update :DDDD
ok, so as some of you know(because you've kept up to date with my art book), i haven't got any of my devices at the moment, and am only aloud them 1 day a week(i chose Saturday every week), but my parents let me keep hold of my laptop because i told them it would be easier that way for me to do 'homework' XD. i know ill be in big trouble if i get caught, but what other choice do i have? its either this or spend all day every saturday going through my wattpad notifications(you guys give me so many notifications on a daily basis, im not sure what ill do if im stuck with a weeks worth of them XD
long story short, i joined the school magazine(called the bubble for some unknown reason), (and im the only year 11 there because im a huge nerd XD(for those of you who dont know, year 11 is the final year of highschool)), and they want me to make comics and do some creative writing(not sure what im gonna write cause all the stories i have planed are super long and/or a fanfic XD)(as for the comics, ive decided im gonna do comics about the NAOS characters(apart from Halo and Pentagram because obviously Penty is supposed to be represented as a nice demon, and Halo is pretty much the object version of an angel, so they are probably not the best characters to put in it)(in case you dont keep up to date with my artbook, im making my own object show, called Not Another Object Show(NAOS for short(the characters are gonna constantly mock the name XD)), which will be here on wattpad, but on the account that is either stated somewhere above or right next to where i said that(wattpad is being really weird at the moment and im not sure why, but later on ill just comment from that account on this chapter XD))
but anyway, although comics and writing for the bubble is fun, and quite good, it isnt as good as what im about to say about the last meeting we had. long story short, everyone was asked someone to interview. it could be an author, or celebrity, or just about anyone just as long as they werent just some random stranger off the street or something like that, so obviously my hand went straight up asking if we could recommend youtube stars who aren't the most famous, but does still have a lot of fans, and so i made my suggestion. this was on monday. then yesterday we were in an ict room to sort out our college application forms (british college is different to american college, dont go thinking they want us to apply to uni. ill explain british college at a later date(latest will probably be my first day of college (next year(they want us to apply early to make sure we get a spot))), and i had to confirm my school email, so i went on my school email to confirm it, but before i did i saw i got an email from the bubble about my interview, so i clicked on it and started completely freaking out. just so you know i blocked off the names and email addresses, and also you should read the bottom 1 first, as it was sent first. but this is the reason why i have been freaking out so much irl over the past 2 days:
I COULD INTERVIEW ADAM KATZ OVER SKYPE ABOUT INANIMATE INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS SO FREAKING HAPPY WHEN I SAW THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its been a nightmare trying to hide my joy from my parents(they dont approve of ii and think its for babies, so they probably wont be too happy that im gonna get to talk to him, especially since they dont know him, so he could be anyone -_-)
but ill probably tell them after the interview, so theres nothing they can do about it. BUT IM SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ive come up with a few questions so far, but if you guys have any questions you want me to ask him, please do tell, i dont mind(just as long as they arent spoiler-y like whats Paintys gender or who gets eliminated in ep 12, because we all know he wont answer those questions. and preferably not spoilers for key events in ii like something to do with Taco and how she feels about the season 1 finale, because im literally the only person at my school who watches object shows, which not only is killing me inside, but also means that im the only person who will know about ii, and most people hate spoilers and might not watch ii if there are any, and im trying to get more people to watch it here, not draw them away)
so yeah, thats the super amazing wonderful awesome best thing to happen in my life ever of all time so far. onto some less great news. next Wednesday im having an operation. ive known i was having it then for a while, but decided i would tell you guys a bit closer to the time, and i decided to tell you today, as well as the news about my NAOS account and my ii interview. long story short(if you guys want to know. if not, skip to next paragraph), i still have 4 baby teeth, and 2 of my adult teeth are still in my gums, and the other 2 arent there, so my adult teeth that are there have gone down at an angle, so i need an operation to get them back to normal
on the plus side, im missing school Wednesday Thursday and Friday, and my parents are being nice and letting me have my phone all 3 days and all of that weekend, so that'll be great. im thinking about at the very least writing the intro to NAOS then(not the first chapter/episode/whatever you wanna call it, its basically where i say how its gonna be different to other object shows(because, as the name of it suggests, its not just gonna be another object show)).
tbh, im not worried about the operation, or the fact that when i wake up i will feel like shit. im honestly a lot more worried about the needle that will go in to knock me out(cause im a huge trypanophobiac (idk if i spelt that right because its how its spelt on google, but my laptop is saying its spelt wrong), and im sad because im not aloud to eat all day before my op, and because its in my mouth im not gonna want to eat, or be able to eat crunchy things all day. im gonna have to give up toxic wastes(a type of sour sweet(probably 1 of my favourite sweets)), and im sad because of this. and i wont be able to have many fizzy drinks. sure, every week i go to this club for years 9 10 and 11 for my school where we just hang out and do whatever for 2 hours, and we can buy snacks and drinks there, but ive still only got a limited amount of pocket money, and i can only go once a week, and i would have to drink any fizzy there or i could get caught(i dont know how im gonna survive when i run out of pocket money)
in other news, im currently obsessed with the soundtrack for be more chill. especially Micheal in the bathroom. that is currently my new favourite song(i get so many favourite songs from musicals XD). i also may or may not have figured out a way to get Micheal in the bathroom in NAOS(i thought of that storyline before i came up with a lot of these characters, and am pretty much using it as an excuse to put in that song now XD). unfortunately though, you guys wont see that for a while(it is planned for season 1, but it starts mid season, and ends most likely either the last episode or around that point). that storyline is too sad though, especially the more details i think of about it. but the song definitely goes well with it
but back to be more chill, just based on the soundtrack i already ship both Jeremy and Christine AND Jeremy and Micheal. I SHIP TOO MANY LOVE TRIANGLES AND ITS KILLING ME INSIDE
and i know Micheal probably only likes Jeremy as a friend, and Jeremy loves Christine, but i ship a lot of weird things(cough cough Mercutio X Benvolio (Romeo and Juliet), Romeo X Tybalt(Romeo and Juliet), Victor Frankenstein X Henry Clevel(Frankenstein)(idk if i spelt Henrys last name correct XD), and lets face it, as little as we want to admit it, PACO is a pretty weird ship, especially since shes evil, and they both hate each other at this point in time(and she is manipulating his friends possible crush(or at lease Mic is Knifes crush according to half of the fandom XD) cough cough)
but someone please help me watch the actual musical of be more chill, not just the soundtrack
when it comes to musicals i really need to be more chill. seriously, i cant even act next to normal when talking about them. i completely go to la la land. and if anyone ever says anything bad about them, i completely go dr horrible(s sing along blog) on them. i might even write their names in my own death note. everything will end up as total drama(world tour) and when i cant see a musical, i start to be les misrables. dont worry, i have a HamilTON more musical jokes where that came from. you heather(s) believe it XD
lol im not sorry for that XD. that was probably the greatest way i have ever given out a list of most of the musicals that i either love or want to see XD. obviously not counting disney films, or we would be here all night XD
seriously though, musicals are too good for my own good, and part of me is hoping that songs will be a regular occurrence in ii(to be fair, we have had song the last 2 episodes in a row, plus keep on cleaning AND the mini songs in season 1, soit could be going in that direction). or maybe if ii has a season 3(which i unfortunately doubt would happen) just borrow the idea from totaldrama world tour, and have it be a musical season, with whoever doesnt sing being disqualified. I.NEED.TO.HEAR.TACO.SINGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 of the questions im definitely asking Adam is how often we will have songs in ii, and which characters we can expect to hear singing from XD
now time for some bad news, if you read my art book or know me irl yo already know this, but me and my boyfriend broke up. dont worry, we still are good friends. about the only things that are different betweennow and before we went out are the facts that i dont see him as much, and now its slightly awkward, especially when around friends who know about everything thats happened. but we are still friends, and thats the main thing
now time for the worst news ever of all time that i got the other day which i knew was coming at some point but didnt know when; my parents have decided im too old for trick or treating this year D:
its so sad, i need free sweets. i mean im 16, not 23........but to be fair, when in 23 if i live alone ill probably go trick or treating, since i wont have my parents there to tell me no XD. i cant wait to live on my own and not have to live with my parents' constant nagging because ill be able to do what i want when i want without them telling me no. 1 of the first things ill probably do is buy an ii top(they refuse to let me buy 1, even with the money i have saved up, because its apparently 'a waste of money' -_-. seriously though, if my parents decided to get me nothing this year for christmas except an ii to of my choosing, i would be happy. and i know that sounds insane because it will probably be about £30 AT THE MOST when you convert it from $ to £ and add on shipping costs, but its the truth because i really want one and i know i wont get 1 any time soon. the thing is they think a lot of the things i like are too babyish, but if they were to truly take the time to find out more about ii and steven universe and so many other things i like, they would find that although for the most part these things are ok for kids to watch, they do have plenty on other things in them that you wont truly understand unless youre a bit older, like how if youre a little kid, you wont understand the LGBT themes in Steven Universe, or Suitcases true emotional damage at this point in ii. honestly, their way of thinking of the ting that i like as black and white are one of the things i hate about my parents, and dont get me wrong, i love them, but they think they understand everything i do and watch and like, but they havent the faintest of clues what life is like for me or what these shows mean to me, or what wattpad and all of you guys mean to me, which is why they think im overreacting whenever they take away my devices, any why they think im addicted to them, which i guess i am, but they are pretty much the only things that keep me sane, and im not sure how i can go so long without them without snapping
that went on for longer than i thought it would XD. but you guys know by now how much i talk XD
but anyway guys thats all for now, thanks for reading, i hope you enjoyed, and i will see you in the next chapter, bye ;p
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