Sakura's POV
"Welcome to the host club, my dear." The tall blonde spoke. I stood frozen in my tracks while I looked around the room for the twins. They were the only people I knew in the room. As soon as I found them, I darted towards them and hid behind them. "Why, princess, don't be shy. I'm Tamaki Suoh." He walked towards me and grabbed my hand and kissed it. I jerked my hand out of his, felt my face flush bright red and looked down at my black Converse to hide my face. Then I felt Tamaki's hand under my chin. He raised my chin and looked me right in the eyes.
"Uh... H-Hikaru... Kaoru...?" I squeaked and looked over to them, and they just smirked and slithered behind me. They put their arm around each other and the other hand on their hip. "Uh... What is this place?" I whispered.
"This is the Ouran High School Host Club, a playground for the super rich and famous. Here, we entertain girls that have way too much time on their hands with our Hosts who also have way too much time on their hands." Tamaki explained.
"Where's your school uniform?" The twins asked.
"I... I can't afford one. B-Besides, it isn't required... Only highly recommended to 'Fit in'." I said and looked at the ground again. I glanced at the other three boys and tried to figure out who they were. One was incredibly tall with spiked black hair. The other tall boy was only slightly shorter with slick black hair and prescription glasses, and was holding a clipboard. The other boy was blond and really, REALLY short. He was about two or three inches shorter than me, making him about 4 foot 10 or 11 inches. He looked like he was in elementary school and was holding a stuffed bunny.
"Oh, that's Kyoya Ootori with the clipboard, Hanna Suoh, my sister, Mitsukuni Haninozuka, also known as Honey, with the bunny and Takashi Morinozuka, also known as Mori. I see you've already acquainted the Hitachiin twins. Are you a first year with them?" Tamaki asked.
"... Yeah... I have half my classes with them." I was still looking at Honey, figuring out how he worked. He looked like he was in elementary school...
"Fabulous! Hanna, Kyoya and I are second years and Mori and Honey are third years-"
"WHAT!? How can HE be a THIRD YEAR?!?" I yelled. The whole room went silent and everyone looked at me. I just melted into a ball on the floor and everyone went back to their business. "I-... I'm sorry..." I squeaked.
"Yay! I love cake! Want some Usa-chan?" Honey squealed. He was so adorable it was annoying...
"So I see you followed our instructions-" Hikaru said.
"-And came to our club." Kaoru finished.
"Yeah, why did you want me here?" I grunted. I put my head on my knees.
"Will you stop tormenting this poor little girl?" A girl spoke. I looked up to see a teenage girl in a girl's uniform with a blonde (longer than mine) pixie cut walking towards us. Her arms were crossed over her chest. "Hikaru, Kaoru, leave her be. She's not your toy." They both gave her a look that said 'Mhm. You sure about that?'
"I apologize my sister, these two idiots were just playing... RIGHT?" Tamaki glared at the twins, who just chuckled and walked away towards a group of girls. "Oh, and this is my lovely sister, Hanna. Hanna, this is...?" He just laughed nervously.
"Sakura. Sakura Aria. And I'm leaving..." I said as I stood up.
"Wait! Come over here with me. We'll have a chat before you leave? Maybe have a cup of tea?" She turned to walk away, but stopped to wait for me. "You coming?" She asked. I froze to think for a second. Couldn't hurt, right? I ran past the boys to catch up with her. "So you're Sakura Arai? The student they've made an exception for?"
I rolled my eyes and grunted "Yeah.. that one..." Damn these rich people...
"Praise the poor!" Tamaki could be heard on the other side of the room. I rolled my eyes again. Hanna grunted and smiled at the same time.
"Cool! I'm sorry about the twins... They're always like that. You just have to get used to it." She chuckled.
"Yeah... The twins..." I smiled.
"Whoah, wait. Where's my cake?" Hanna said as she stopped me. I looked at the table and there was a small plate that had nothing but a few chocolate cake crumbs. "HONEY-SENPAI! DAMNIT WHY DID YOU EAT MY CAKE?" She yelled to him. Honey giggled and squealed and threw Usa-Chan in the air playfully.
"It was getting lonely and cold so I had to eat it!" He started swinging his bunny around in circles and laughing uncontrollably. Hanna just sighed and sat down. We talked for awhile until there were no more customers. Business was closed. Turns out, Hanna was Tamaki's twin sister, but Tamaki didn't know it because he isn't that good at picking up on hints. He thinks they're half siblings.
"Well, I should probably get going so you guys can do your thing or whatever. Bye Hikaru and Kaoru!" I got up to leave but felt someone grab my arm. I was twisted into someone's arms like someone from a dance show.
"Goodbye my princess, I hope to see you back here tomorrow." Tamaki said in the sweetest voice ever. My face flushed again and I smiled. He gently let me go and I headed for the door. Before I grabbed the handle, Hikaru and Kaoru put two roses in my hair (without the thorns). Kaoru's was orange and Hikaru's was light blue. I smiled at them as my face started burning again and they opened the door for me and led me out with their hands.
That night, I went home and straight for my room. The first thing I did was put the two roses in a water-filled vase. Then I began deciding whether or not to go back tomorrow after school. After awhile, I decided that I would, but I had to find a good reason.
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