World book day- Eyephone
Ok, so I know what your thinking. "Abbie, what is up with your new book cover?!". I have a very memable face in pictures because my teeth are horrible, so I'm pictures I don't smile with my mouth open, and if you zoom in on my face in literally any picture, it looks hilarious. That pic was from a pic my friend did of me on this phone without me realising until the last moment yesterday, and it was just too perfect. Same with my profile pic XDDD
Anyway so once again it's that 1 time a year where at school all the geeks have and excuse to cosplay, and this time they won't be incorrectly called nerds by people who are uneducated on the differences: world book day
What I love about world book day most os the fact that the school librarian is chill, and let's us go as characters in online books, including online books you have written. So technically you can write a book on here about yourself, or someone "different" and go as yourself or the "different person". That being said, the other teachers put you in break and lunch detention if you come as yourself, and plus this is most likely my last word book day(I don't think they do it in college), so I had to go out with a bang. No, I didn't do what the girl who sits in front of me in English did, and buy a mad hatter costume along with the face paints, I don't have unlimited money and the face paints would take too long. I came as Eyephone
I mean sure, literally only 2 people knew who I was as soon as they saw me, and that's only because I told them previously, but still
I also brought in my Mask mask today(yeah, I made that XDD). The only problem is that it's falling apart, but I can always put glue on it or something XDD
Anyway, you guys probably want pics, so here they are:
You can already see my hair fail XDD
I can't use blue hair spray die stuff, and it didn't say on the silver that it was only silver glitter. But hey, I imagine human Eyephone originally had blonde hair and then died it blue/turquoise and black/silver
Mask and Eyephone: real close friends XD
You can see the sellotape XDD
ignore the bad lighting, but yeah, that's my full costume(apart from my glasses, I have real bad eyesight, and wanted to be able to see whilst walking home XDDD
and that's the hoodie I was wearing. You can probably see all the glitter from the hair spray XDDD
Some advice for anyone who might want to cosplay her:
Make sure you get hair die spray, not glitter hair spray. If you already have black/silver(I doubt it though XD) hair, this probably won't be a problem because most blue/turquoise hair die spray is actually what it seems XDD
Also, make sure that you have a silver pen to do the eye on your black hoodie. If you don't want it ruined, maybe check a week or 2 before that it will come out, by scribbling a small dot somewhere on it that literally only you will notice, leave it a couple hours, then put it in the wash and when it's done in there check it's out
When you've got the hair spray in, brush your hair tone before you leave the house, or locks of hair will stick together, go stiff, and feel like stra
that is literally what my hair has become and it's horrible, and I can't sort it on until later when I have a shower, but first I've gotta do my chores
Don't let literally everyone not knowing who you're supposed to be annoy you, because it annoyed me even though I knew they wouldn't know(their guesses were really bad though. 1 person asked if I was the illuminati because of the eye on my hoodie). I mean seriously, I came as Eyephone not for vanity reasons, but to show my support for the lesser known fandoms, and yet they all still annoyed me
And finally, have fun, cause that's the whole point of cosplay
But anyway guys that's all for now, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and I will see you in the next chapter, bye 😜
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