Sakura's POV
Well, I had to have the twins to get my homework, which wasn't the best idea. Whenever they handed my homework to me, they had either already done it or had doodled on it. Great. Thanks. Since the Hitachiin twins were the only members in my grade, I was dependent on them tutoring me as well, and that was no walk in the park. When tutoring came around, the only serious one was me. Nothing productive ever got done.
Tamaki was always the first one to show up after school, with Hanna following behind him. He would always make a dramatic entrance with flower petals and sparkles and theme music that came out of nowhere. "Hey Tamaki-senpai. Hanna-senpai." I waved as they walked through the door.
"Saku-chan! My dear princess! How are you feeling today?" He threw his arms around to be dramatic. Everyday was the same.
"Fine Tamaki-senpai, just like I was an hour ago when you texted me." I rolled my eyes and a smile formed in the corner of my mouth. Tamaki went on ranting about the day, and I pretended to listen, just to be nice. Hanna came in and started talking to me and sat in the chair next to the bed. About ten minutes later, Honey came running in and jumped on my bed, giggling and smiling, with Mori quietly trailing behind.
"Saku-Chan! How are you feeling?" Honey jumped on he and squeezed me in a hug. Honey's voice was so adorable it made me giggle.
"I'm feeling fine, Honey-senpai." My grin grew to an ear to ear smile. He squirmed his way off the bed as the twins walked in. They had an evil grin on their faces as usual. "Oh god. Which poor soul is walking into your evil pranks this time?" I said with a grin.
"Oh, you'll know when the time comes." They said in unison with a snake-like grin. We laughed. And talked. For hours. Same routine for the past few weeks. The twins pranking poor innocent victims. Tamaki worrying about Hanna's now healed radius, or me. Kyoya looking at his clipboard, assuming he is looking at stuff for the club. Honey giggling his head off playing with Tira and Usa-chan. Mori just leaning against the wall watching us with straight-faced delight. I have gotten to the point where I can actually read his emotionless face. Crazy, right? One of the doctors called Kyoya into the hall. After a few minutes, he and a nurse walked in.
"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with me!?" I said in a panic. The nurse started checking my machines, blood pressure, temperature, and just about anything there was to check. I started freaking out when she grabbed a long, thick needle. "W-what's th-that for...!?" I pointed to the needle as she started walking towards me.
"We need to give you one last medication before we c-" I cut her off.
"With that huge needle!? Why!?" I started getting so scared. My hands started shaking. Tears formed in my eyes. My voice cracked. I was deathly afraid of needles as well as the dark. As she walked closer, I started squirming around in the bed, trying to avoid the needle. "No! Not with that thing!" I backed up in the bed as far as I could up against the wall.
"Ma'am, it's mandatory that we give this to you before we let you g-"
"But why!?" I started screaming and crying at the same time. Honey started to get scared and he ran to Hanna. Tira wasn't currently in the room to calm me down. The twins were on the opposite side of the room with Tamaki, who looked like he was just about to snatch that needle right out of her hand to protect me. Mori was watching me intently.
"Sit still ma'am." She said. She was right next to me and was holding up the massive thing. I stared in horror at the woman.
"Look at me." A thunderous voice echoed in my ears. I darted my head away from the nurse to see Mori now standing over me, looking me right in the eyes.
"B-... B-" I started full on crying like a wimp. I hated for them to see me like this. It was completely embarrassing.
"Look at me." He said again. And the room went silent. I found comfort in his dark eyes. Trusting. He took a quick glance up to the nurse, then straight back at me. A quick, unbearable pinch pain shot through my side. I shouted out in pain.
"Ah, god dammit! Who gives someone a shot in the side!?" I started welling up with tears like a child. I tried hiding it from them. It was humiliating and shameful that I got worked up over one little shot. The nurse went over to talk to Kyoya. Honey peeked at me through the ruffles of Hanna's dress like a shy toddler at a Christmas party. Tamaki brought me a change of my clothes that I guess Tira had brought from home. That's why I needed one final shot. I was going home. That's why Tira wasn't here. She was probably signing paperwork at the front desk.
After I had changed into my old jeans and sweatshirt, I walked back in to see everyone getting ready to leave. My fingers kept gliding over the large scar under and around my rib cage. I walked up to Kyoya and the twins. "So, I'm going home?" I asked Kyoya.
"Precisely. Hence the final shot."
"Hehe... Yeah..." I said rubbing my neck in embarrassment. A crack of lightning shot across the sky as I finished my sentence. I looked out the window. It started pouring. "... Looks like a storm is coming." Then the lights started to flicker. I began tensing up. Thunder and darkness were a terrifying combination for me.
"And darkness." Hikaru said. He looked down at me and I looked up at him right as the lights went out. The last thing I saw before complete darkness was his face with evil delight written all over it. I froze in complete fear.
"G-g-guys..." I was terrified of the dark. Way more than I was afraid of needles.
"Sakura..." A voice called out as a hand landed on my right shoulder. I shrieked in fear and glued myself to the person to my left out of instinct. The arms and hands of the mystery person I was hugging lightly wrapped around me. My grip tightened every wrenching second there was darkness. I swear the power was out for five minutes before the backup generators kicked in. The heaters turned on. The machines started beeping again and one by one, the lights turned on. I looked past the chest of whoever I was hugging to see the light above the bed turn on, revealing Hanna, Honey and Mori. The light in the middle of the room turned on revealing Tamaki running towards me with worry written all over his face. And the light above us finally blinked on, revealing Kyoya and Kaoru next to me... Which means...
"I... Uh..." My head slowly turned up towards Hikaru's face. I could feel my face burning with even more embarrassment than ever before. I could practically see Kyoya's face. His smug grin. He knew this was coming. He adjusted his glasses. Tamaki froze in his tracks. It was the fact that he had wrapped his arms back around me that made my face flush. I quickly let go and looked at the ground. "Well thanks for everything you guys see you tomorrow at school bye everyone thanks." I quickly walked out of that dreaded room with my head down, which was full of things that should stay there and never leave. Embarrassment couldn't even begin to describe what I was feeling. As I sped walked down the long hall I heard running footsteps behind me.
"Wait!" It was the twins.
"I can't..." I started running as well. Nurses and doctors pushed bleeding and dying patients down the hall in the opposite direction I was running. I guess the power going out had cause not only mine but everyone's machines to turn off, leaving some in critical conditions. Patient after patient came running towards us. The twins were gaining on me but I absolutely did NOT want to talk about it. I started weaving the carts and turned a corner to get out of sight. I darted down that hall and made the next left towards the wall with the elevator. I could tell they followed me down the first hall, but lost me afterwards. I continued down the hall I was currently in and made a sharp left again to head towards the first hall, but bumped into an Ouran uniform jacket. Hikaru's to be specific. "Hikaru please-"
"Sakura wait just a second! Let me ask just one thing!" He said, getting all defensive. I studied his actions, then allowed him to speak.
"I have to ask... Do you...?" He looked away and went slightly pink.
"No!" I said faster than I should of. Do I?
"Then why did you do it?"
"I... Uh... Instinct." I explained. "When that happens, I usually go directly to the closest person I'm most comfortable with." There was a moment of silence between us. Crap. It slipped and I don't know if he caught it or not...
"So... What else are you afraid of...?" He asked. Why was he asking that?
"What's it to ya?" My arms crossed across my chest. He shrugged.
"Curious." He said with a grin. I rolled my eyes. Back to his immature self. Kaoru came up behind me, running into me.
"Oh... I see you found her..." He said. His voice trailed.
My sister woke me up the next morning in our apartment in my bed. It felt awesome to be in my own everything for once after a month. I jumped out of bed, changed and feeling in the mood for wearing suspenders, got cleaned up and ran out the door, skipping breakfast as usual. Even if I did have open heart surgery, I still didn't have time for breakfast in the morning. Perhaps I could wake up earlier...
I just shrugged it off and turned up my music. The kind that no one listened to unless people thought they were all about suicide I guess. I never understood that stereotype. Emos and scenes cutting or being suicidal. It was ridiculous. I guess I could consider myself emo, but I didn't really care what other people thought of me. I wasn't really suicidal and I absolutely didn't cut. My thoughts were interrupted by a limo. I shouldn't have been surprised, really. They did this everyday. One twin got out to let me in and we were off. I took my headphones off just for them. You had to be special for me to do that to for you. After a few minutes of silence, I finally spoke. "So..."
"Why are you afraid?" Hikaru asked. I was NOT expecting that.
"Excuse me?" I said.
"I mean why are you afraid of the dark. And needles. And hospital rooms. And thunder?" He asked.
"Hikaru!" Kaoru yelled and smacked his brother on the back of his head.
"Kaoru it's fine. He's oblivious so he ought to know. I'm not afraid of all of those things, Hikaru. I'm afraid of the unknown outcomes of those things. Like, I'm afraid of what's IN the dark, not the dark itself. I'm afraid of the PAIN the needles will bring, not the needles themselves. I'm not afraid of the hospital room but what they will DO to me in the room." The car came to a stop. "Now, are you ready to go to school?" They both grinned.
After a long day of catching up and listening to lectures involving math I'll never use in the future it was finally time for the club to open for business after a month of sadly being closed. As soon as the time came, Hanna and I opened the doors and the regular girls poured into the room. The twins did their brotherly love thing. Tamaki was being his flirty way. Honey and Mori entertained their usual girls the way they did. It was cosplay Friday, and the theme was the future. So everyone was in white with their hair all done up and strange fake gadgets and jewelry. It was pretty fun actually.
After a long couple of hours, the club finally closed for business for the weekend. After the last girl left and I closed the door behind her and breathed a sigh of relief. I could finally change back into my comfort clothes and suspenders. My sister let me off for the weekend. I didn't have to work. That meant... "So what are you doing this weekend, Sakura?" Hanna asked me. I was surprised. Usually it was Tamaki or the twins that asked.
"Uh... Well I'm actually doing nothing. My sister gave me the weekend off to have one last rest. Why, what do you guys want to do?" It was a strange habit for my to do, but my hands kept stretching out my suspenders and pulling them up to my shoulders, then pulling them back down to my waist. They all looked at me as I did my strange habit.
"I want to go to a candy store!" Honey said in his little boy voice, giggling as usual. I thought for a minute to try to remember if I knew any. Then I remembered.
"Hey, I actually know of one in the mall we went to awhile ago when we went to the movies." I said, not even think of what I'd have to deal with. ME taking HONEY to a CANDY STORE!? What the hell was I thinking?!
"Yay! Then it's settled! Let's go!" Honey ran out of the room. Mori stared at me in horror and I stared back.
"... What... What have I done..." Realization slapped me in the face. I fell to my knees. "I ... I won't survive..." Hanna came over and put a hand on my shoulder.
"We'll get through this together. Let's go get him before he gets hit by a car." She rolled her eyes and smiled. We all walked out after changing into regular clothes. Honey was waiting impatiently by the front doors of the school for us. As we drove to the mall in Honey's limo, I seriously considered buying one of those leashes you get for your kids. Or at least to hold onto my suspenders. He kept running from store to store, seeing if it was the candy store. I finally had had enough.
"HONEY-SENPAI! GET BACK HERE RIGHT THIS SECOND OR I AM TAKING YOU HOME!" I screamed and in about two seconds, he was right in front of me. I was about to give it to him. "Honey-senpai! In order to have a TREAT, you have to actually be GOOD and follow the RULES. YOU GO THAT?" I pointed to him. I didn't care if he was older. That was ridiculous. He quickly nodded his head and started walking behind me like a lost puppy.
After awhile, we finally found the store. Honey went absolutely insane. I figured I'd just let him do his thing while we casually look around at the other candy. There was flavored sodas, assorted old fashioned candies, new candies, candy-shaped stuffed animals and tv souvenirs. I walked up to a section of all just Japanese candy. But here, I guess it was regular kinds. I saw the s'mores in a box, make-your-own gummies and other adorable hard candies. I looked all the way up to the top shelf to see a certain box of candy that can be eaten just like that... or in a game... "Pocky!" I said in excitement. I actually had a few bucks in my pockets.
"What is it?" Tamaki asked.
"Pocky. They're long, thin biscuit sticks dipped in chocolate. Or strawberry. Or green tea. Whatever flavor you like. But I like the chocolate ones." I said. Tamaki reached up for the box and handed me one. I had ten dollars in my pocket, and they were a dollar each. Ten boxes. "Hand me nine more boxes!" After I got them all, I waited in the front for Honey to finish up his thing. I'm pretty sure he bought all the candy they had on shelves. "You know... You can play a game with them too. Not just eat them." I said to everyone except Honey, who was running up to us.
"I'm ready!" He said. He looked up at the Pocky box in my hand. "What's that?"
"Pocky." I said with an evil grin. "Anybody have an empty house we can use for awhile?" I asked in a snake-like voice.
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