So, as you remember yesterday I entered a talent show, and now you guys probably wanna know what happened(if you don't I would recommend you leave now unless you wanna be bored to death with something you're not interested in). Anyway, to put it simply, I somehow won. The ironic thing though is last time I won it was a free holiday that's suppose to happen next week for the talent show finale, but because of not only school, but also my mums birthday, my mums boyfriends birthday and my Auntys birthday, I can't make it. And I won the exact same holiday at the exact same time twice XD. I couldn't stop laughing yesterday, not because of my jokes, because they were terrible, but because of the irony. My jokes were terrible, I question how people found them funny. I felt like snowdrake in the pacifist and some neutral tours of undertale in the fight; "wow, laughs! Dad was wrong!" By dad, I mean everyone else who hates my jokes XD.
Just in case anyone actually wants to hear my act, here it is:
Comedy act:
i decide for my act I could try to be a stand up comedian, but then I realised that i wouldn't be able to sit down when practicing at my table. Now, I hope you all like my jokes more than everyone else does. Seriously, they are mostly bad puns and everyone seems to think they are PUNishment. Seriously, if I tell them too much, I feel like they're gonna send me to the PUNgoen.
The jokes they hate the most though are my cheese jokes. Seriously, it isn't my fault if they are too CHEESY for they're taste. I say 1 and they reply saying 'you cheddar Brie kidding'
Talking about cheese, there was an explosion at a cheese factory, and all they was left was de Brie.
Also, near by was 2 cheese sellers. They were nice people, but very competitive with each other. I remember when I first met them 1 said 'hey, try my cheese, it's Gouda' and the other said 'don't try his, try mine. His may be Gouda, but mines feta. They kept on like that until I walked away because I couldn't cammonbare it any longer. Now, here is an important question; what do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho cheese! Another important question; why did the cheese look normal? Because everyone else on the plate was crackers
People also don't seem to like my egg puns, but personally I find the eggsilent. Although, some of my yolks do crack others up, they find them smashing, and it's eggciting to hear actual laughter
My family also don't like my water jokes, because when I say 1 they say 'water you doing telling bad puns'.....at least 1 of my friends like them, because when I say them, he says 'I sea what you did there'. Then my other friends tell us to stop, because they think we're going s bit over board. But if isn't like we're causing everyone's laDOOM. Yeah, you WET we like making jokes. I'm not SHORE why others don't like them
Anyway, on with a different subject, you know the iron man films. I know what they would call them if they did a remake with a girl as the lead role: F E male.
Yeah, that was I science joke. I have plenty more. Like I have this really good sodium joke. I would tell you, but NA.
I have these friends who are a doctor and nurse. 1 day I heard the greatest conversation between them; the nurse said "here is a list of all of the organ donors in alphabetical order" and the doctor said "wow, very ORGANised"
Also, you know I said about my friend earlier who liked my water jokes. Recently he ran in a triathlon, which, for anyone who doesn't know, is a 3 part race; swimming, cycling and running. Anyway, before he dos this triathlon I told him to try his best.
Into a different subject, I remember watching this funny cartoon with animated objects, and this microphone was doing something bad, which I won't reveal due to spoilers, but there was some cheese, and he said 'you know microphone, you should just remember that you have a lot to loose, but not much to gain!' She yelled at him because she was sick of his jokes, so in reply he told her to 'quit with the tone'
I also have a 2 friends who are skeletons, brothers. There is Papyrus; who does a skele-TON of work, and seems to have misplaced his funny bone and doesn't find it very humorous. Then there is Sans; who is a huge lazy bones, and was probably the 1 who took Papyrus' funny bone. They also have a ghost friend called Napstiblook, who is shy and nice. I remember the other day he wanted to go to a party, but he couldn't because he had noBODY to go with
Knock knock jokes:
Knock knock
(Who's there)
Old lady
(Old lady who)
I didn't know you could yodel
Knock knock
(Who's there)
(Dishes who)
Dishes a very bad joke
Knock knock
(Who's there)
(Boo who)
No need to cry, it's only a joke
Anyway, that was my act, and I hope you liked it
I literally just copied that from the notes app on my phone. Also, you guys can probably tell where I got some of those jokes from (cough cough it's kinda obvious if you play undertale and watch inanimate insanity cough cough)
On a different note, I'm thinking of doing a jokes/puns book at some point soon. What do you guys think
Anyway guys, that's all for now, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and I will see you in the next chapter, bye 😜
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