Hanna's POV
After a while me, Honey, and Mori left Sakura to rest. Tamaki walked with me to the door before leaning over to whisper in my ear.
"Be careful. I don't want him hurting you." I smiled.
"Tamaki, you don't need to worry. They go very easy on me. I'm still learning." I turned and started to follow after Honey and Mori. "I'll be back later!" I called and waved to my brother. He gave a wave back before going back into Sakura's room.
I followed the two boys to their home and into their dojo. I wasn't exactly dressed for karate, but hey, people aren't always going to attack me in my gi so it was better to learn in my normal clothes anyways. Honey went through what we were supposed to learn yesterday. Blocks, strikes, and kicks. We practiced those for three or four hours before Honey tested me on what I learned. We usually started and ended each session with sparing. This time he let me attack first. Not that I could ever land a strike. Ninety percent of our sparing was him attacking and me blocking. So like usual, he was attacking. I continually blocked his strikes. The next thing I knew though my foot slipped and I was falling back. I stuck my left hand down to break my fall, out of instinct. That's when I heard a crack, which was followed by a flash of pain and a numbing feeling.
"Hanna-chan!" Honey ran over to where I still lay. "Are you okay?" He looked worried.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I gave him a smile. I don't think he heard the crack. Maybe I had just popped my wrist. I sat up. The numb feeling in my arm was still there. I had a bad feeling about this, and if Tamaki found out he would probably never let me practice with Honey again.
"I think it's time we head back." I heard Mori say next to me. He held out his hand to help me up. I gladly accepted it, with my good hand, and he pulled me to my feet.
The three of us walked back to the hospital together. When we arrived we found the twins and Tamaki there.
"Have you guys been here bothering Sakura since we left?" I asked, putting my good hand on my hip.
"We haven't been bothering her! She has been enjoying our company very much." Tamaki insisted.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and walked over to a seat to sit down. "Sakura, if they are ever bothering you too bad, just tell me and I'll knock some sense into these boys." I would have cracked my knuckles but, given that my arm was still numb, I didn't.
"Saku-Chan, are you feeling better now?" Honey asked her. She smiled
"It's still a little painful, but yeah, I'm feeling better." He smiled wide. He skipped over to where I was sitting.
"Hanna-Chan, do you wanna come have some cake with me?" Honey asked as he grabbed my arm. It happened to be my bad arm. I winced in pain. "Hanna-Chan are you sure you're alright?"
"What happened? Did you get hurt?" Tamaki looked over at me worried.
"I said I'm fine. It's just a little sore. That's all." I tried to tell them.
"What did you do to my sister?" Tamaki advanced towards Honey who was quick to jump on Mori's shoulders.
"I didn't hurt Hanna-chan." Honey told him.
"Well how else would she get hurt? She was practicing with you."
"Mitsukuni didn't hurt her." Mori told him.
"Tamaki, Honey-senpai is telling you the truth. I fell. It's my own fault I got hurt. Now leave him alone. I already said it wasn't that bad." Tamaki turned to look at me.
"Honey-Senpai, I'm sorry I yelled like that." Tamaki apologized.
"It's alright Tama-Chan. I know you were just looking out for your sister." Tamaki walked over to me.
"Can I look at it?" He asked me. He was sweet to be worried. I shrugged. It hurt a lot when I lifted it for him to see look at. I tried to hide the pain but there was still a visible wince. "What happened?"
"I tripped while I was sparring. Out of instinct I put my arm down to stop the fall. I heard a crack, felt pain, and it's been numb unless I move it, or someone grabs my arm." I explained.
"Don't worry my sister! We are at a hospital. I'll get one of the doctors to look at it for you." Tamaki got up and ran from the room to find a doctor. I rolled my eyes.
After a minute he returned with a doctor. The doctor brought me into another room, against my protests that I was fine. I didn't want to admit how much it actually was nothing me and worrying me. After an x-Ray the doctor came back in. He explained to me that I had a fracture in my radius. After waiting for a while longer he fitted me with a cast. He warned me not to overuse the arm or it might not heal properly. I thanked the doctor and headed back to Sakura's room where I hoped the others still were. I don't think I was gone that long. I was correct in assuming they would still be there and they all looked up as the door opened.
"So did the Doctor know what was wrong with your arm?" Tamaki asked before I was even through the door.
"He didn't bother looking. He just cut it off." The horrified look on Tamaki's made me laugh. He was so oblivious to jokes sometimes. "Tamaki, I'm kidding." I said through my laughter. I finally walked into the room. "I have a fracture in my radius. I told you it was nothing to worry about." He sighed in relief at the fact that my arm wasn't cut off.
"I'm glad you are okay Hanna-Chan." Honey said to me as he walked over and grabbed my good arm this time.
"So am I Honey-Senpai. It might be a while before I can practice again."
"We can still hang out on the weekends though. Maybe you can watch me and Takashi practice. Sometimes the best way to learn is watching!" He smiled at me.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." I returned his smile. The rest of the time was mostly spent chatting. We had to leave earlier than the boys would have liked though since we did have school the next day.
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