Hanna's POV
I tugged aimlessly at the yellow dress I was wearing. Never in my life had I taken a liking to wearing dresses, even though it was "required" for me to wear them. Of course just because I had to wear them didn't mean I had to like them. My brother ran up ahead of me, eager to start his day of school. I think he was more excited for his after school club than the actual school day. I shook my head and ran to catch up to him. He wasn't my full brother, only half, but he never acted like we were any different. We somehow had the same birthday, meaning we were the same age and in the same year. Our second year of high school. Although he had only recently come to live at the estate, it was like we had known each other our whole life.
"Hey, Tamaki, wait up! Keeping up with you in this dress is no easy task!" I called to him, as I neared.
"Hurry up or you will be late!" He waved his arms over his head as he called back to me, almost like he hadn't heard me. Ever the dramatic one.
"I'm coming!" I just rolled my eyes and ran faster. He was a lot taller than me so his legs were naturally longer than mine, meaning he took longer strides and walked faster. I practically had to run to keep up with him every day and he knew it. "You are in quite a hurry today Tamaki. Did you miss your host club meetings over the break?" I asked him. Although he had still seen his friends over the break, he didn't have actual meetings. I was well acquainted with his host club. The two oldest, both third years, were Mitsukuni Haninozuka and Takashi Morinozuka, also known as Honey and Mori. In me and my brother's year was the other founder of the club, Kyoya Ootori. The two youngest members of the club were the two twins. Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin who were high school first years.
"Of course. It brings such pleasure to know that we make all those girls happy."
"Yeah well the girls have to be pretty stupid not to realize that it's mindless flirting."
"Oh don't look at it that way. Those girls are happy and we are the ones that make each of those girls feel special and accepted. You come to every meeting. You should see that." I shrugged.
"If that's how you want to look at it. Besides, I only go for the cake, and because you wouldn't let me leave alone anyways. You know, I can look after myself. I've asked Honey and Mori to teach me some of their martial arts, so I do know how to protect myself. You don't have to worry about me."
"It's not that I worry about you, dear sister, it's that I don't want you to be alone. All of the boys like your company anyways." I chuckled.
"Yeah, that's definitely what it is Tamaki. You just don't want to admit that I don't need you. I've lived most of my life without you, I can live without you for a few more hours a day. Besides, it would give me a break from your over dramaticness."
"It's not that at all." He seemed a little flustered. I laughed.
"I'm just kidding Tamaki! Jeez, you really can't tell when a girl is joking."
"Of course I knew you were joking! I just.."
"Admit it. You didn't know." We walked into our class and took our seats as the bell rang.
"I did know." I just chuckled as class began. Slowly the day passed until we got to lunch and of course Tamaki dragged me over to sit with his friends at lunch. The twins showed up last to the table and of course took the two remaining seats next to each other.
"Okay, since today is our first day back with the club we won't do anything fancy. This is the chance to bring in new girls! We need to make a good impression today!"
"Hey boss, we think we got a new girl already." The twins said in unison.
"Good job! Which princess should we expect today?" The twins turned and pointed at a girl who sat alone, was listening to music and eating a packed lunch while staring out the window. She had wild pastel dyed hair, huge nerdy glasses, black headphones and wasn't even wearing one of the school uniforms.
"She looks like a commoner, and she doesn't seem interested in anything like the host club." I told them.
"We will welcome her all the same!" Tamaki exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. I continued to eat as the boys talked about what their plan for the year was. Since this was Honey and Mori's last year of highschool, Tamaki had decided he wanted to do something special, and probably dramatic, for them. To thank them for being part of his host club while they were here. When lunch was over I continued on to my last few classes. Once the day was over I made my way, like many of the other girls, to the 3rd music room. Tamaki and the others were there to greet every girl that entered, and there were a lot of them. Once the majority of the girls arrived they started making their rounds to all of the girls that wanted to see them. They flirted and the girls fawned over them. Some girls just had nothing better to do with their life. I glanced around the room but I didn't notice the commoner that the twins had pointed out. She either didn't show, or got lost on her way here. I made my way over to Tamaki.
"Looks like your new princess hasn't shown up yet." I said as I leaned over the couch to look my brother in the face.
"I'm sure she will be here soon." I rolled my eyes and stood back up, deciding to go study out back or something. There was a tug at my sleeve but when I turned I didn't see anyone. I glanced down, suddenly realizing it and standing there was Honey. He smiled up at me, holding his stuffed rabbit in his arms.
"Hanna-chan, would you like to come have cake with me and Usa-chan?"
"Of course I would, Honey-Senpai." His smile grew even bigger and was accompanied by his cute laughter. He practically radiated cuteness. He led me over to where he had been sitting and sat me down in the chair next to him.
"What kind of cake would you like?" He should have known by now, I said the same kind every time.
"Just chocolate is fine."
"Aright! One chocolate cake!" He grabbed one of the cakes and handed it to me. That's when the door opened up again and there stood the missing commoner.
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