Chapter 20 "I Can Read Finnish!"
The whole GHP, except for Patrick because the poor dude's still in hostage, woke up to a bunch of screaming, thanks to Tatu.
"Tatu, Tatu, what's wrong?" Pekka mumbles as Tatu was flying around his dark room, screaming: "EEEEE!!" He grabs the orb, so that it can stop flying and calm down at bit. "What's wrong?" With his other hand, Pekka reaches over to his lamp and pulls the metal string down, giving light to his room.
Pekka's eyes widened. "Oh my...gosh." He sees that is room looks like it entered into a 1940's film. "It's black and white! Guys!" Still with Tatu in his hand, Pekka flew out of his room, seeing that the rest of the hockey players, were out on the hallway, practically half asleep. Sidney had Bubby in his arms.
"Guys, everything's black and white!" Pekka exclaims.
"Oh my Bubbys," Sidney mutters.
Antti strolls into the hallway. "Well...this is unexpected."
"I'm--I'm tired," Nathan yawns.
"We all are. But we should go down stairs, have breakfast, and try to figure out what's going on."
Everyone mutters okay's and walk down stairs to the main room.
In the main room, the GHP are having sleepy breakfast in their black and white headquarters.
"Meeeeep--!" Pekka cut off Tatu's anxious screaming by grabbing onto the floating orb.
"Tatu keeps on screaming!" Pekka points out. "He's freaking out!"
"Maybe turn him off," Jonathan suggests, biting into a white-coloured, dusted in gray, piece of toast.
"I can't do that, he's our security camera."
"Security camera for our food? He's looking at our food."
Pekka looks at Tatu, who is humming crazily and has its lens pointed at their black and white breakfast. "It's scared for some reason--too scared to even do its job."
"Maybe it doesn't like the black and white setting," Nathan says, extending his hands out with a glass of gray-coloured orange juice.
"Ughhh...I need both hands to eat!" Pekka turns to Antti, who looked like he was messing with his black and white food aimlessly. "Antti?"
"Huh, what?" Antti perked up, looking at his Finnish helper.
"Can you ask Ari why Tatu's going nuts?"
"Sure, sure." He turned to Ari, who was floating next to him, yet has a dark screen. He presses the home button, enters the passcode and talks to it. "Mikä on vialla Tatu?" (What's wrong with Tatu?)
Se havaitsee, että siellä on jotain vikaa, Ari puts up on its screen. (It senses that there is something wrong)
"Joten se ei lopeta sekosin kunnes että jotain on kiinteä?" Pekka asks. (So it won't stop freaking out until that something is fixed?)
Jep. (Yup.)
"Mikä on väärässä?" (What is wrong then?)
Mustavalkoinen asetus. (The black and white setting)
"Miksi se on mustavalkoinen?" Antti pipes in. (Why is it black and white?)
Oli häiriön suunnitelmassa. (There was a disturbance in the plan)
"Mikä suunnitelma?" (What plan?)
Saat Toews pelastaa NHL. (For Toews to save the NHL)
"Hah! I can read Finnish!" Sidney points out happily, hugging Bubby with one arm. "I can read 'Toews' and 'NHL'!"
The two Finns eye the Penguin flatly.
"Oh, I'l go back eating..." He continues cutting up his dark gray pancakes.
"Missä hän on?" Antti asks worriedly. (Where is he?)
En tiedä. (I don't know.)
Antti groans, resting on the back of his black chair. "Onko mustavalkoinen aiotaan levittää?" (Is the black and white going to be disseminated?)
Jos suunnitelma on edelleen vaurioitunut, niin kyllä. (If the plan continues to get damaged, then yes).
"Uh-oh," Pekka mutters. "Onko mitään voisimme tehdä asialle?" (Is there anything we could do about it?)
Etsi Toews ja sitten taistella EHP kanssa hänen teho. (Find Toews and fight the EHP with him).
Antti exhale loudly. "Emme edes tiedä, missä hän on. Jopa EHP ei tiedä missä hän on!" (We do not even know where he is. Even EHP does not know where he is!)
Hän on noin kuitenkin vain muutamassa etsimistä. (He is around though, just a matter of searching)
Antti grumbled under his breath while rubbing his chin in deep thought. "Kari...Kari...hänellä on hänen." (He has him)
"Mutta hän ei vain tule tänne ei liian kauan sitten sanomalla, että Toews puuttui ja syytti meitä varastaa häntä?" Pekka points out. (But didn't he come not too long ago saying that Toews was missing and accused us for stealing him?)
"Onko hän palasi vielä?" Antti shot back (Has he returned yet?)
Pekka paused for a moment. "Uhhh..."
"Hän ei ole palannut vielä, koska hän sai Toews takaisin. Jos tämä ei ollut totta, hän olisi silti koputtaa ovelle jokapäiväistä." (He has not returned yet, because he got Toews back. If this was not true, he would still be knocking on our door everyday)
"Näen... Joten tämä tarkoittaa, että meidän täytyy mennä takaisin EHP esikuntien?" He grimaces at his connection. (I does this mean that we have to go back to the EHP HQs?)
"Jos haluamme saada Toews takaisin, niin kyllä." (If we want to get Toews back, then yes). Antti stood up, grabbing all his group members' attention. "Okay, so the reason why everything is practically black and white except for ourselves is because of sometype of disturbance in the plan of Toews having to save the NHL from the EHP. The problem is just going to worsen, so we must get Toews back. I am sure he is back with the EHP since as you can see, there is a disturbance in the plan and Kari hasn't came here lately to ask where Toews is."
"Okay, so what...?" Jonathan questions, spinning his gray fork in the air.
"So we go to the EHP to grab Toews once and for all. And all of us are coming," he answered in a low tone.
"What about Kane?" Brad asks. "You guys don't seem so panicked that you have a guy in hostage
"Yea," Nathan agrees, "why so calm about Kane being in hostage?"
"It's something that happens to him allllll the time!" Sidney answers. "He always gets captured by the bad guys--"
"Mainly because of his job, since he's a spy and spies often get captured," Jonathan adds in.
"Yea, he even got captured in Sochi by those mean football players!" Sidney exclaims, extending out his hands in the air.
"It's normal when he gets captured and held in hostage by the bad guys for a while because it happens in practically every mission," Jonathan finishes.
"So you guys are just going to leave the Blackhawk to rot in the EHP HQs?" Brad asks with a confused look.
"No, of course not!" Antti snaps. "We're going to get him back while getting Toews."
"That's what we do most of the time," Sidney says. "We get Kaner while fighting the bad guys!"
"Smart! Less trips to the bad guys' place!" Nathan points out.
"Yup-a-doo-da!" Jonas exclaims with his eyes closed and a closed smile.
"Interesting, who would've known that Patrick Kane gets captured by other hockey players and that is considered to be normal‽" Brad cries.
"Only us," Pekka answers.
"So we'll of course grab Kane while grabbing Toews from the EHP HQs," Antti states.
"Are we leaving now?" Nathan asks.
"If you guys are good to go, then yes. The sooner we execute our plan, the sooner we fix this problem."
"Sweet, let's go!" Nathan gets up, also pulling Sidney up. He shakes crumbs off of him, since he was sitting next to Jonas, who eats messily.
"Alright guys, to the EHP HQs! Let's go!"
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