Chapter 3
Victoire, Dominique and Louis are Bill and Fleur's children
Fred and Roxxane are George and Angelia kids
Molly and Lucy are Percy and Andrey's kids
Rose and Hugo are Ron and Hermione's kids
James and Albus and Lily are Harry and Ginny's kids
Draco had married someone named Astoria Greengrass and their child is Scorpius
Teddy is Tonks and Remus child
Luna had married someone named Rolf Scamander and they had twins named Loran and Lysander
Though I don't know how I'm going to bring in Luna's and Draco's kids yet. The other character's are just OC's. So their back story will continue in the story but these are the next generation of Harry Potter that you should know who's kids are who's.
The photo at the top is Lola Morgan.
When Wednesday came Lucy was worried about her sister, and she wasn't the only one. Lucy's DADA class finished and she walked about, she found Lola waiting for her. "Hey Lucy, have you seen or talked to Molly lately?" she asked as they started walking together.
"Not really. I saw her on Saturday and she said she was sick. I tried checking on her again but she doesn't want to talk or see me," Lucy said.
"We planned on hanging out on Saturday but she never showed. I'm afraid something bad happened to her."
"I know what you mean. She went to talk to Sherman and Jared after she helped me with my homework. I wonder if they know anything," Lucy said, and as if they heard their names Sherman and Jared came walking by.
"Hey Luce what's up?" Sherman asked.
"Nothing much. Have you seen Molly lately?" Lucy asked.
"Last time I've seen her was on Friday in the Great Hall. Why? Is something wrong?" Sherman asked.
"I don't know, she hasn't left the common room since after she got back from see you guys," Lucy said.
"Did you see anything after she left? Anything odd?" Lola asked, and the two boys thought for a minute and shook their heads.
"Nope sorry. We wanted her to do something but she said she couldn't do it said it was a personal reason," Jared said and Lola and Lucy looked at each other worried.
"Okay well see ya later we gotta go!" Lucy said, she and Lola ran off.
Back at the common room, Molly sat on a couch by the fireplace and stared at it. Why did she have to mess it up? Things were going to so nice until she went and screwed it up. She knows she has to end things, but she doesn't know how. Sure she has people who love her and will help her figure things out, but she can't go and tell them what's wrong. All they want to do is figure their own problems, why would they even worry about her?
Molly sighed and shook her head, she knew better then that. Sometimes Molly didn't understand herself, what made her think someone else would understand her? She was last in thought and didn't hear the door of the common room open. Nor did she notice someone sitting down beside her until they coughed. Molly jumped a bit and looked towards the sound and saw one of her friends sitting there. "Hey Victoria," she said and looked back at the fireplace.
"Hey Molly, is everything okay?" Victoria asked, Molly just shrugged.
"Everything is just peachy," she said.
"Than why haven't you been in class all week?" Victoria asked.
"Wasn't feeling too good," Molly said, not really in a talking mood. Victoria sighed and debated whether to tell her or not. She went for it anyways.
"Look Molly, I know about you're boyfriend," she said and Molly jerked her head towards her making her wince.
"How?" she whispered, Victoria shrugged not wanting to tell her that she overheard her sister yell it at their cousins last week.
"Rumors," she said, "But it's not important, what is, is that you have to dump him. You need to be happy."
Molly signed and looked at the slowly dying fire. "I wish I could. But I can't, or everyone that I love is in trouble and I've been figuring out a way so they won't. So far I've come up with nothing," Molly sighed.
"What do you mean?" Victoria asked.
"He kinda put a spell on me that if I do break up with him, I'll be in more pain then I am when I'm with him. That's the reason why I'm so distant from everyone and everything. I can't concentrate on anything but that particular thing and it's giving me a headache.
"I'm just so tired all the time, and I can't seem to get any sleep," Molly said. Someone gasped behind them and they turned around to see Lucy and Lola.
"Oh Molly," Lucy cried as she ran to her sister tackling her into a hug. Molly tried to hold in a groan and hugged her.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Lucy asked as soon as she let go of her and sat on the floor holding Molly's hand.
"I didn't want you to worry. And besides, I know that when James gets you really mad, you tend to yell out things that he doesn't need to know."
Lucy smiled shyly. "There's something you need to know..." Lucy trailed off blushing in embarrassment.
"What?" Molly asked knowing it can't be good.
"Well, when you left me and James last week. James kept talking about how he was gonna make fun of you even more. So I kinda blow up and told him, Rose, Louis, Dom and Roxxie," Lucy said, Molly sighed and shook her head.
"It's fine," Molly said.
"Are you sure?"
Molly nodded and smiled slightly. "You know Molly, if you told us we can help you," Lola asked.
"I know, but you guys are always busy with something. I thought it wouldn't be worth your time," Molly confessed.
"Molly, you'll always be worth our time," Victoria said, making Molly smile a little.
"Lola?" Molly asked.
"You're in Gryffindor, why are you here?" Molly asked bluntly, making Lola and everyone laugh.
"Lucy snuck me in," Lola said.
"Right should have figured. Well, I feel a little better and I'm hungry. So I'm going for a walk, later," Molly said standing up.
"I'll come with you," Lucy said standing up. Molly turned around and shook her head.
"I'll be fine Lucy don't worry," Molly said and left the common room.
Molly made her way to the Great Hall to see if there was any food. It's been six days that she's been without food and it was starting to get to her. As she turned a corner, she bumped into James she stumbled a bit before he caught her. "Whoa Molls careful," he said letting go of her when he knew she was okay to stand.
"Thanks," she said, pinching the bridge of her nose closing her eyes getting rid of her dizziness.
"You okay?" James asked studying her closely.
"Yeah, just a bit dizzy."
"Is that all? I mean, I haven't seen you since Friday. Everyone's worried about you," he said, Molly nodded and shrugged.
"I'm fine, just got sick but I'm feeling a whole lot better," Molly lied.
"Okay... So where you headed?" James asked.
"Great Hall, I'm kinda hungry," she said, James nodded.
"Okay, well I'm meant to meet up with someone so I'll see you around," he said and what he really meant was 'I'll check up on you later' but Molly was to focused on not falling over that she didn't catch it.
"Okay," she said, and started walking.
James watched her cousin walk away, with a frown. He knew what's wrong with her, but he didn't know how he could help. First things first was finding the person who's hurting Molly. As Molly walked her mind wondered to everyone, could they help her? Molly didn't know, but Lucy, Lola and Victoria seemed like they wanted too. She was deep in thought that she didn't hear someone calling her name. And when the said person came up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder she yelped and pulled away too quickly. "Sorry Molly I didn't mean to scare you, I thought you heard me."
Molly turned around and saw Cor and sighed. "That's okay, I've been lost in thought," Molly said, and Cor smiled a little.
"You know, thinking too much might result to headaches," Cor said, making Molly smile a bit.
"That's something I should keep in mind," Molly said.
"So where ya headed?" Cor asked as the started walking with her.
"To the Great Hall, I'm kinda hungry. Haven't been eating lately," Molly answered, Cor nodded.
"Everything alright?" he asked.
"Fine, just got a little sick," Molly said, and stumbled a bit.
"Careful Molly," Cor said, making sure she doesn't fall.
"I'm just really dizzy," Molly said, and started walking again but didn't make far. She had walked two steps and fainted. Cor caught her before she had a chance to hit the floor.
"Molly?" Cor asked and he got no reply. He looked around wondering what to do. With a sigh, he picked her up bridal style and walked towards the Hospital Wing.
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