"Oh dearest princess." Verdandi spoke and caressed Ella's face.
"Why did he do this to you?" Skuld softly said, sadness coating her words.
"You didn't deserve to be stuck in this state, princess." Urd added and turned to her sisters.
"But then helping her would break our pact never to meddle with them, right?" Skuld asked.
"Yes.. but wasn't Queen Frigg against the war from the very start?" Verdandi asked.
Urd and Skuld looked at each other before they turned to Verdandi's determined face while they looked doubtful.
"I don't know about this." Urd tried to say otherwise but paused as she watched her sisters mourn for the princess. She heaved a sigh and ran a hand through her long silver locks.
"Fuck the pact! Let's do this!" Urd, being the eldest of them three, cried loudly and stepped closer to Ella's unconscious body and extended her hand towards her smiling sisters. They nodded their heads and joined hands as they circled Ella.
*Léxeis kai ti̱ mageía pou syndéei af̱tó to parthenikó tou se éna vathý ýpno. Apelef̱theró̱ste ta desmá sou kai katára páno̱ ti̱s. Antallaktiká ti̱s apó af̱tí̱ ti̱n afóri̱ti̱ adiéxodo. Sí̱ko̱ apó ton vathý ýpno sas, O̱ prinkípissa ti̱s Aesirs.*
Translation: Words and magic that binds this maiden in a deep sleep. Release your shackles and curse upon her. Spare her from this unbearable impasse. Arise from your deep sleep, Oh princess of Aesirs.
After chanting their prayer, static engulfed the whole place as tremors soon shook the whole area. The three goddesses trembled a bit but stood their ground, tightening their hold.
They closed their eyes and poured all of their concentrated magic on breaking the spell casted on Ella, but as the seconds ticked by, they grew more weary as to why she wasn't waking up.
"Ella? Ella!" They heard a male voice as a heavy pounding on the door reverberated inside their dome-shaped hall.
"What?" Urd voiced and turned to the door beaten down by Jem's heavy fists as he relentlessly pounded away on the heavy door, desperate to get in- desperate to see his mate. "Skuld! I thought you casted a barrier?!"
"I did!" Skuld retorted and looked as panicked as Urd. It was beyond impossible to penetrate Skuld's barriers, especially when she's the Goddess of the Future.
"Then how did that wolf reach here much less enter the castle?" Urd asked before she turned to the doors.
"Oh no!" Verdandi cried and they all snapped their heads towards Ella's convulsing body. "We must stop!"
"We can't! She'll wake up for sure. Just a little more push!" Skuld insisted.
"We must Skuld! She won't make it like this!" Urd told her and broke their circuit, cancelling out their prayer.
"Why?! She was gonna wake up if you just gave it a little more time!" Skuld yelled.
"Skuld." Verdandi called.
"You little prick! She might have died if we didn't stop!!" Urd bombarded her the sad truth that even she knew.
Skuld stopped and Verdandi encased her in her arms. She sobbed as she failed to save Ella. Urd watched Skuld tear up. They had been friends when Ella was still Eir, when she still lived in Asgard. So Ella's sudden disappearance made her sad but when the familiars found her again, they had decided not interrupt and just watch over her.
Urd turned to the door when it burst open and in came a very mad and furious Jem.
"What did you say she might have died?" He roared and stomped his way towards the goddesses. "You swore you would save her!"
"We tried to but she rejected it. She doesn't want to return to us." Urd spoke.
"That's not possible! She's my mate! She'll never refuse to return to me!" Jem denied to accept Urd's words.
"What the hell did you do to Eir you mangy beast?!" Skuld accused and grabbed Jem's collar bringing him down to her height.
Jem could see hate, sadness and loneliness swirl in the goddess' eyes. He thought back to events that might possibly be the reason why Ella refused their calling but the only thing that came to mind was that he forcedfully marked her.
He looked down and averted his eyes from the furious goddess. He debated against himself if that was really the reason why she didn't want to return.
"I.. I forcedfully marked her." He stated so quietly that they barely heard him, but oh not Skuld.
She released her grip on his collar and clenched her fists real hard before throwing a punch on Jem's face. It took him off guard that he stumbled a bit and given she was still a goddess, she most certainly had extraordinary strength.
"You fucking insolent beast! You forced her into being your mate?!"
"If I did not do so the pain she was suffering from would not have gone away!" Jem retorted in defense.
"How sure were you that that was the cure to her pain?! You just stripped her of the freedom to freely choose her mate!" Skuld screamed as Urd and Verdandi restrained her from beating him more.
"She was my mate! I know it!" Jem insisted.
"Then save her. If you can save her then I'll acknowledge you but if you can't.. I swear to Odin, I will definitely kill you." Urd stated as coldly as she could, her eyes sending chills down Jem's spine. He knew as hell that the goddess would stick to her word.
Jem stared at each of the goddesses and in them was the look challenging him to do whatever he can to save Ella. He stood up, adjusted and fixed himself before he walked past them and close to Ella.
"Sweetie. I need you with me. I don't know what happened that's hindering you to return to me but please.. I'm begging you. I love you too much to continue living on my own." Jem whispered on her ears.
He reached out for her hand and intertwined their fingers. He planted a kiss on the back of her hand before he turned back to her sleeping profile.
"We are two bodies with one soul. You are my half as I am yours. You die, I die. You live, I live. Wherever you go I will follow you, so if you won't wake up, I'll surrender and follow you. So wait for me, okay?" He whispered, planted a kiss on her lips and on the mark he gave her and was about to leave when he felt a light tug on his hands.
He froze and whipped his head back to Ella and found her eyes gently fluttering open.
"Jem?" She croaked.
"Yes sweetie?" He hurriedly answered and knelt beside her. Happiness overflowing that he didn't notice he had teared up.
"Mmm. I had this.. weird dream." she murmured sleepily.
Jem smiled widely at her cuteness and leaned in to give her a peck on her forehead and brushed her fringes away.
"Yeah. You can tell me all about that later. For now, just rest." He told her.
"Yes." she answered shortly and closed her eyes again.
Jem watched her return to sleep and had this wide yet gentle and soft grin plastered on his face. Words could not start to describe the happiness he felt when he saw her warm chocolate orbs gaze at him again.
"You won't leave my side, right?" Ella asked in a quiet and sleepy voice, her eyes too tired to open.
"Yes. Don't worry. I would never ever leave your side ever again." He said and planted another kiss on her forehead.
While on the goddesses end, they were perplexed, astounded, yet incredibly happy to see her awake again- even if it was only a brief moment. They did not know how Jem did it but he succeeded.
"Well, I must say he was able to successfully wake her up." Urd acknowledged him.
"Yes, and he did it so easily when even us, the moirae, couldn't do it with our spell." Verdandi added with a smile on her face as she watched the couple.
"Hmmp. He just got lucky." Skuld humphed and crossed her arms across her chest as she pouted and looked away. Even though she was acting like that, deep inside she was beyond thankful for the hateful man who managed to wake her friend up.
"Well, there you go. She was definitely meant for him as he was to her. We were never needed from the very beginning." Urd said with a contented sigh and smiled.
"All they needed was to somehow connect to the other. Doubts clouded their bond and that caused chaos between them. All they needed was just trust and to believe in each other once again." Verdandi added.
"Let's just go. We are not needed here anymore." Skuld said before she turned around after giving the couple one last long look.
"As for you." Urd started and turned to the shell-shocked familiars standing by the entrance. They jolted and stood up straight after Urd addressed them.
"Please continue to help and protect Eir.. No. Ella, Okay?" Verdandi said with a wonderful smile.
"I swear I will kill-- Ump!!" Skuld wasn't able to finish when Urd cupped her mouth.
"Keep her safe. That's your job, right?" Urd told them. They nodded their heads stiffly and waited for Urd's words. "Then do it properly."
"Until the next time we see each other again." Verdandi bid farewell before they vanished and left.
"Well.. They always say.. Love is the most powerful force on earth." Levi suddenly spoke as he watched Jem gaze at Ella so lovingly as he carresses her face and head. "Who knew we were gonna witness it do its magic?"
Hey! It took me a while. Sorry about that. I was just too busy with school works coupled with laziness equals to forgetting my work. Hope you'll forgive me. Anyway, I hope you had fun and please do leave a comment or vote for the story and the author. Thanks and have a good day! Ciao~
Halloween Godspell
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