Swiss is not a language!"
"So what do people in Swizterland speak then?"
"German, French, Romanish, and-slash-or Italian," Jonas's voice answers them.
"Jonas!" Sidney exclaims. "I hear you!"
"I hear you, too!" Jonas tells him.
"But where are you?" Jonathan asks Jonas.
"Uhhh...." Jonas pauses for a moment. "You guys can go home...I'm fine."
"Well, if you're fine, then we would like to see it," Antti tells Jonas.
"But I sound fine!"
"We gotta see it to believe it, dude," Patrick tells him.
Jonas sighs.
"We're your friends! What is there to hide?" Sidney asks Jonas.
Jonas just quacks.
"Please, Jonas.... Come out," Jonathan pleads.
The reeds Jonas is behind ruffles, but he doesn't come out.
Antti sighs harshly. "Alright, Jonas, on the count of three! Ein...zwei...." (One...two...)
Jonas swims out into the open. "Quack!"
Everyone gawks at him.
Jonas has a duck body with his head that is still normal, but on top of this head is a hood of a duck's face.
"You're're a...." Jonathan's voice fades.
"You're a duck!" Sidney completes. "Like always! What's so bad about how you look?"
"I'm a duck--!"
"You always were a duck, man," Patrick tells Jonas.
"No, no, no, no! Nein! I'm like half duck, half man!" (No!)
"What's the problem with that?" Jonathan asks.
"LOOK AT MEEE!!!" Everyone looks at Jonas in silence. "You don't think that I look...weird?"
They shake their head. "You were always like a duck, and you could turn into a duck, so it fits you, dude," Patrick starts to explain. "But if like...." He looks around his sidekicks. "...if Nemo was like you, then that would be a different story, man."
Antti looks at Patrick, unamused. "Lovely, Kane."
"So you're fine now?" Jonathan asks Jonas.
"Yes. Now I'm fine." Jonas quacks.
Sidney turns to Jonathan. "I wonder how his Ducks teammates would react is they see Jonas like this."
Jonathan nods his head. "Yea...."
"So, ready to go back to eat?" Antti asks.
"Where at?" Jonas asks.
"At McMoose's!" Sidney stretches out his hands in excitement.
Jonas gives his friends an odd look. "What the heck is McMoose's?"
"A McDonald's that the Canadians renamed. It has way better food than the Olympic food," Jonathan answers.
"Well, I can't go," Jonas tells them.
"Why, dude?" Patrick asks.
"Because I'm a duck! It'll be weird! A duck-slash-guy dude in a restautant!" Jonas swims back and forth a little bit.
"Can't you turn back to normal?" Jonathan asks.
"That's the problem: I'm stuck like this!" Jonas slams his head into the bank of the sea. "Ugh...I'm stuck like this forever!" Jonas begins to sob a bit.
Sidney frowns and turns to Antti. "Antti...?"
Antti shrugs. "I've never encountered anything like this before. I would try to figure out how to get Jonas back to normal, but I have no time. I'm gonna have to hand this situation over to Martin." He rolls up his sleeve to call Martin from his intercom; his eyes widen as big as saucers when he sees his arm bare. "My intercom!" Antti pats his arms and pocket. "Oh no, oh no, oh no! Hiivatti, hiivatti, hiivatti!" He kneels on the grass and beings look for it. (Darn it, darn it, darn it!)
"You're missing your intercom, dude?" Patrick asks.
Antti gets up with a worried look. "Kyllä...." He places his face in his hands. " must be in the cabins... Yes, yes, it's in the cabin... Okay, okay...." Antti looks back up and sighs. "Alright...." (Yes...)
"You fine, Antti?" Sidney asks.
"No...." Antti turns to Jonathan with an anxious look. "Jonathan, please tell me that you have your intercom."
Jonathan rolls up his sleeve. "Um...." He shows Antti his intercom-less arm. "Well, at least this isn't the first time that this happened...."
"Hyvänenaika armollinen! How does our intercoms go missing?!" Antti cries. "They're with us the whole time! On our arms!" He points to his arm. "Arms!!!"
Jonathan just shrugs. "I dunno."
"There are such things as phones," Sidney tells Antti.
"But you need to pay to call out of the country. That's not the case with the intercom," Antti says, a little bit more calmer, yet still annoyed because of the disappearance of the intercoms.
"So...I'm gonna stay like this forever?" Jonas asked, worriedly.
"Not forever," Antti tells him. "Don't worry, you'll go back to normal soon."
"Well, I'm thinking of the only way our intercoms could've disappeared," Jonathan randomly says.
Antti turns to Jonathan. "And what is that?"
"By an invisible person."
Everyone turns to Patrick and gives him the death stare.
Patrick raises his hands in the air. "Hey! I'm not the only invisible guy here, dude!"
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