Chapter 21: Unfaithful
Kirstie's P.O.V.
I woke up to a totally new set of surroundings. Even though I was still groggy, I tried to figure out exactly where I was. All at once, the memories of Troye came flooding back to me, and with them came the pain from the places he hit and kicked me.
To my horror, I discovered that my wrists were bound to a chair, and my mouth was duct taped shut. I knew that Troye was an asshole, but I didn't know that he was a psychopath too.
As much as I tried to wriggle free, nothing worked. The movement actually made it worse, because each little move of my wrists made the rope grate uncomfortably against them, effectively shutting down my attempts at escape.
"Babe! What's wrong?" I heard Troye ask from the other side of the door. My mind swirled with confusion. Why was Mitch here already? Troye wasn't expecting him until tomorrow.
"You're not going to be happy when I tell you this. So just, don't shoot the messenger, alright?"
I froze. That wasn't Mitch who Troye was calling 'babe'. But who was it?
"Well then I'm going to ask you again. What's wrong?"
"Well you know how Alex had that party tonight?"
"Yeah?" Troye's tone was strained and angry. "Just get to it already!"
"I just came from there. Mitch and that blonde-headed priss were there."
"The one you saw flirting with Mitch in the bar that one night?"
My breath hitched as I realized two things. One, that Troye was talking to Tyler. Two, that the 'blonde-headed priss they were talking about was my very own Scott Hoying.
"Yeah that one. Anyway, I was walking out of the party, and I see Mitch in the arms of the priss. So I go over and ask what hell is going on, and Mitch is basically trying to get in this guys pants! It was disgusting!"
I heard a glass bottle shatter against the wall, followed by a loud whimper from Troye.
"C-calm down baby," Tyler begged. "I-I just th-thought you should know."
He sighed loudly, and I heard a loud bang on the wall closest to me. I guess Troye was hitting things to get his anger out.
"I know. It's alright TyTy."
TyTy? So not only was Troye abusing Mitch, but he couldn't even be decent enough to stay faithful to him? It made me sick to think about.
"I'm not mad at you. But you should probably go home now. In the morning when Mitch gets here, it's not going to be pretty. I can promise you that."
I heard a gross sound that I could only assume was kissing, then the front door opened and closed.
I wish that there was some way I could escape and warn Mitch. If only I could untie these knots-
The door opened slowly, and Troye strolled in, grinning at me smugly.
"Morning sunshine," Troye said in a sickly sweet voice. "I guess you heard me and Tyler out there."
I tried to reply, but I forgot that there was duct tape covering my mouth.
"What's that? I can't hear you," he said, laughing. "Oh well. It doesn't really matter anyway. Hey, in the meantime, do you want a beer?"
He raised a bottle of beer behind his head. "Sweet dreams. When you wake up, little Mitchie will be getting what he deserves."
For a split second, I felt a crushing pain in the side of my head from the bottle, then I blacked out.
Mitch's P.O.V.
I woke up with the absolute worst hangover in history. Well, probably. My head was pounding, I was nauseous, and I felt like I wanted to go into hibernation, but unfortunately, I knew that wasn't an option.
I groaned and rolled over, grabbing my phone. When I clicked it on, I saw a text from Troye that had come almost an hour and a half earlier, telling me to get over to his house ASAP.
"Shit!" I swore as I jumped out of bed, frantically trying to find clothes to wear. I finally found a shirt and some shorts to wear, and I hastily tied my shoes before rushing out into the living room.
"How are you feeling this morning?" Scott asked from his lazy looking position on the couch.
I ran to the medicine cabinet and grabbed the bottle of aspirin, stuffing it in my bag, before I answered.
"Fine thanks."
"Hey, I was wondering if I could talk to you about last night," Scott said, getting up from the couch.
"Scott, I really can't talk-"
"Why not?"
"I'm going to see Troye and I'm in a rush."
"So you'll make time for him but not for me?"
My jaw dropped as I tried to figure out what to say. "Scott I-"
"You know what? Just save it Mitch. Go see your precious Troye. I don't care." His body was rigid with anger as he turned away from me, walking towards his bedroom.
He spun back around. "Are you going to stay here with me or run off with Troye? You have to choose Mitch. I'm tired of being put to the side."
A tear slid silently down my cheek. I couldn't believe that my best friend was making me choose between him and my boyfriend. It was an easy choice for me, but I had to remember what Troye would do to me. Scott seemed to soften a little when he saw my tears, but he held his ground.
"Scott...I can't stay."
He sighed. "Alright Mitch. Go see Troye. I hope you have fun together."
He slammed his bedroom door shut, leaving me alone. Even though I was upset about Scott, I knew that I was already going to be in trouble with Troye, and the later I was, the worse it was going to be.
I ran out the door and to my car, and was speeding almost the whole way to Troye's house. I wanted so bad to break down and cry, but I needed to get inside as soon as possible.
Sniffling, I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I was about to unlock it with my key when it swung open, revealing Troye standing in the doorway.
He looked like he was extremely drunk and tired, even at ten o'clock in the morning. As expected, he also looked furious.
"You...are in a lot of trouble...Mitchie," he spat, putting extra venom into my name.
"Save it slut." He grabbed my wrist, twisting at an extremely uncomfortable angle, and pulled me into the house, slamming the door behind us.
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