Ok, so today we had the best science lesson ever because our teacher wasn't in so we had a cover lesson and me and my best friend had no clue what work we should be doing so we just messed around all lesson(we didn't even sit in our normal places, we were at the back with a bunch of our other friends, it was great)
But the best part was the fact that on the back row was also this guy who's really good at drawing, and someone must of told him 1- I love taco and pickle and 2- if he drew something horrific to do with that and showed me, my reaction would be priceless. They were right, but not in the way they were expecting.
The picture was of taco killing pickle and using his blood in a demonic ritual(I'm not even kidding)(is it bad that I can see her doing something like this to gain unlimited demonic powers or something like that XD)
When I first saw it I saw taco and pickle(I didn't notice that pickle was dead or the pentagram on the side) and I was there like "omg this is so amazing, I am so proud". Then I took another look and saw all the demonic shit and was just there like "oh wow this is the greatest thing ever, I actually want to keep it"
The boy thought I hadn't realised what it truly was and said "it's satanic" pointing to the pentagram, pickles dead body and tacos creepy face.
What no one except me and my best friend knew was earlier I drew a pentagram on my hand I'm red inc, and made it look like I had carved it into my skin and cut all around it as a prank to anyone who might see it(I did the exact same prank yesterday with her, so she noticed it today and knew it wasn't real today)
So when he said "it's satanic" I was just there like "so am I" whilst pointing to my hand, just to see his reaction
He said "oh shit" and sat down in his seat. I'm sure he's terrified of me now
So, long story short, the only thing I learnt in science today was how much of a sadistic fuck I am XD
Anyway guys, that's all for now, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and I will see you in the next chapter, bye 😜
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