Chapter 12
The next day in the CONSOL Energy Center, everyone on the Penguins, Antti, Jonathan, Patrick, Toews, Crawford, Shaw, Corey, Jonas, and Martin are sitting on picnic blankets on the ice, eating Italian food.
"Sid, you are so lucky you got a chef on your team that can cook!" Jonathan shoves a bunch of pasta into his mouth.
"Well, this is what we do every practice!" Sidney exclaims.
Matt skates around holding more plates of food. "Who wants more food?"
Vokoun waves his hand. "Hey! Hey!"
"Aw, shut up, Vokoun! You don't deserve food!" Fleury tells Vokoun.
"Hey!" Vokoun squirts Fleury with his Gatorade bottle.
"Ugh, fine, get your food." Fleury wipes his face with his sleeve.
Vokoun turns back to Matt. "Hey! Hey!" He receives more pasta.
"Maybe if we give this to the NHL officials, they might give us an automatic win!" Chris exclaims, talking about the pasta.
"That's not a bad idea," Pascal says.
"And if they don't, I'll whack 'em!" Brandon pipes in.
"With your stick?" Chris asks.
"With my stick!"
Chris thinks for a moment. "No."
"Brandon, you got to learn how to not slam your stick that much. You blew more than a quarter of your paycheck just on buying sticks."
Brandon sighs. "True."
"So, Martin, are you enjoying this dinner?" Antti asks Martin.
"Yea, very good food."
"Excited for your first mission?"
"The boys are excited."
"That's cool. Are you gonna put more people in your group?"
"Yup. But that takes time."
Martin nods his head.
"Hey, why don't we do a food eating contest?" Toews asks his friends.
"Whaaa?" Shaw falls down on his back, even though he's sitting down.
"Uhhh...now why do you want to do that?" Crawford asks.
"Because it makes things more exciting!"
"Uhhh...Do you agree to this, uhhh, Kane?"
"Sure, dude!" Patrick claps his hands. "Let's do it, guys!"
"Uhhh...I'll just declare, uhhh, the winner..."
"Okay! One..two...three...eat!" Toews shouts.
Patrick, Toews, and Shaw start the contest.
"Uhhh... Lovely," Crawford points out, looking at his teammates shoving their faces with food.
"Eating contest?" Sidney asks.
"Uhhh...yea...Uhhh...it was Jonathan's idea."
"What's my idea?" Jonathan asks.
"Uhhh...not your's, Quick, Jonathan Toews."
"Hey guys!" Hiller skates over to them, eating Ruffles with Corey.
"Uhhh...what are you doing over...here?" Crawford asks.
"Just enjoying dinner." Corey eats three Doritos chips.
"Hey, Corey, do you want to see if there's any dessert?" Hiller asks his teammate.
"Sure!" Corey skates away with Jonas.
"Uhhh...wait. He, uhhh, said my name," Crawford points out.
"He was talking to Corey Perry, not you, Corey."
"Uhhh...all of these names are so, uhhh, confusing!" Crawford groans.
"Who won?" Toews asks with a bunch of tomato sauce on his face.
Corey looks at them. "Uhhh...tie!"
"Yea!" Patrick pumps a fist in the air.
"Ack...to...much...foooooooood..." Shaw falls down.
"So what should we do now--"
"Here you go!" With big smile, Chris hands Jonathan a jersey. Say thank you now!" He gives some more black jerseys to the three Blackhawks. "This is my gift to you." He also hands two shirts to the Ducks.
Corey looks at the jersey. "Pittsburgh...Gorillas?" He makes a weird look.
Chris claps his hands excitedly. "YESSSSS!!!"
"Oh no..." Jonathan presses his lips together.
"Hey, dude, it has my last name and my number on it!" Patrick exclaims, turning around the jersey.
"Um, I like my other uniform better," says Jonas.
"You're gonna give these jerseys all to the NHL soon!" Toews tells Chris.
"Well, I also gave uniforms to Antti and Martin! But what about this: The National Gorilla League..." Chris stares into space, imagining the league. "...NGL...Doesn't sound bad."
"Why don't you give 'em all to Bubba?" Jonathan asks.
"It's BUBBY!!!" Sidney corrects Jonathan harshly.
Jonathan scoffs. "Well, sorrrrrrry!"
"Actually, I did make uniforms for Bubby and Bubby Jr." He gives a medium sized and tiny sized jersey to Sidney. "Here."
"Uh, thanks...They'll be thrilled..." Sidney sighs as he looks at the small jerseys.
"Okay then, put on your beautiful jerseys 'cause we're gonna play an awesome game of hockey!"
"With these jerseys?" Jonathan holds up his jersey.
"Uhhh...with everyone?" Crawford raises an eyebrow.
"Yes!" Chris says excitedly. "It'll be awesome! Matt, more your stove and picnic blankets outta the way--a game's gonna start!"
"Okay!" Matt starts cleaning up the ice.
Vokoun sits next to where the stove was placed, which was next to the bench, eating more pasta.
"Y'know, you're gonna get fat eating a lot," Fleury tells Vokoun.
"Hey!" Vokoun exclaims.
Fleury chuckles and skates away.
"Now...let the game of Pittsburgh versus Gorillas...begin!" Chris shouts.
Patrick puts on sunglasses.
"You odd child!" Antti exclaims. "Why are you wearing sunglasses?"
Patrick smiles. "Just in case, man. Just in case..."
To be continued in AAOOOSC! #3
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