Chapter 27: Why Me?
Scott's P.O.V.
"This-this can't be happening," I mumbled.
She sniffled. "I'm sorry Mr. Hoying. The surgeons did everything they could. After the surgery, we ran extensive tests to confirm our suspicious, and Mr. Grassi has no feeling in his lower body. It seems that his condition could be permanent. He's under a sedative right now because he was extremely panicked when he couldn't move his legs. Just be aware that he could return to his unsettled state once the sedative wears off."
Against my will, I started to cry. "I-I can't b-b-believe this!"
"I'm so sorry Mr. Hoying. I...couldn't take care of him like I promised."
I shook my head. "It's not your fault Cheyenne. It's no ones fault but Troye's."
I sadly opened the door to Mitch's room, biting my lip when I saw Mitch sprawled across his hospital bed.
He had so many beeping machines hooked up to him that I could barely hear myself think. Mitch stared blankly up at the ceiling, his breathing deep.
His head flopped to face me, barely looking at me.
"Scott," he whispered.
I quickly rushed into the chair beside his bed and took his hand.
"Where did you go?" He asked hoarsely.
I gestured to the bags that I had set beside me. "I went to Walmart and then back to the apartment to pick up some stuff."
I began to pull things out of the bags. "Okay, so I got you some mini Reese's. You still like those right?"
He gave me a small smile. "I love them."
"I picked up one of those super soft blankets that you're always talking about!"
He grinned. "Ooh, let me feel!"
I handed the blanket to him, which he immediately rubbed on his face.
"Oh my gosh it feels like a bunny on my face!"
I laughed. "That's a weird description, but I'll take it. And the last thing I got is a little Simba stuffed animal. I know that The Lion King isn't really your thing, but I thought-"
"It's adorable Scott. Just like you," he said, squeezing the small plush animal.
"I also picked up some clothes and stuff at the apartment. I figured you might want to freshen up a little when you get to go home."
"When do I get to go home?"
I sighed. "Um...I honestly don't know."
I saw his eyes widen, and the beeping of the heart monitor picked up as his breathing did.
"Scott! I-I can't move my legs! I forgot, but the doctors came in and tried to get me to move them, but I couldn't. Scott why can't I move my legs?"
"'s something in your back. The crushed bones messed up the nerves in your spinal cord. I'm so sorry Mitchie."
He covered his face with his hands as his tiny body began to shake with sobs.
"It's just temporary right?" He sobbed. I bit my lip.
"Scott. Tell me it's temporary. Please tell me it's temporary."
"The doctors...they said that it could be permanent."
He sobbed harder.
"W-why h-h-happen to m-me?"
I rubbed his arm, trying to calm him down. "I don't know Mitchie. I'm so sorry."
He continued to sob, but he leaned over so that his upper half was leaning up against me. He winced a little, but then relaxed into my touch as I cradled him in my arms.
I hummed softly in his ear as I stroked his hair, still hearing his jagged sobs.
A couple of nurses burst through the door, Nurse Cheyenne the leader.
"Mr. Grassi's heart monitor was going crazy, we're here with a..." She looked at how Mitch was cradled in my arms, his breathing getting deeper. His heart monitor had returned to nearly normal.
"Oh. I see that you have it all under control. My apologies Mr. Hoying. Just give us a call if you need anything."
I nodded and whispered, "Thank you."
She nodded and escorted the other nurses out of the room.
"What are we going to do?"
I sighed.
"Well I'll tell you what we're not going to do. We're not going to give up. The doctors said your condition might be permanent. Key word being might. So, we go to physical therapy to get your strength back. It might not work, but it can't hurt to try."
He sat up. "You really think that I still have a chance?"
"Of course. If anyone can do this, it's a queen like you."
Kirstie's P.O.V.
It felt so good to be back in my own house again, without fear of more torture. I quickly changed out of the hospital clothes and into a more comfortable jeans and sweatshirt. I took a deep breath, already feeling one hundred times lighter. I could actually smile again.
"Kirst?" Avi called, knocking softly on the doorframe.
"Um, Kev and I were wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner tonight."
He ran his hand through his long, dark hair, looking gorgeous as ever.
"I would love that actually," I replied as my stomach grumble unhappily. "Where to?"
"That's sort of up to you. You know, me being a gentleman and all."
I grinned. "Oh yeah, Avi. I know exactly how much of a gentleman you are. And a handsome one at that."
He smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Oh yeah? Come on, just keep telling me how amazing I am."
"Shut up you big handsome dope."
I leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his lips, then another.
Kevin cleared his throat awkwardly from inside the doorframe. "Are you two lovebirds coming, or am I going to have to go eat all by myself?"
Avi laughed. "Great timing Kev. You couldn't have waited about thirty more seconds?"
"Nah man. When I'm hungry, it's everybody's problem. So let's go!"
I giggled and grabbed Avi's hand as we walked out of the house. We took Kevin's car, and Avi and I sat in the backseat while Kevin drove.
"So where to Kirstie?"
" about Olive Garden?"
"Sounds good to me!" Kevin exclaimed, turning the radio up. When we pulled up in front of the restaurant, the smell of pasta wafted through the air.
"Oh my gosh it smells so good!" Avi shouted as we walked into the building, putting his arm around my shoulders.
"Booth for three please," Kevin said politely to the waitress, who escorted us to an empty booth.
We ordered drinks, then shortly after, we put in our order for entrees as well.
"This was such a great idea Kirst," Avi whispered in my ear, his hand lingering on my knee. I felt myself blushing.
"Come on guys! No flirting at the table!"
Avi rolled his eyes as the waitress came back with our dishes. She set the three big bowls of pasta in front of each one of us, winking at Kevin before she left. Kevin laughed as she walked away.
"Did you guys see that?" He asked as I stuffed a forkful of pasta into my mouth. "She's totally into me!"
Avi snorted. "Well, it doesn't matter if she's into you or not. I've already got the best girl around!"
I grinned at him while Kevin made a disgusted face.
Avi was the best guy a girl could ask for. A sudden realization made me frown into my pasta.
I was nowhere near good enough for him.
I had never thought like this before, but I had really let Troye get under my skin. I bit back tears as the words started to flow through my mind.
Fat. Ugly. Bitch.
They made me upset, but at the same time, fueled me to make myself better for Avi. Suddenly, my pasta didn't seem so appetizing.
I set my fork down, but I couldn't even handle what I'd already eaten. I had always told myself that I would never do this, but it felt like I had no choice.
"Are you alright Kirstie?" Avi asked, his hand on my arm.
I nodded and quickly started to scoot out of the booth. "I'm fine. I've just got to use the little girls room. Be back in a sec."
I almost ran to the bathroom and fell to the floor in one of the stalls, sticking my finger down my throat to get rid of all the food in my stomach.
I did that over and over again until my stomach was completely empty, then washed my hands and took a damp towel to my sweaty face. I swished water through my mouth to get rid of the bitter taste, then did it once more.
I looked at myself long and hard in the mirror, grimacing at my disgusting reflection. I saw so many things that I could fix. So many things that could make Avi happy one day, if only I could change them. I smiled, knowing that soon I would be thinner and more beautiful, and then I could deserve Avi. I could be the girl that Avi really wants.
I shakily made my way back to the table, sliding in next to Avi.
"Oh, they just came and took our plates. I hope that's alright," Kevin said, looking guilty for not keeping my plate.
I smiled nonchalantly. "That's completely fine with me."
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