Chapter 6: Apologies
Mitch's P.O.V.
Great, I thought as I got dressed. Now I had to figure out something to do while I was supposedly going on a date with Troye.
I had to tell him something. That was just the first thing that had come to mind.
After I had finished getting dressed, I went and sat on my bed, picking up my phone to just try and buy me time to figure out what's I was going to do.
A notification popped up to tell me I had an unread message. It said that I had gotten it at midnight last night, but I had my phone on silent so I could try and sleep. I shrugged, opening the message, but dropped it when I saw who it was from.
Troye. I slowly picked it back up, my curiosity getting the best of me. It read,
Please come back Mitch. I'm sorry. It will never happen again. Just come back.
It felt like my heart was exploding. I knew that he hadn't meant to hurt me. I knew it!!
He had just gotten so upset. Things would be perfect now. Absolutely perfect.
I rushed to grab my bag and practically ran into the living room. Scott was sitting cross-legged on the couch, reaching into an open bag of Doritos.
I laughed. "It's like every time I see you you're eating Scotty."
He shrugged. "You gotta eat a lot to get this rocking body," he joked, flexing his muscles.
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, you're a real stud all right."
"You better believe it Maria."
"I gotta go," I said, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge before snagging my keys from the hook by the door.
"I love you."
I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "I love you too Scotty. Always have, always will."
They didn't say it often, but when one of them said I love you, it called for an intimate moment. It also usually meant that something was bothering them, and there was definitely something different about Scott.
"You okay Scott?" I said into his chest.
"Yeah. I just love you, that's all."
Scott released me, although he still didn't look alright.
"You sure?"
He nodded. "Have fun on your date. Again."
There was definitely something bothering Scott, but making up with Troye was an exciting thought, so I put it to the back of my mind.
"I'll be back later!" I called, stepping out the door and quickly waking to my car.
When I got to Troye's house, I was so excited I could hardly breath. I ran up to the doorway, accidentally tripping on a loose rock on the way.
Why do I have to be so clumsy? I shook it off and unlocked the door, expecting to see Troye waiting for me. But he was nowhere to be found.
"Babe?" I shouted, hoping that he would come running from one of the back rooms with his arms open. But he didn't.
I walked towards his bedroom. "Troye?"
The door creaked open slowly as I poked my head in. There he was, sitting on his bed, wearing just a pair of basketball shorts. I guessed that those were what he had slept in last night.
"Come on in," he said, not exactly as enthusiastically as I had been hoping for.
I couldn't lose my energy though, so I quickly walked in and sat beside him.
"Look," he began, setting his hand on my knee. "Yesterday was crazy, and I know you probably hate me right now."
"I don't hate you," I replied quickly.
He ignored me. "But this relationship can't work if you run away all the time."
"You think this is my fault?"
"Are you saying that it isn't?" He asked, raising his voice. I shrank away from him, afraid.
"The fact is, you lied to me. You can't just do that and expect me to be okay with it. Do you understand?"
"But I wasn't-"
His fist connected with my ribcage. I gasped, trying to catch my breath. The pain was mind boggling.
"Did you or did you not lie to me?"
"I-I did. I'm s-sorry."
Much to my surprise, my response earned me another blow to the ribs.
"Now you know what happens when you lie to me. Don't ever do it again, do you hear me?"
I nodded, unable to speak.
"Good. Now come on. I'm taking you to that Italian restaurant I told you about." He grinned.
I was in disbelief. How he could act so normal after something like that was beyond me. But I guess I deserved it...
What are you saying? You know that you weren't lying! But I guess if Troye was so set on it, and Tyler had been telling the truth, I guess I was flirting with Scott.
All I had to do was not lie to Troye. It seemed so simple. And maybe he wasn't such a bad guy. I would've been mad too if my boyfriend was flirting with some other guy. I suddenly felt overwhelmed with shame.
"You coming?" Troye shouted from the living room.
"I'll be right there babe!" I yelled back. I picked myself up from his bed and joined Troye in the living room.
He grabbed my hand, and I snuggled into his side.
Everything was perfect. Our relationship is going to get better. I'm sure of it.
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