~7 : I smell a liar
The next day at school:
marinette walked to school with Elizabeth,they were both laughing their heads off at a video posted oneline.
Marinette had given elizabeth some breakfeast from the bakery earlier.
"Mari,Later can I hang at your place,I had fun last time!"
"sure!"Marinette beamed.
While walking on the staircase they saw something that made marinettes jaw drop.....
"Eww Its her?" Elizabeth said rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.
"wait you know lila too?" Marinette asked suprised.
"duh,she is one of the most annoying people I know ,she is such a liar!"
"Im so glad that we agree,she is such a stuck up brat!she lies with every breath!"marinette added angrily.
"I really dont what to have to deal with her today" marinette groaned.
"Well If it makes you feel better My teacher switched my lunch scheduele,so I can sit with you today!"
"Thats great " marinette said smiling
"hey would you like to meet some of my friends?" Elizabeth asked smiling .
"oh um sure,that sounds like fun".
Elizabeth grabbed marinettes wrist and dragged her into the hallway .Of course everyone was staring at them.Eventually Elizabeth went to a group of 4.
There was a redhead girl with brown eyes, dressed in gray with a black choker and black boots.(Ivy)
There was another girl with green eyes,curly brown hair ,dressed In red with light makeup.(jess)
There was a boy with ombre blue hair,Dark blue at the top and light blue at the bottom.He had a denim blue jacket ,white t-shirt with jagged stone printed in the middle and black ripped jeans.(luka)
finnaly there was a boy with blond,messy hair,hazel eyes,a chocker around his neck and a black leather jacket.(Alex)
Elizabeth:these are my friends .guys this is marinette
Jess:hey dude,rad boots yo,their dope.by the way my name is jess
marinette smiled,hey my name is marinette.your really pretty
jess:oh thanks
Ivy:hey Im Ivy,nice to meet you !
marinette:hey Im marinette,call me mari
luka smiled at marinette
"Hey the there cutie,Im luka "
"hey luka,Im marinette,nice to meet you"
luka smiled at her
"Elizabeth,you didnt tell me that your friend that you brought was really pretty" luka said smirking.
"No duh,Thats because Nobody dies that weirdo".
marinette giggled.
"you guys seem like fun"
alex:dont mind luka,hes always like that.Im Alex
marinette:hey alex
alya pov:
I was talking to nino about my blog,and suddenly I saw marinette with 5 other people that Ive never seen before.To be honest I never knew she had other friends from other classes.She is changing so much.I kinda miss her but she was really mean to chloe,thats not the narinette I know.I hope she comes out if her senses.I can't belive she is hanging out with that brunette girl so much,I don't even know her!How could she replace me
Lila came over to alya
"Hey Alya ,how are you doing today" Lila said sweetly and innocently.
"Actually not too well" Alya said kinda bummed.
"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that,whats wrong?" She asked pretending to be worried.
"Well Marinette is changing,I miss her but she hurt chloe.I know she was defending herself but...She said some mean things...She went too far" alya said disappointed.
"Oh my goodness,Im so sorry!That doesn't sound like marinette at all .she is always so kind and helpful!" Lila said innocently.
"Yea I know,Hopefully she comes to her senses soon" .
"Hey ,why don't you sit with me for lunch,I can help you get Ideas for the ladyblog ,me and her are super close!" She lied smiling.
"That sounds like fun,Thanks alot Lila!"
"No problem,anything for a friend" Lila beamed.
"Oh can I invite Nino too?" Alya asked.
"Oh of course you can! Maybe adrien could join us aswell,I don't like leaving people alone" Lila said smiling.
"Sure,I will ask him".
The bell rang*
"Come on we don't want to be late" Lila took alyas wrist gently and went running at a medium pace.
Marinette glared at them and rolled her eyes.
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