She's HIS mate
It was an uncanny feeling but the pull he was feeling from the snow white wolf told him that it was no rouge. It was definitely identical to what he feels towards Ella.
The thing before him was a wolf and Ella was a human- no erase that- an Aesir. It couldn't possibly be her--
He was snapped out of his worrying when the she-wolf suddenly whimpered.The way it rolled around and curled every now and then told him it was suffering from it's first ever shift and hell, it was definitely painful. He went through that hellish pain and at such a young age too.
What made things worse was that when he heard it's painful wail, he felt the chills run up his spine and the hairs on his hackles stood up like straight pins. He was on full alert as his instincts kick in.
He carefully and cautiously approached the she-wolf. He was betting his whole life span that the beautiful and divinely gorgeous wolf before him was no other than his mate.
The first and second step he took garnered no reaction from the wolf. Like a predator to its prey, he carefully eyed its every movement, he can't risk even the slightest twitch. He took his third careful step and her cute little ears perked up. His fourth step made the wolf crane her head a little and to listen more to the sound of him slowly approaching her.
There were Five more steps and he could reach her and maybe help her through her shift, so he took his fifth step. She turned her head towards him, fully aware of his presence now. He stiffened. One wrong move and it might scare the female away and who knows what danger her fleeing might cause her herself.
He tried to take another step and luckily, there was no response.
Maybe she's sizing me up?
Jem thought and a smile made way to his face, his snout barely stuck up in a proud manner. He was definitely proud of his mate. And another step he took. This time though, she just suddenly bolt up that the suddenness of her actions made him take another quick step that garnered a ferocious snarl from the female.
Shit! I knew she was wary of me. She's all the more alert and unapproachable right now since she has no idea of what's going on and the pain of it all is not helping at all.
Her lips curled up in a snarl as she showed her sharp and pretty fangs that would definitely kill any wolf once used. The brightness of her golden orbs told him she was definitely scared that she had let her wolf instincts take the reins.
Jem snarled back. Even if she was his mate, his wolf did not like to back down or submit to anyone, mate or not. He liked to be submitted to not submit himself. He planted a firm paw to the ground and stood on his full height and proudly stuck out his chest. Yes, he liked to play being almighty.
She took a step back and didn't back down either. She was definitely one crazy and stubborn mate.. but he likes her either way.
She did not waste another second as his sudden movement made her break out into a sprint and dashed away. He immediately snapped out of it as he chased after her and tried to outrun her.
But boy, never did he imagine someone way faster than him was already born. She was incredibly swift as she dodged and side-stepped trees and branches. Jem admitted it was hard to catch up to her but when she reached the forest exit, Jem willed his legs to go faster and sped up. They were nearing the border now and thinking the guards on duty might subdue her harshly like what he instructed them to if ever they happened upon an intruder or rouge, he told them in advance.
*Stay put! Don't hurt her or you'll have holes on your throat!* He commanded harshly.
Jem pounced onto her as he finally caught up with her, just a little more to the border. She struggled to wiggle out from under him but he was the alpha that never let his prey escape and right at that moment she was his prey.
He licked her nape to somehow make her calm down and she immediately froze. Jem smirked, knowing she also felt that undeniable spark that happened in a flash of second. Her wolf recognizes him as her mate but she, herself, don't understand what the sparks were.
Well, I could slowly teach her those.. in the most delicious ways.
Jem thought and snickered at the wild images that raced through his brain. He was quite the perverted one as he could clearly see in his mind the vivid images of Ella on her natural state.
He removed his large body that loomed over her when she visibly relaxed and lied back on the ground, reveling on the sparks that coursed through them. The way she whimpered when he moved away was so cute he immediately snuggled close to her.
She wiggled impossibly closer against him and just stayed there. Ella felt right beside him. Then as if, just remembering the predicament she was in, she felt panicked again. The wolf she was huddling against right now was none other than her wolf buddy. She knew she needed to get home or else she'd worry everyone again.
The panic Ella felt was communicated to Jem as it flowed out of her like waves. He breathed in her scent that immediately calmed him down and hoped that somehow it reduced a bit of her panicking.
Ella, however, couldn't stay put. Yes, she'd felt calm for a brief second as Jem's calmness was transferred to her but she just couldn't calm down when she did not know how to shift back to her human form. Going home looking like the way she looked was definitely a bad idea.
*Just calm down. Think of yourself as a human and you'll start changing back.*
A voice she knew so well rang in her head. She turned around to look for the owner of the voice but could not see him. The only other creature there besides her was her wolf buddy, who was somehow making her feel incredibly safe. She felt perplexed not knowing where the voice came from but decided to obey.
She thought really hard with her image as a human and soon the familiar aching and painful rearrangement of her bones came and she sobbed. Going through that shift was still painful but fortunately, not as painful as it was the first time.
She opened her eyes and quickly scanned her body. She was back! She was human again! She felt giddy with happiness as she screamed out her joy and jumped up and down.
"Oh thank Goddesses! Thank you! Thank you!" she cried and she twisted her body and engulfed the wolf in a bear hug.
"I changed back buddy! I can finally return ho-- Wait." she paused as she could feel the soft rumble from the wolf and the itchy feeling of his fur on her bare skin.
She was buck naked! Naked as a wee little baby! She let out a cry and immediately turned around, feeling the embarrassment creep up to her. She did not understand why but being seen by her wolf buddy, she can't help but be embarrassed.
The wolf shook it's large head and stood up to fetch something from behind a tree. Ella was just confused all the while. He came back with a cloth in his muzzle and dropped it behind her. She had turned away the moment she realized she wasn't wearing anything.
"Th-Thank you." she stammered.
The wolf, as if understanding her completely to which he really was, turned around to give her privacy and time to change. After all, after they claim each other, he'll have all the leisure of oogling and probe every nook and crany of her body till his satisfied. Just that was able to make him drool and feel aroused again.
Earlier before, when she had pressed her body against him because of her overwhelming happiness, he had been extremely aroused that if she had not let go even a mere second later, then he would have lost all of his reasoning and attack her then and there.
He lightly shook his head, to try and remove the perverted fantasies that swirled on his head. The least he wanted then was to forcibly take his mate and shock all the details and truth onto her.
He was snapped out of his inner battle of trying to get rid of the images with a soft sneeze. He turned to her and Goddesses know how much he wanted to just really take her then. She looked hot with his shirt.
/Of course I'd chose my clothing. She's not allowed to wear any other men's clothing besides mine.
Jem thought possessively and just stared at her. Another sneeze and he tried to feel the climate. Certainly, the breeze was picking up and she was wearing nothing but a loose white shirt that belonged to him which ended only about her mid-thigh.
He walked close to Ella and nudged his head on her side.
"Yes?" she asked.
He gestured his head for her to ride and she remained there for a second trying to process what he tried to say.
"Oh! Okay." Ella answered when she finally got it. She climbed up and leaned to embrace his large neck. Surprisingly, she didn't seem cold anymore. Her buddy of a wolf seemed warm enough to warm her up too.
"You know buddy? I heard Jem's voice when I was getting hopeless. I thought I'd never be able to turn back into a human but then Jem's voice rang in my head." she told Jem, who was currently in his wolf form.
So she heard me. I'm glad we're finally establishing a bond, that means she's slowly accepting me even without knowing I am her mate.
Jem thought and smiled mentally. He continued to run back to their home but slowly than needed. He wanted to savor that moment he could share with Ella.
"Jem.." As she mentioned his name, Jem felt happiness sweetly churn his stomach and muscles. He was loving how his name rolls out of her mouth and he had no doubt he was gonna be fed up with it.
"I love you.." she whispered so quietly that it almost slipped past his advanced hearing, but oh no it didn't. He came to an abrupt halt that he almost threw off the sleeping lady on his back.
He slightly turned his big head towards her and saw her cuddle closer, trying to hug his enormous wolf body.
I heard it right, didn't I? She said she loves me, right?
Jem thought incredulously. Somehow, hearing that simple phrase from her cute little lips was just too much for him. The butterflies acted up on his stomach as he felt himself get warmer.
It was a mysterious feeling but he loved it.
She may not have said it to him directly and consciously, he was still able to hear her say those words and just that was able to make him giddy with happiness.
Someday, he sure was gonna make her say it to his face and consciously too.
He may not have told her who he really was but still there was something good that happened to him and he was absolutely happy. He walked back to their home, savoring the time he's having with his mate sleeping soundly on his back.
It's truly a wondrous evening.
Forgive me if I took long updating this. I just kinda forgot about it as I suffered from writer's block for many weeks. Please continue supporting this and I'll hope to see you next chapter. Don't forget to leave your comments and votes, okay? I'd love to hear from you all :) CIAO~
Halloween Godspell
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