Sakura's POV
I woke up the next morning feeling something I was surprised about. I actually wanted to go to school. I was excited to go, but then realized the only reason I was excited was because I was going to the Host Club afterwards. I had just met these people yesterday and I already wanted to spend time with them? I shook the feeling and hopped out of bed. I got cleaned up, spiked my hair the way I wanted, and changed into my everyday clothes: Converse, skinny jeans, a t-shirt, my headphones and occasionally a beanie. I decided for the beanie today. My black one. I skipped breakfast and headed to school before my sister woke up.
I walk to school. It's about a mile away, but I just leave a little earlier than usual. I was passing Main Street (which is about ⅓ of the way to school) when a black limo-ish car stopped and rolled down its backseat window. It was the Hitachiin twins. "Get in or be late to school." One of them spoke. I think it was Hikaru...
"Wait, what? Are you offering me a ride?" I asked. They nodded. I hesitated until one of them opened the door and got out and offered me in, so I went ahead and agreed. I got in and he closed the door. Now there was a twin on either side of me.
"So, Sakura, we have game for you." They spoke in unison. Hikaru took my beanie and examined it. I looked at both of them and raised an eyebrow.
"Oh?" I questioned, snatching my beanie back and putting it on. They grinned.
"Let's play the 'Which One Is Hikaru?' game!" They said in unison and put on identical hats. "So, which one of us is Hikaru?" They said. They had a look on their faces that said 'you'll never get it and that's funny.' Since they thought I would never get it, I was now determined to get it. I knew they parted their hair different ways and that Kaoru and I parted our hair the same way, but they put hats on....
"Well... I know me and Kaoru part our hair the same way... Oh, Hikaru's voice is a little higher than Kaoru's. Plus, I've noticed that Kaoru is just a tad more independent than Hikaru..." I looked at both of them. "The one that opened the door for me, and the one sitting to my right, is Hikaru, and you're Kaoru." I said, pointing to my right then left. I felt very confident in my answer and knew I was right. They both just looked at me with their mouths hanging open. They looked at each other then back at me. "Shut your mouths, you'll catch a fly." I said as I closed their mouths for them. We pulled up to the school and I got out and walked a little then stopped and turned around. "You coming?" I laughed.
The twins, still shocked, slowly got out of their car and caught up with me. "How...?" Hikaru asked.
"Hmm?" I said.
"How can you tell us apart already? You just met us yesterday!" He said.
"I'm a very observant person. Not only did I pay attention to your behavior in class, but I also watched you and the Host club at lunch and while I was talking to Hanna..." They gave me a funny look. "What? ... No! I don't mean watching you like that! That's creepy! I mean, I watch people from a distance before I be-friend to see if they'll hurt me..." My voice trailed off as we reached our history class. I quickly took off my beanie and hung it out of my back pocket. I felt a hand on my shoulders and I looked up to see Kaoru smiling at me. Hikaru ruffled my hair and we sat down. It was then that I realized how short I was compared to them...
"Hey, odd question..." I whispered to Hikaru as the bell rang. He leaned towards me to hear me. "How tall are you?" I asked and felt my face go just a tad bit red.
"5 foot 10 inches, so is Kaoru. What's it to ya?" He answered with a smirk.
"Just wondering." I said. The teacher began blabbing about Pearl Harbor again my brain wandered. I started doodling on my notes. I drew the body base of eight people, two of which were girls. Then the details, then the clothes, then the faces. Before I knew it, I had drawn the Host Club plus me.
"What's that?" I heard over my shoulder. Hikaru was looking at my picture. I jumped.
"Honestly, It's the Host Club... plus me..." My face went red and I covered the picture with my hands and arms, embarrassed.
"Aw, don't be embarrassed. I bet it's not that bad." Kaoru whispered and took the picture to look at it. There was one thing I didn't want him to see in that picture... "Sakura..." He said. He looked up at me because I knew what he saw. He stared and my face went darker as I snatched it back.
"Don't take my things without asking!" I whispered. I quickly erased the part of the picture I wish he never saw... I looked back at Kaoru, who was still staring, and I pretended to zip my lips shut. He sat motionless for a second, then nodded once in agreement. I sighed a breath of relief. I decided I'd try to pay attention until the end of class.
The bell rang and it was time for Geometry. That class was a bore so to me it went by quickly because I was doing other things. I re-drew the part I had erased and just started at it for a minute. It was Mori to the far left with Honey on his shoulders, then off to the right was Tamaki with his hands wrapped around Hanna's neck (playfully/lovingly) and Hanna holding Tamaki's hand, Kyoya next to Tamaki with a notebook by his side and his right hand on Tamaki's shoulder and a twin on either side of me in the middle, Hikaru lightly holding my right hand and Kaoru lightly holding my left hand. We were all bunched together.
The bell rang and I stood up silently and walked out of the classroom. I didn't even look back when I heard one of them yelling my name. I put my headphones on and listened to music until I got to my classroom. The bell rang and I honestly almost fell asleep in that class. I put my head down on the desk and the next thing I knew the bell was ringing for third hour to end. Science was next and that class went by fast. We did a lab that hour with the density of different liquids. The bell rang and it was time for lunch.
I reached the lunchroom and looked around to find the Host Club. I found their table and started walking towards it but stopped and turned to walk to my corner table by myself. I shouldn't bother them. They probably didn't want me over there and would think I'm creepy, probably. I just met them yesterday, after all.
Halfway there, someone, or two somebodies, grabbed my arms and dragged me in the other direction towards a different table. It was Hikaru and Kaoru. How did I know...
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