Chapter 20: Kidnapped
Kirstie's P.O.V.
The door swung open, and a very obviously drunk Troye stepped out. Maybe that would make this easier, but it could also make things go very wrong.
"What do you want?" He asked roughly.
"I need to talk to you."
"Well come in. And be quick about it. I don't have all night to chat."
I obliged, but I didn't sit down. I wasn't going to be here long, so there wasn't any reason for me to get comfortable. Instead, I leaned against the wall closest to the door.
"Now what do you want to talk to me about?" Troye asked, twisting open another bottle of beer.
"It's about Mitch," I said quietly.
"What about him?"
"He's your boyfriend and you should either treat him right or get out of his life."
He lowered his bottle, a mock look of confusion on his face. "I don't know what you're talking about."
I stepped closer to him, suddenly very angry. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. I know that you abuse him all the time, and I'm telling you to stop."
He countered my movements, stepping so close to me that he cornered me against the wall.
"And how would you know that?"
My anger had dissipated, replaced by fear.
"Mitch told you, didn't he?"
I shook my head rapidly.
"You're lying to me," he growled. My eyes grew wide as he raised his hand back and slapped me across the face. I fell to the floor, gasping.
"You and Mitch have the same problem. You can never tell me the truth. Well I guess that I have to deal with it in the same way."
He kicked me in the ribs, sending me skidding across the hardwood floor.
"Leave...M-Mitch alone..." I stammered in between gasps. He laughed cruelly, then crouched so that he could look me in the eye.
You have no control over what I do to Mitch. And I told him what was going to happen if he ever told anyone about this, so it's his own fault. He shouldn't have told you."
"B-but he didn't-"
"Shut up!" He yelled, slapping me again. "He told you, or else you wouldn't have known."
"Believe whatever you w-want. I'm leaving." I tried to climb to my feet, but he shoved me back onto the ground.
He scoffed. "You think you're leaving?"
"Why...why wouldn't I?"
"You're going to stay here and watch what happens to your precious Mitchie."
"W-well I'm not g-going to stay here all night with you, asshole."
He raised his eyebrows. "Oh aren't you? Night night princess," he whispered as he raised his fist again, then everything went black.
Scott's P.O.V.
Around midnight, the party was still going strong. It didn't start to die down until about two-thirty, when I finally met up with Kevin and Avi again.
Kevin was downright drunk, barely able to stand, let alone walk in a straight line. He was usually so collected and sweet, so it was weird to see him like this. He staggered around, obviously trying to hit on a very attractive girl standing by the door. By the looks that the girl was giving him, it wasn't working.
Avi, on the other hand, only looked like he had downed a few drinks. He trailed Kevin like a lost puppy, his head down. He didn't seem to be having much fun at all.
My heart was torn. It hurt to see one of my friends so sad, but I also remembered how he had treated Kirstie. At least he felt bad about it.
"Are you guys ready to go?" I called from across the room.
Kevin put one finger up, motioning for me to give him a minute. Avi just continued to stare at the ground.
"Alright. I'll be back in a minute with Mitch. Just wait here."
After searching most of the house, I finally found Mitch looking like he was ready to pass out in an armchair.
"Mitch? We're leaving."
He raised his head and blinked at me lazily.
"Mitch how many drinks did you have tonight?"
He furrowed his brow in deep thought. "Uh...eleventy seven...probably."
"Eleventy seven huh?" I laughed. "And how many would that be?"
He held up all ten of his fingers. "This many."
I rolled my eyes. "Well Mr. Drunk, are you ready to go home now?"
"Wait..." He mumbled, reaching for a full plastic cup on the counter next to him. Before he could spill it all over himself, I grabbed the cup from his thin fingers, but he didn't seem to notice, bringing his empty hands up to his mouth and acting like he was drinking.
After a few second, he crinkled his eyebrows, looking confused.
"Looking for this?" I asked, holding up the cup.
He glared at me. "Hey...I was drinking that..."
"I think you've had enough for one night. Come on, let's go."
He didn't move, staring at me with a pout playing across his perfect features.
He raised his arms towards me, and I immediately knew what he wanted.
I rolled my eyes, walking over to where he was seated, and scooped him up into my arms.
He snuggled into my chest. "Much."
He wrapped his arms around my neck as I started to carry him towards the door.
"Hey...guys..." An awkward voice said from behind me.
I turned around, and my gaze was met with Tyler's.
"What's up? Sorry, my hands are kind of full right now," I laughed, nodding towards Mitch in my arms. Weirdly, Tyler didn't look the least bit amused.
"What are you two doing?" He asked, looking down at Mitch disgustedly. I knew that Tyler and Mitch had grown apart, but I didn't know that Tyler was so against him. Mitch had never told me the reason that he had stopped hanging around Tyler, and I had never asked. Maybe they had a fight that I didn't know about.
"Well Mitchie here had one drink too many, and he can barely walk, so I have to carry him out to the car. Pretty pathetic right?"
He stared at me coldly. "Really pathetic."
Mitch seemed oblivious to the fact that Tyler was standing right in front of us, and was obviously not happy about it. He raised his hand to my face and began to trace my jawline.
"You're so pretty..." He mumbled just loud enough for Tyler to hear, then nuzzled his face back into my chest.
Tyler stared at us with wide eyes, opening his mouth as if he were going to say something, then closed it and walked quickly away from us.
That was weird, I thought as I continued to advance towards the door. I wonder what made him look so angry...
"You'll call me right?" A very drunk Kevin asked the mystery girl.
She nodded and giggled. "Bye Kevin."
He waved as she walked out the door, blowing her a kiss in her way out.
"Ooh Kev trying to get some!" Mitch squeezed from in my chest.
"You know it!" Kevin pumped his fist in the air, grinning from ear to ear. "Sheissointome..."
I laughed at how his words started to slur together. "Alright you guys. Let's get going. Two of you-" I looked pointedly at Kevin and Mitch "are very drunk and need to rest."
Kevin shrugged, then leaned on Avi, who helped him out the door. I followed them, hoping that Avi would be able to hold up Kevin if he fell. Avi was a strong guy though, and by the time we made it to the car, he practically carrying Kevin.
We put the two boys in the backseat, where Mitch almost immediately passed out and Kevin just giggled.
"So Kirstie...she went home?" Avi asked in a soft voice. It was the first time he'd spoken since I'd found him this morning, so it kind of caught me off guard.
"Uh...yeah. Wait, no. Actually she went to go take care of something for Mitch. She said it was a surprise, and that she would call me to tell me about it tomorrow."
He nodded, looking devastated.
"Hey man, what happened tonight. Kirst was really upset when she left earlier." Even though I already knew what had happened, I wanted to hear Avi's side of it.
He ran his hands through his hair as we got in the car. I started it up while he tried to gather his thoughts.
"Well, you know that guy we met when we were walking in?" I nodded, then motioned for him to continue. "Well he came back and basically attacked her, and I...I didn't do anything."
"That's pretty much what she said."
He groaned. "What do I do?"
I shrugged as I began driving down the dark streets. "I don't know. I guess just try and talk to her about it tomorrow."
"Are you sure that don't know where she went? Because I could go and talk to her tonight."
"Nah man," Kevin piped up from the backseat. "I think you should just let her cool down for tonight. Hey, I'm hungry."
Avi chuckled. "Well what do you want Kurvy?"
"Uh...something yummy?"
I rolled my eyes. "How does McDonalds sound?"
"Sounds like a plan Stan!"
"You good with McDonalds Av?"
He shrugged. "I'm not really that hungry, but you guys go ahead."
Fifteen minutes later, Kevin and I both had burgers and fries and had arrived back at Kevin and Avi's apartment.
"Thanks for taking us home," Avi said quietly. He started to get out of the car, but I put a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey. Look at me."
His eyes grudgingly met mine. "It was a mistake you made when you were drunk. Yeah, it was wrong, but you know that. Just stop being so hard on yourself, alright?"
He gave me a small smile. "I'll try. Thanks Scotty."
I nodded, then hugged him before he hopped out of the car to help Kevin to the apartment.
"Hey Scott?" Kevin asked as he passed my rolled down window.
"Yeah Kev?"
"I think it's cute that you like Mitchie," he whispered, giggling like a child.
"How do you know-oh yeah." I forgot that I had let Kirstie tell Kevin and Avi.
"Are you going to kiss him?"
I sighed. "It's not that easy Kevin. Aren't you forgetting about Troye?"
He made a sour face. "Troye's mean. I think Mitch should break up with him."
"Me too Kev. Me too."
He waved goodbye, and the two disappeared into the apartments.
Mitch's voice scared me, because I thought that he was still asleep in the backseat.
"Yeah? What's up?"
"You going to share those fries with me?"
I laughed, handing the bag back to Mitch. I just hoped that he hadn't heard what Kevin and I had said...
"Are we almost there?" Mitch whined.
"Yes Michelle. We have about five more minutes. Can you wait that long?"
"Hmm. I don't know. Will you cuddle with me when we get there?"
"Um...I don't think that's such a good idea."
He was silent as we pulled up into the parking lot. I helped him into the apartment, throwing the empty fast food bag away on my way inside.
"Why wouldn't you just tell me that you're in love with me?" Mitch asked softly.
I spun around, confused. "What are you talking about?"
"I heard you and Kevin talking. I'm not deaf, you know."
I bit my lip, not sure what to say. "I'm sorry that you heard that."
"Well I'm not!" Mitch shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. "At least now I know why you're always acting so weird around me!"
"Well what am I supposed to do Mitch? It's not like there's any actual chance of us getting together, so what's the point of being open about it?"
"Maybe there is," Mitch said seductively, tracing his fingers up my chest.
"What about Troye?"
"He doesn't matter. Will you carry me to bed?" Mitch asked, ignoring my question. I sighed, then scooped him back into my arms and carried him to his bedroom, where I gingerly tucked him into bed. As I started to leave, he whined in protest.
"Mitch, it's late. You should get some rest."
He shook his head. "Not until you cuddle with me."
"Mitch, you're drunk. You don't know what you want, and believe me, this would cause you a lot of trouble later on. Trust me."
He pouted. "But I still need a cuddle buddy!"
"Wait right here."
I quickly grabbed a teddy bear from my room and returned it to a still pouting Mitch.
He wrapped his small arms around the bear and closed his eyes, letting out a sigh of contentment.
"Much. Thanks Scotty."
"You're welcome angel."
Thankfully, Mitch didn't seem to hear my most recent nickname for him. I can't believe I just called him that.
It looked like he had fallen asleep, so I didn't feel any shame in staring at him. He looked so peaceful and beautiful, it almost hurt to look at him.
"I don't love him you know."
"W-what?" I asked, confused and startled that the supposedly sleeping boy had just started talking.
"Troye. I don't love him."
I didn't really know what to say. Why would Mitch not love his boyfriend. Maybe it was just the alcohol talking.
"I just...thought you should know. Goodnight Scotty Boy. I love you," he mumbled, and within two minutes, he was snoring into the teddy bear.
Confused, I walked to my bedroom and snuggled into my own bed. I knew that Mitch was full of surprises, but this one really threw me for a loop. Sure, it made me happy, but it was also sad to think that Mitch was unhappy with Troye.
Maybe we can talk about it in the morning, I thought as I started to drift off to sleep. Maybe we can get this all worked out...
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