Chapter 23: Rescue
Scott's. P.O.V.
"No Avi. I still haven't heard anything."
"Scott this is serious. It's been two full days since any of us have heard from Kirstie."
"I know Avi. She was supposed to call me yesterday morning, and I just thought she would call me later, but..."
"I can't just sit around and wait for her to call Scott!" He yelled.
"Alright chill! Give me five minutes to get dressed and then meet me at Kirstie's house."
"Fine. Bye."
I sighed as I quickly got dressed and grabbed my keys. I knew Avi was being so snappy because he was worried about Kirstie, and to be honest, I was worried about her too. Not to mention that Mitch was still gone. But that wasn't too big of a surprise. He probably hated me after what I said to him. I wouldn't be surprised if he never came back.
As I walked out to my car, I looked sadly at the empty parking space where Mitch's car should be. I shook the thought from my mind, quickly hopping in the car and speeding out of the parking lot.
When I pulled up in Kirstie's driveway, Avi's car was already parked. Kirstie's, however, was nowhere in sight.
I took the key out of the ignition and jumped out, rushing inside Kirstie's beautiful house.
"She's not here!" Avi yelled, frustrated.
"Avi! Calm down! Yelling is not going to magically show us where she is!"
"Well someone's gotta do something! It seems like I'm the only one that cares!"
"Hey! I care, alright? So just chill. Now where could she be?"
He sighed and sat down on her couch. "I don't know. Has Mitch mentioned anything about the surprise that Kirstie had been talking about?"
I shook my head. "No. Mitch hasn't even been home since yesterday morning."
"Wait. Maybe they're both out doing something. Maybe that's what Kirstie was talking about. Did Mitch say where he was going?"
I frowned. "He went to Troye's house. You really think that they're both there?"
His face went so white that I thought he was going to pass out.
"What's wrong?"
"If...if Kirstie's at Troye's house, I know exactly what she's doing. And it's extremely dangerous. We have to and check."
"But what if she's not there and we just barge in on Mitch and Troye?"
"Well if her jeep is there, then we'll go inside. Simple as that. Now let's get going."
We practically ran to our cars and started them up, and I could tell when we actually started driving that Avi wanted to get in front of me and go faster, but he had no idea how to get to Troye's house, so he had to stay behind me. It's not like I was driving five miles an hour or anything, I just wasn't speeding.
When we pulled up in Troye's driveway, my heart dropped to my stomach. Kirstie's jeep and Mitch's Volvo were parked right in front of the house.
Kirstie's P.O.V.
"Just let us go!" I screamed at Troye, who had walked in with an aluminum baseball bat swung over his shoulder.
"Not a chance princess," he chuckled, smirking as he walked towards me. "Today, I'm finishing this."
He swing the bat at my head, and immediately, I blacked out.
"Stop! Please! Troye stop!"
My eyes flicked open at the sounds of Mitch's pained screams.
"Troye get away from him!" I screamed, still feeling a little dizzy. He ignored me, continuing to beat Mitch with the bat.
Troye brought the bat down hard on Mitch's back, followed by a sickening cracking sound, and then Mitch went limp.
What if he was...?
"I warned you about this," Troye muttered, glaring down at Mitch.
"And now it's your turn princess. Now that you're awake."
Troye slowly walked towards me, dragging the bat across the ground as he walked.
"Troye, you don't have to do this! Just let me go!"
"You two both need to be punished. Now say goodbye cupcake. This is the last thing you'll ever see."
As he raised the bat over his head, time seemed to slow. I didn't even hear the door swing open.
Tears began to roll down my face as I realized this would be the last breath I would ever take.
Suddenly, Troye's jaw went slack, an the fire faded from his eyes as he fell to the ground.
The last thing that I saw was Avi rushing towards me before I passed out in his arms.
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