Sakura's POV
"How would that be possible? We were in France!" I said. I could tell his face grew sadder.
"I... was born in France and lived there until about four years ago. On that horrible day, I didn't tell anybody, not a soul, what I saw on that highway. I was so frightened and scared for you," he grabbed my hand, "even though I had no idea who you were." Tamaki slightly chuckled. "That night I went home and cried. I cried because I didn't know what happened to a little girl I didn't even know." He went back to serious.
"Brother..." Hanna said. My machines started beeping, but louder and faster. Lights started flashing. Honey started screaming and this time ran to Mori for comfort, who picked him up. My vision blurred and my hearing mushed together. I became so dizzy and it was hard to breath. The doctors came rushing in and pushed them all aside.
"We need to get her into surgery now! The glass fully penetrated and she's losing too much blood!" They put an oxygen mask over my mouth and tubes in my arms. I tried to squirm to escape, but the doctors had me pinned down. I reached out for Tamaki. For Hikaru. For Kaoru. For Tira. Anyone. I was so scared...
I woke up again in the same room with everyone in there, but this time I had stitches on my ribcage. It still hurt to move. "Good morning sleepyhead!" Tamaki flashed me a brilliant smile. His smile always brightened my day. The twins popped up beside my bed holding a mint green teddy bear, my favorite color. Both of them were blushing.
"Hope you're feeling better even though you just woke up!" They said and gave me the cheesiest grins. They handed me the teddy bear and I hugged it. It was silky. Everyone else waved. Tira hugged as hard as she could without hurting me, which still hurt, but I toughened up for her.
"Uh... how long was I... asleep?" I asked. I still hated saying things like that.
"Almost a day, give or take a few hours." The twins said. I stared at them in awe. Was I really out that long? After a simple surgery?
"Don't fret my princess, you were simply getting beauty sleep, that's all." There goes Tamaki and his flirtiness... How long can he go without being flirty?
"Oh Tamaki-senpai, you're such a flirt." I said and we all laughed. I bet my face went bright red, I couldn't feel anything right now. When nobody was looking, I shot a glance down to see if anyone was touching me or holding my hand. Yes Tira was but she was my sister, but Hikaru was secretly holding my other hand, hiding it in the covers from not only me and everyone else, but his brother as well. I figured he probably knew my hands were numb. I looked up at him and he was laughing with the others.
"The doctors said you will have to rest here for at least a month for monitoring. So, naturally, we will all be checking in on you." Kyoya said, grinning at that last part. We all talked for a bit and started laughing together and at each other. Honey started being cute again and Tamaki went back to his dramatic self. All seemed well with the world.
I slightly moved my hands. I was starting to regain feeling in them. Hikaru was barely holding onto my hand, probably thinking he would accidentally hurt me in some way. I slowly started to close my hand, causing our fingers to interlock, then paused. Hikaru looked down at me and his face went pink, almost red. I smiled at him and his hand started to get warm. He let go of my hand and shoved it into his pocket nervously. He laughed as the rest of the group laughed. My heart kind of sank just a little. "Princess, what's wrong?" Tamaki asked. I guess he noticed I had suddenly gotten sad... Which was weird because he sucked at that. I quickly popped into happy mode for them.
"Nothing... Just, feeling a little... funny..." I said and glanced to Hikaru. He noticed and looked to his brother.
"Are you sure?" The twins said together. They both looked at me. Kaoru's face was full of curiosity and a little worry. Hikaru's was full of regret.
"Yes I'm sure." I said with a fake smile.
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