Sakura's POV
I walked up to the doors of music room #3 right as the twins arrived. "Hey Hikaru. Hey Kaoru." I said.
"Hey, we have a question for you." They said in unison, as always.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"What do commoners like you do for fun on the weekends?"
"I too wondered what commoners do for fun!" Tamaki said as he walked down the hall towards us with his sister. I turned around as he was walking up to me. I slapped the back of his head.
"I've told you once and I'll tell you again for the last time: quit calling me a commoner!" I yelled. Hanna laughed and I heard the twins snicker. "That doesn't mean you can call me one too you two." I said as I turned back around to face the twins. They looked at me and stopped.
"Of course, my princess. I deeply apologize." Tamaki grabbed my hand which was by my side. "What do princesses like you do for fun?"
"Well, sometimes I go to the movies-"
"What's 'the movies'?" Hikaru and Kaoru interrupted me. Their eyes sparkled with curiosity.
"Well, it's a magical place, usually in a mall, where you pay to watch movies that have just come out. You can also buy overpriced snacks and drinks." I said in a condescending tone, but they didn't seem to notice the tone because they were too interested in the concept of 'the movies'.
"Ooh can we go? Is it public?" The twins ask, looking over my shoulder.
"Yes it's public and sure we can go. When do you want to?" I said as I turned to look at the twins.
"Let's go tonight after the Host Club closes!" Tamaki exclaimed as he threw his hands in the air. He's so dramatic...
"What? What's 'the movies'?" I heard a sweet little voice say.
"Have you guys seriously never been to the movies?" I said getting irritated. I clenched my fists.
"Whoa there feisty. We usually don't do things like this-" Hikaru said patting my head.
"-we usually lay in bed and have our maids do things for us." Kaoru finished. He put his arm around my shoulder. I felt my face getting hot, but I wasn't so sure it was anger.
"Then it's settled! Tonight at 6 we will go to the commoners' movies!" Tamaki said pointing his finger in the air with his other hand on his waist. I glared at him and he froze out of fear and scooted away into the music room. I rolled my eyes and the rest of us walked in.
"So... Can I ask you... Is there any way that I can make an... excuse... for me to stay here after school...?" I said looking around, but talking to Hanna.
"Um... Well... Maybe you could be manager... Or-" I cut her off.
"Really? Great! Where do I sign up?" I squealed. She froze from my sudden burst of enthusiasm. "Um... I mean yeah, sure." Smooth Sakura...
"Okay, I'll go talk to Tamaki and Kyoya." She said with a chuckle. And with that, she got up and walked over to the two. I sighed and started staring off into space until I felt the presence of someone. I jerked my head to the side to see Hikaru grinning at me. "Where's your clone?" I said jokingly. I readjusted my beanie.
"Entertaining the ladies. Did I hear you wanted to become manager of the host club?" He said slyly. His smirk grew wider.
"Yeah, what's it to ya?" I said. I grabbed a piece of chocolate off the table that was in a candy dish.
"Oh, no reason." He said. He stared at me. I put half of the piece of candy in my mouth and I was about to bite down when Hikaru gently grabbed my chin and tilted it upwards towards his face. His hand slowly went through my short hair and slipped off my beanie in one smooth swoop. His face came closer to mine and he bit off the other half of the chocolate that I was eating. "Thanks for the snack." He said while staring directly into my eyes. His big amber eyes sparkled.
The entire room went silent except for the few girls in there that were quietly squealing because they saw what he did. I put my fingers over my mouth and my face went tomato red. Hanna froze in her tracks and all the other hosts were looking at us. I couldn't help but smiling from ear to ear, but I knew it was just mindless flirting. He doesn't actually have feelings for me... Right?
"Do you want another one?" Kaoru came over and grabbed another piece and unwrapped it. He came up from behind me and wrapped his arm around my chest (since I was sitting and he was standing) and put the piece of candy in my mouth. My face went even darker. All the girls squealed louder.
"Uh, well goodbye my dears! We will see you all tomorrow! Sweet dreams!" Tamaki said as he shoved all the girls out and shut the door behind them. I snatched back my beanie and slid it on all the way to my chin, taking my glasses off in the process. No one has ever done that to me. "Hikaru! Kaoru! What on earth are you doing?" Tamaki yelled. He came over to me and pulled my beanie up to its regular position, but I covered my face with my hands, trying to hide my embarrassment.
"Well we were enjoying a nice break with our friend Sakura-"
"and having some candy." It was so strange how they talked... Tamaki slowly removed my hands and held them in his own. His eyes seemed to be glued to mine.
"Yay! Candy!" Honey yelled from across the room. He tossed Usa-chan is the air.
"H-Hey, isn't it time to go to the movies?" I said nervously to break the tension. I took my hands from Tamaki, put in my glasses and started walking towards the doors. Everyone got excited and the twins grabbed my arms and rushed out the doors with everyone following. Well... This is going to be a loooooooong movie...
We arrived at the mall where the theater was and I could only do so much to keep the group together. The twins kept going to the store windows and chanting "Mass Pro-duc-tion! Mass Pro-duc-tion!" and dancing around. Tamaki kept migrating towards the escalators.
"Look at these magical moving staircases! Commoners use these when they are too weak or ill to use the stairs!" Tamaki said as the twins gasped in amazement. Honey, as always, ran straight for the candy stands. He was jumping up and down in excitement. Kyoya and Hanna were just looking around and Mori was holding up Honey so he could see over the counter of the stand.
"Guys! Come on! We're going to miss the movie!" I yelled in frustration. I started walking towards the theater and everyone followed me like ducklings following their mother goose. "Here we are guys. Now what do you guys want to see?" The twins looked over my shoulders and Tamaki peered around them, looking at the selection of movies. There was Godzilla, The Interview, Battle Royale and a bunch more.
"Hey, what's this one about?" Hanna asked, looking at the Godzilla movie poster. It came out today.
"Pretty much a science experiment gone wrong and a giant monster destroys the city-" I started.
"Let's see that one!" The twins grabbed my shoulders. Tamaki nodded, Hanna grinned, Kyoya shrugged, Mori didn't say anything and Honey ran to Hanna and buried his face in her dress.
"Alright, but don't come crying to me If you get scared." I said. We walked up to the counter and I had to buy all the tickets. "You guys buy your own snacks." I said as we walked in. It was an 8 o'clock showing, and it was 7:45 now, so we had to hurry up and buy snacks. They scattered like rats do from light. There were a lot of other people in there so I worried they'd get lost.
"Sakura, how do I buy things?" Kyoya said, he was standing with Tamaki and Hanna, who were staring at the menu.
"Tell the cashier what you want. Politely." I said. So they ordered and I walked over to the twins, Honey and Mori. "You owe me candy." I told Hikaru. He looked down at me and grinned.
"Whatever. What do you want?" He asked. He rolled his eyes and smiled.
"Anything with chocolate. It's my favorite. And a bottle of water." I grinned. He paid for his, Kaoru's and my candy and we walked over to the group and made our way to the theater it was playing. I stopped right outside the door. "Okay guys, now when we get in there the movie won't play right away. There will be other movie previews. So just be patient." Everyone nodded their head and Tamaki, Kaoru and Hikaru's eyes had a sparkle in them.
"Why do they have those before the actual movie?" Honey asked.
"Advertisement." Kyoya said. Everyone nodded in understandment. We walked in and found the perfect seats in the middle of the room. There was surprisingly almost no one in there. We practically had the theater to ourselves. Of course, I got stuck between the twins.
Of course, the previews took about 10-15 minutes, and the twins were just itching for the movie to start. "When is it going to start?" Kaoru asked leaning towards me.
"Soon." I said.
"How soon?" Hikaru asked. I sank in my seat just a tad if partial defeat.
"Ugh. Just BE PATIENT." I said. I stacked my glasses off my face and cleaned them. Geez they could be annoying.
"But, how long to we have to be patient? When will it start?" They said in my ears as I slipped my glasses back on.
"RIGHT NOW." The previews ended and the movie began. Everyone Oohed and Awwed. I just rolled my eyes.
Every once in awhile Hikaru or Kaoru, or both, would grab my arms and hide their faces in my jacket or gasp at unnecessary times. It was quite amusing actually. Honey began crying when Godzilla finally came out and crawled onto Mori's lap. Tamaki was so amazed at it. Hanna was relatively amused and Kyoya just sat there and ate his popcorn.
The movie ended and we left the theater. We were heading back to the car when I stopped everyone right outside the doors. "I have to ask, how did you like it?"
"It was such a tearjerker!" The twins said as they grabbed tissues out of nowhere. Mori gave a nod. Honey grabbed Mori's arm.
"It's was scary!" Honey started tearing up.
"It's thought it was relatively cool." Hanna said.
"For an extremely unlikely scenario it was quite predictable. But still interesting." Kyoya said and adjusted his glasses.
"I thought it was magnificent! Simply terrifying yet creative!" Tamaki exclaimed, throwing his hands the the air. He's sooo dramatic.
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