Hanna's POV
They next morning I woke up around seven. I practically jumped out of bed when I remembered it was Saturday. I changed quickly and threw my gi and belt into a bag. As I ran out of my room I bumped into someone. Tamaki. Of course he was already awake.
"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" He asked as I ran past.
"I'm going to Honey-Senpai's, remember?" I called back. He thought for a minute. "Have fun visiting Sakura's shop today."I added quickly. "Oh, and try to remember not to call her a commoner!" I ran down the stairs, heading for the door.
"Where are you off to so early, mistress Hanna?" One of the maids asked as I passed.
"I'm spending time with a friend today. I'll be back later."
"Would you like some breakfast before you leave, mistress Hanna?"
"No thank you. I'll be fine." I called as I ran out the door. I got halfway to his house before I remembered something very important. Honey was NOT an early riser. Nor was he a happy riser. It was a good thing I remembered that BEFORE I got to his house. I'll probably be talking to Mori for a few hours if I showed up now. Not that I didn't mind Mori, but he had a knack of not talking. I sighed and continued on, slowing my pace. That would make it take a little longer. Plus I wanted to take in the view. Spring was so nice. The cherry blossoms were blooming and fell in waves from the trees. It was such a lovely time of the year. When I arrived it was only 7:45. I usually had a knack of arriving early, but this was the earliest. I had been here many times but standing in the shadow of this place always intimidated to me. I took a deep breath and headed for the door. I faltered though. What if no one was up? That would be a little strange if I showed up and no one was awake. I figured I would text Mori. At least he wouldn't kill me if I woke him up.
'Hey, I'm a little early today and am currently standing outside. I figured Honey-Senpai was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him.'
'Alright. I'll let you in.' I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank god Mori was awake. I walked to the door and it slide open as I approached.
"Sorry about arriving so early Mori-senpai. I kinda forgot that Honey-senpai likes to sleep late." He just kinda nodded. That seemed to be how most of our conversations went. I followed Mori through the house, which looked more like a dojo than a house. He led me to the training dojo. I already knew where it was but it didn't feel right to walk there on my own. It was this house I swear, it was so freaking intimidating. I set my stuff down and walking into the changing room to change into my gi. I tied my belt before walking back out. Mori stood in the center of the dojo, so I knew what to expect next. This was the part where Mori would test me to see what I remembered from the week before. When I was out he attacked, not giving me a moment to get my bearings. He took it easy on me. I think he knew how upset Tamaki would be if I got hurt. I blocked and countered, blocked and countered. Using mostly what I learned the week before, but also what I had learned in weeks past. Of course I lost the fight. I mean I didn't stand a chance against him. He was like a 6'4" giant who was a champion in Kendo and I was only 5'2" and still learning. Honey was better than the two of us combined, not that I was even close to being good. He was 4'10" machine who was a champion in both Karate and Judo. Mori went through a few more moves with me. Making sure I understood what I was learning. He didn't speak a lot, although he never did. I just seemed to know what he wanted to say at this point. We had been friends for over a year now. Once we were done we took a water break. It was almost ten at this point.
"Mitsukuni should be awake by now." Mori said. "I'll be back." Mori said and with that he left. It was a few minutes before Mori returned. I was still in the same place I was when Mori left. This house made me too intimidated to move on my own. Mori looked over at me when he entered. I felt a tug at the sleeve of my gi. When I looked down I saw Honey standing there.
"Hello Hanna-chan!" Honey smiled up at me, Usa-chan was under his arm.
"Hello Honey-Senpai." I smiled back.
"Takashi told me you got here early today." I nodded.
"We didn't want to wake you Honey-Senpai, so Mori-Senpai continued my lessons in Kendo." I told him.
"Okay! That means it's my turn!" Honey set Usa-chan off to the side before skipping out into the center of the dojo. He turned to me, suddenly serious, like he always was when he was about to fight. I took a step out onto the dojo and he attacked.
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