Chapter XXXII ✠ The Crown of Tears
Una found herself gazing at a sizeable tanned animal skin, marked with the various locations of Bryttania. This was a map she had seen before. This was the map of the last battle that Idris and Una had joined forces for. A great line was traced with soot from the kingdom in Wintacaster to Wales, the name of the land Una hails from. Una herself had marked the line from Idris's domain to a kingdom south from Una's grounds. They had offered aid against the East Anglians.
In exchange, the relationship between Wessex and the lands of Wealas could grow strong against the cold relationship with Mercia. They could also offer their aid if east Anglia decided to trespass into Wessex again, trying to take over. They had won the battle that day. This was the only map that didn't have blood on it. It was a day of peaceful negotiations. It was a battle of the wits, not wrath. Una smiled when she remembered this. Only a king like Idris would revel in alliance rather than fight, but that was the way the peaceful king was.
Una stood there staring at it, trying to distract herself. Una was told that she would not be allowed to see the coronation of Gareth. It was a Christian ceremony, and only Gareth's immediate family and the church could witness it. Una was heartbroken in a way, but she remembered how it was for her coronation. No Christian was allowed to witness her coronation in the presence of the Gods. Una can see now how her life has evened out. Everything she has cast out has come back to her in different ways, but with the same sting. Being barred from Gareth's coronation was a taste of her own medicine, a medicine that had a bitter taste lingering in her mouth.
"Lady Una!" A voice called out to her.
Una turned around to see who it was.
"Come quickly!" The voice said in the corner near the hall.
Una walked over and peered around.
"Hello?" Una said.
"You must be quiet!" A voice said in the distance as Una followed it.
"Hello, who goes there?" Una whispered as she came to a stone staircase.
Una could see very faintly in the dark that it was Ingrid, motioning for her to come up the stairs. Una followed and met up close to her.
"These are shortcuts used by the servants so we may not disturb our lords and ladies." She whispered.
"It's so dark. What do you want me for?" Una asked quietly.
"You wish to see the coronation, right?" Ingrid smiled.
"Yes!" Una declared softly.
"Okay, when I open the door, crawl on your hands and knees until we make it out of the line of sight. Follow me, lady Una." She asked.
"Okay!" Una whispered and shook her head.
A wall blocked the door opening view, but once past, there was only a small ledge and a rail no taller than a leg's length. Una and Ingrid crawled out of the door, opening it slowly enough where it would not creak. Ingrid led the way. As they crawled out, Una could hear the voices of praise and words of Latin being spoken. When they finally made it on the other side, Una and Ingrid took off their veils so the white would not draw attention.
Una and Ingrid slowly peered over the edge and looked down. Gareth was on his knees at an altar, bowed down. They had just finished a Christian communion. Hovering above Gareth was a man in all white, with a strange tall hat. In his hands was a crown of gold with gems and pearls. In Gareth's hand was a scepter of equal grandeur and in the other was a golden cross. Kneeled next to him was his wife, Wilona. The man in white was chanting Latin verses. Una knew Latin well, but the man was speaking so fast she could hardly keep up.
"What's he saying?" Ingrid asked about the man in white.
"Benedictus qui venti in nominee Domini." The man said.
"He says, blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord," Una repeated in Ingrid's ear.
"Eo nominee ex pace ubertas." The man says.
"Under this name, from peace comes plenty," Una adds.
"Gareth Aelfraed Cuthwolf autem Wintancastre." The man shouts.
"He says Gareth's full name and where he hails from," Una says.
"Quis est Deus tuus?" The man asks, with the crown still hovering over Gareth's head.
"Who is your God?" Una speaks low.
"Christi crux est mea lux," Gareth spoke strongly, grabbing his cross tight in his hands.
"He says that the cross of Christ is his light," Una says.
"In nomine Christi, amen." The man says in white, laying the crown on Gareth's head.
Una watches as he does not release his touch on the crown yet.
"He says in the name of Christ, so be it." Una whispers.
"In nomine Christi, amen," Gareth repeats.
"In nomine domini, Vivat rex!" The man shouts, releasing the crown.
"In the name of God, long live the king." Una shivered as she said it.
Gareth stood up, and everyone began to chant the phrase over and over again. Gareth then walked around in front of the kneeling Wilona. The man in white handed him another crown of equal regality. Gareth hovered the crown over her head and spoke aloud.
"Wilona Elanor Pendragon autem Tamworth," Gareth shouted, placing the crown on her head.
"In nomine domini, Vivat regina!" Gareth said as he released the crown on her head.
She stood up, and everyone began to repeat his last phrase.
"In the name of God, long live the queen." Una shivered as she looked down.
Wilona was queen now, and Una was in this woman's house. Though Gareth has the final word, Una was now below Wilona since she was in her kingdom.
"I hope Gareth has better senses than to allow her to govern," Ingrid said above the shouting.
"He would be a fool." Una smiled, but deep down, she was torn from this image since Gareth was too kind for his own good.
After a few minutes, Ingrid grew bored and decided to leave for the feast before anyone would notice that the servant girl had been gone. Una chose to stay, observe Gareth and Wilona, to see how much more different this coronation was as opposed to her own. In truth, they were remarkably the same. Only Una had a sacrificial alter and had many offerings for the Gods that day. Una watches as everyone pours out of the hall for the feasting that begins outside the room's confines.
"Thank you, Father John, and may God bless you," Gareth said.
"Thank you, your grace. God looks down upon you with rays of grace. You will make a fine king." The man in white said, bowing to both before he left.
After a few minutes more, Una waits patiently until it is only the queen and king.
"A king!" Wilona laughs as she tries to hug Gareth, but he rejects her advance.
"What's wrong, my love?" Wilona stands off from a distance.
She reaches over on the alter and grabs the goblet of wine, drinking it to the last drop. Gareth sees her nearly spill it over the scrolls they had signed, signifying their reign and lands passed from Idris's will.
"Maybe I'd give you an heir if you weren't so negligent of responsibility. I believe my tenant's wives are less daft than you!" He hissed, jerking away from the cup away from her grasp and seeing it empty.
"Perhaps I would drink less If I had better things to occupy my time here," Wilona said, crossing her arms.
"What could you possibly do better than drinking!? You lament like a peat farmer, and you're a queen! Start acting like one!" Gareth blew up.
Wilona was taken back by his explosiveness. He was usually so gentle talking to her. Now that Gareth is king, he will put up with no such embarrassing behavior from his wife.
"I know I could do many things better than drinking, maybe being a better mother than wife if you'd give me a chance!" She snapped back.
Una gulped as she continued to listen intently. Gareth took a deep breath and collected himself from his outburst. He would not have a drunken wife to parade around her first night as queen. He would not allow her to soil his reputation as well as his father's legacy he left.
"I'm negotiable," Gareth said.
Una's heart nearly stopped as she knew what he was going to offer her.
"Give me a queen that does not act as a heathen, and I'll give you a son," Gareth said.
He bit his lip and turned away. What he said had already been sealed. Wilona would give up anything to have his child.
"Oh, Gareth!" She shouted in joy.
"If I smell even a drop of mead on your breath this night, I will leave you barren forever." He hissed.
"I promise you! I swear by all that is holy and just, and in God's approval now, I pray that I do not touch a drop again." She ran up to him and caressed his cheek.
"I mean it." He said scornfully as he tore her wine scented hand away.
"Now go join the others for the banquet." He demanded.
"But I want to stay with you!" Wilona insisted.
"Now, Wilona!" He pointed at the door.
She bowed to him and left. Una could hear a roar as the doors opened, and they soon closed. Una's heart was racing so fast. It felt like she was back in the mountains, spying for Vikings and Danes again. She could hear Gareth's slow and heavy breaths. He saw the large bottle of wine sitting on the alter. He didn't care for wine so much. He liked honeyed teas, and they didn't pollute his mind as spirits did. He sat down in front of the altar with the bottle in his hand and began to drink heavily. Una's eyes widened as she watched him gorge on the wine.
"God, please help me." He said, closing his eyes and looking up.
He opened his eyes and looked down at the bottle in his hand. He was no better than his wife now that he was trying to make himself drunk. He needed to be drunk this night. All-day has been sorrowful for him. Talk of his dead father, the weight of the kingdom on his shoulder, impending alliances, and wars. This all upset Gareth very much, but he would not let it show. He felt like a festering wound, bound to burst soon. Gareth stood up, placed the wine back on the altar, and faced the door's direction. Una ducked down, fearing that he would feel her eyes staring down at him.
"Damn it!" She could hear him scream.
As he screamed, she could hear a great clatter of metal and the sounds of beads scattering across the floor. Suddenly she felt little objects rain down on her and the clatter of metal again hitting the ground. Una sat up and peered over the edge to see. Gareth had thrown his crown against the wall above Una. He had broken it, and the gems had scattered from being dislodged from the force. Gareth was on his hands and knees crying. No one could hear the sounds of his woes as the feasting had begun. Una was heartbroken by this sight. She knew how he felt, only no one was there to comfort Una. She was all alone in the hours after Eurion's crown was passed to her.
Una began to hear him softly cry, crumbled down at his feet. Una could feel herself shake. How could she stand there and watch him like this? The day of Una's coronation was one of the saddest days in her life. She felt nothing but empathy for him. Where was his family? Did he not have any to come to see him?
Una finally swallowed her pride, and she stood up. She looked down to see the scattered gems glowing in the candlelight. One by one, she gently picked up the pearls, rubies, and emeralds. It was hard to hear Gareth cry like that. They were pitiful wails of lament for his kingdom, his father, and future.
Una dropped a pearl by accident, and it bounced across the ground, making a noticeable pinging noise. Gareth snapped his head up and looked to see Una staring down at him. His face was red and his eyes wide.
"I'm so sorry, Gareth. I didn't mean...."
"Come down for me!" Gareth shouted to her, but not in anger, in longing.
Una saw his expression and his red eyes. She ran down the length of the ledge, bending down so she wouldn't hit her head on the rafters. Gareth couldn't understand how Una was there this entire time. He knew that Una understood how he felt. Only she could console him in his hour of lament.
"Gareth!" Una came rushing down the steps, stopping shortly before reaching him.
Una got down on one knee and bowed, the way his father used to bow to Una. She couldn't run into his arms now that he was king. Una had to know her place. She held out her hand, with all the pearls and gems gathered that had been lost.
"I know now that you must not like crowns. I didn't care for mine much either. It gave me sores on my forehead." Una laughed, but it slowly subsided.
She could feel him take the gems and pearls gently out of her hand.
"Rise. You do not have to bow in my presence." Gareth said.
Una stood up and watched him put the loose precious items in the goblet on the altar. Then he turned and faced Una. His eyes and cheeks were splotchy from crying. His usual smile had collapsed into an emotionless expression.
"You watched my coronation." He said, stepping forward.
"Only half, your grace," Una replied.
"Good." Finally, a gentle smile crossed Gareth's lips.
"My father would be proud that you snuck and saw it." He laughed, but Una could hear his words tremble.
Una shook her head and looked down at her feet.
"I do not doubt that his spirit is out there, feasting with the rest of them. Shall we go? I can mend your crown if you wish." Una said, walking away from him and picking up the bent gold crown.
"I am not hungry. I have more pressing issues to attend to since I am now king of Wessex." He said softly.
Una carried back the crown and placed it back into his hands.
"How long do you think she'll last?" Una asked.
"You mean, Wilona. You heard our conversation, of course." He said, taking the crown and turning it around to assess the damage he did.
Gareth set the crown on the altar next to the goblet of gems. Then he grabbed the wine again and began to drink until he needed a breath.
"Would you like some?" He said, taking the bottle away from his lips and holding out the square glass bottle.
"Though as much fun as being drunk is, I don't feel it would be appropriate at this hour. I'm going to rejoin the others. Let me know if you want that crown mended. I've bent up mine so many times. I'm practically a smith by trade." Una laughed, turning around.
"Wait," Gareth said, grabbing her sleeve.
"I'd say you're better at mending hearts," Gareth said softly.
Una turned around and gazed up into his eyes. Una wanted so badly to jump up and kiss him, but she knew he was becoming drunk from the wine. Gareth took his hand away from her and stared deeply into Una's eyes. She looked so beautiful without that veil covering her up.
"I didn't say I was a good smith." Una laughed, looking away blushing.
"How can you mend hearts that have broken so many times, though? You can't do that to the metal without weakening it. But you, you make hearts stronger." Gareth said.
Una looked back up at him.
"Tonight, I will have to share my bed with Wilona. I fear my heart will shatter once again." He said, coming closer to Una.
"You've had a bit too much wine to be talking of such things," Una said, looking away from his piercing gaze.
"You have no children either, a rarity at your age, and to be a queen? You said you want them, so why do you choose not to have a husband? Have you even laid with a man?" Gareth said, grabbing Una's sleeve again.
"Your Grace, I believe you are drunk if I may be so blunt to say." Una blushed, feeling embarrassed.
It was an embarrassment to be a twenty-one winters lady and somehow remains a maiden. Being a queen didn't help either. Una has no relatives that she knows of. Her line will end with her.
"As your king, I demand you to answer me." He squeezed Una's arms.
Una bit her lip and looked down.
"Yes, Gareth. I have no children. I told you before that my duty lies not with family but avenging. The rumors your father spoke of me being a maiden are true. I have laid with no man, nor do I seek the company of a man."
"You seek the company of women then?" Gareth asked brazenly.
"No, I do not have affections for women. I seek the affections of men. However, it is a distraction on my path. A man whom I fall in love with will prevent me from seeking vengeance, from being in the front line of battle, and above all, from being the best queen, I can be for my people." Una said bitterly.
There was a long pause.
"Why do you ask me such questions that you already know the answer to?" Una asked, feeling her eyes burn.
"Oh, Una. I had hoped... that your duty would change. You need an heir too." Gareth said quietly.
Una found herself walking away, her eyes wide. Why would he hope that she would change her mind?
"Get my wife," Gareth demanded.
Una turned around to look back and nodded. Gareth stood there and waited a few moments. He wanted to hit his head on the floor for asking such things. He knew the wine was getting to him. The room was dimmer, and his emotions were much more substantial. He watched as his wife and Una approached him.
"You may leave us, Una," Gareth said softly as he walked in front of her.
Gareth reached out and grabbed Una and pulled her toward him. He held in her a long embrace, taking in the scent of her perfumed skin. He touched her soft hair and felt the warmth of her on his body. He wanted her so badly, but his duty now lies with Wilona. Wilona watches, confused as Gareth holds Una for too long.
"Gareth!" Wilona scolds.
Una could feel Gareth let her go, and she turned away and walked out into the main room where the banquet was. She was left so torn between what she wanted and what she knew she needed. Her heart was nearly bursting.
Una shook like a leaf when she closed the door. She knew what was going to happen soon. She sat down next to Ingrid and silently ate her food. All the while, she was imagining what was going on above them. Una felt like crying. She wishes it could be her to give him an heir.
"Why must you latch on to her like that? Is she your mother?" Wilona said.
"Are we going to my chambers, or are you going to nag all night?" Gareth said bitterly.
He didn't want to hear her voice any longer. He longed only to hear Una's sweet voice. He wanted to be near her so bad, but instead, he would have to be near his wife this night. Wilona led Gareth up to his chambers, and he reluctantly began to disrobe. He thought at least he was drunk enough to let this happen.
"I don't want you to make a single noise, do you understand?" Gareth demanded as he saw the silhouette of Wilona shake her head.
It was dark enough where Gareth didn't have to see Wilona in her nude form. He only had to remember seeing Una that one time in the forest not too long ago. If he could remember her voice and the sweet scent of her perfume that was still on his neck, this would be enough to get him through this. He was a king, after all, and he needs an heir.
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