Sakura's POV
When the last girls left I felt a little relieved. "Finally I can take this stupid dress off." I began walking over to the changing room.
"Why my princess? You look absolutely beautiful." Tamaki spoke. I froze and my face went pink.
"I do not look beautiful... I never do." The room went silent. I walked into the changing room and began taking off the dress. But there was a zipper. "Hey, someone come help me! It's got a zipper I can't reach!"" I shouted, expecting Hanna to come help me... but Mori came instead. "What are you doing? Where's Hanna?" I said, startled.
"Helping Kyoya." He said. His voice was like thunder. Deep and mysterious. He was so casual about it...
"How are you so casual about this?" I asked. I honestly thought it was kind of weird that he helped me unzip my dress.
"Just helping." He said. He came over and unzipped it. He started walking back out.
"Thanks..." I said. He grunted.
After I had squirmed my way out of that dress I walked back out with it in my hand. I had no idea what to do with it. "Uh, where does this go?" Kyoya took it from me and put it in a closet with about 50 other cosplay costumes. Now I see where they keep everything...
"Hey I gotta go. I have work tomorrow so I have to go to bed early. See you Monday." I waved goodbye.
"You have a job?" The twins said together. I nodded. "Since when? Where? Can we go?"
"Yes I've said it before. Oh, since I was 8, why do you need to know and NO. You'll just mess everything up. Plus, you'll probably complain about the size of the shop." I said. They gave me puppy dog eyes.
"Aw pretty please?" They begged and looked over my shoulders at me. I shook my head no. The twins just frowned and started pouting.
"Well, see you guys Monday!" I waved to them and left the room with the twins hugging and crying on each other's shoulders. I giggled at them while walking out the door. As I headed down the halls, I suddenly became very dizzy and it was hard to breath. My heart began to feel like I was being stabbed. I stopped to grab to walls and tried to scream out for help, but only a high pitch squeal came out. "H-help..." I fell to the ground as someone came running up to me, screaming my name. It was Tamaki...
"Sissy! Wait for me I'm scared!" I screamed as I ran to Tira. There were so many big, crazy animals jumping and dancing down the streets. Loud music played and the air smelled like fried dumplings and cooked meats. People from my neighborhood lined the streets while the people in costumes danced down the street and rode floats while tossing candy and beaded necklaces to little kids. All the bright colors of their costumes ranged from bright purple to deep red to neon green.
Their masks resembled dragons and bears and lions, with big eyes, sharp teeth and long tongues. There were costumes that took three to four people to operate. The whole scenery was brightly lit in the light of red paper lanterns hanging from trees and cords and candles burning brightly. Tira put her hand on my head as I hugged her leg.
"Don't cry. This parade celebrates the life of all of our relatives that have passed away." Tira picked me up.
"Like mommy and Daddy?" I said. She began tearing up.
"Yeah... Like Mommy and Daddy..."
My eyes fluttered open and I woke up staring at the ceiling. My head was on someone's chest and they were hugging me gently. It was Tamaki. His face was covered with worry. "Tamaki-senpai...?" I squeaked. My head throbbed.
"My princess! Are you alright? What happened?" He hugged me and when he did, I saw the rest of the host club, who all had worried looks on their faces (with the exception of Mori and Kyoya). My eyes began welling up with tears and I hugged Tamaki back.
"I have no idea what happened... I'm fine now, I think." I said. My voice was shaky. That terrified me. I've never blacked out before.
"It seems that you blacked out because of something wrong with your heart. Perhaps the lack of blood flow. But I can't be sure without a proper diagnosis." Kyoya said and adjusted his glasses. "Shall I call my doctor?"
"Uh... I'm fine..." I said. Tamaki wiped the tears from my cheeks and helped me stand up. I took off my glasses and cleaned them. "That's never happened before." I squinted at Tamaki. I think it was him. I was blind as a bat without my glasses. Right as I put my glasses on and my vision became crystal clear again, I could see the Tamaki was staring at me like I was Da Vinci's next masterpiece. I waved my hand in front of his face and he eventually snapped out of it and blushed.
"We'll take you home." The twins said quickly in unison. How did they do that...? I nodded and followed them down the hall, after a wave goodbye to everyone. As we walked I stared out the window at the starry night sky.
"How long was I... out?" I had a hard time saying 'out'.
"About an hour, maybe an hour and a half..." Hikaru said. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Do... Do you have heart condition history in your family...?" Kaoru asked. We all stopped. I looked at the ground. Mom.
"W-well..." My eyes started welling up with tears. "My mom had it before she... before she..." I stopped, "died." I started walking towards the front doors again. My hands clenched into fists and tears streamed down my face. I hung my head to hide the emotions imprinted on my face and in my eyes. I could tell the twins both wanted to say something so bad, but neither had the guts to say anything. The ride home was silent.
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