Prologue || Another Devil's Game
02/07/20 - 02/08/20
Ten months... Ten months had passed since the two broken angels finally held onto the freedom they wanted. They finally got their wings fixed up and their scars of disgusting memories are now healed. Their heart isn't shattered anymore by devils' evil and will to destroy them and the sky is open for them to fly back to their desired place of peace for they are freed! But did God say they deserve it?
He didn't.
Rachel opened her beautiful blue eyes slowly. Her body felt weak but it has the will to sit back up and saw Isaac Foster, also known as Zack, laying beside her without consciousness. She felt a massive headache banging in her head but that is none of her concern at the moment. She wants to know where she and Zack is. At the moment, she only knows that they're both on a cold cemented floor with a tiny flickering light in the middle. "Zack," Ray muttered but tries her best to speak louder as she shook Zack. "Wake up..."
And so, the bandaged male did. Unlike Ray, his eyes instantly snapped open and he sat up quickly. "Oi, oi, Ray... Where the absolute fuck are we?!" He asked loudly as he turned and shook the blonde girl by her shoulders. "I don't know either. We just came here passed out..." Ray answered in a mutter. Zack lets go of her with a clenched fist, teeth grinding to each other. "This... This can't be happening. We are in a fucking hell hole again, aren't we?" Before Rachel could answer, Zack let out a frustrated yell and banged his fist onto the floor several times. "DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT!"
While he's having his basically mental breakdown, Ray stood up on her feet and looked around the room. It's hot and tiny but enough for a chair and noose to be in. Ray approached the chair out of curiousity and didn't mind the rope above it. On the chair, there's a note written for assumingly them. "Zack," Ray called out for her partner, not giving a damn if he's tearing apart at the moment. "Just calm down and come over here. There's a note for us... That I assume is for us." Zack then snapped his head towards Rachel and gave her a cold glare. "The fuck am I supposed to do with that?! I can't fucking read and we are in a damn place that I guess just like the fucking one BEFORE!" He yelled at the emotionless Ray but decided to come to her anyway. "Sorry." Ray said with a sigh and earned a huff from the male. She cleared her throat slightly before reciting whatever's written in the said note.
"What is worse? Living or dying? But remember this," Ray paused as she raised a brow before continuing to the next line. "I'm always watching." Her tone was high in reading that, making it seem like she's asking rather than saying it normally. Zack, of course, has his face in greatest confusion. Why would anyone even write that in the first place? "And what the hell does that even mean?" Zack growled as he snatched the paper from Ray's little hands, crumpled it, and tossed it at a nearby wall. However, in much doing so, the paper landed next to his scythe which is propped up on the wall so Zack's mood lightened up a bit. Hey, a killer will never be the same without their trustworthy partner; their signature weapon of choice. He grabbed it from the wall before swinging it over his shoulders and let his arms rest by its snath. "I'm not so sure. But somebody will be surely watching every move we make..." Ray muttered in response as she looked for cameras. Just what she had thought, there's one placed in the upper left corner of the room staring at them.
Before Ray could even point at it for Zack to see, they both heard shuffling behind the walls. It sounds like little steps while running. It reminds them both of Zack's room before. It's a huge mess and rats and cockroaches seem to love his personal space too. Zack found them annoying but he never had the will to ever fix or clean up his room. Firstly because he never has the proper materials and secondly, it is out of laziness. But the stepping the two heard isn't normal at all for a rat. It sounds like a child's for the steps are a lot harder as it stomps for the ground but it sounds just as fast for a rat. Zack got his scythe ready and pushed Ray behind him to protect her. The two have their relationship like as if they're siblings now after all this time. Zack knew instead of killing Ray, he has to protect her now that she finally agreed to refusing her death that she ever wanted so badly before. "Show yourself!" Zack yelled but much more to his annoyance, he recieved no response. Except the fact whoever's running around stopped and the room is silent once again excluding the flickering light buld hovering above them.
Ray tugged Zack's sleeve to grab his attention, in which she did, and pointed at a crack in the wall. Zack adjusted his stance at that direction and squinted his eyes at it. Since it's a little dark, he has to adjust the way he sees and he can't just come over there because he knows someone is there. He can just feel it in his bones and veins. He is well sure of it. "Those are eyes..." Ray whispered to Zack as she gripped onto her bag's strap, frowning at the fact she herself's confused because she didn't expect literal eyes to be just by that wall. "What the fuck?" Zack let out as he dashed towards those creepy eyes and swung the blade in the wall to try and get that person but failed, making Zack grunt in frustration and spit at the side. "Fucking hell, I missed. I was so close!"
"But what was... That someone doing there?" Ray thought to herself out loud and didn't need Zack to answer but he did but it made her quit her thinking. "Like hell I'll know! Figure it out once we're out of this piece of shit place." Zack growled as he tried to kick the metal door caging them in that tiny room down. Side note, he just tried. After a few seconds, Zack howled in pain and complained for the door being too hard. What did he expect? No one's superman here. In their case though, no one's God in this place. Even though that person behind the walls left, the camera kept watching them like a hawk. So, who is the real audience watching them? The person behind the camera or the person behind the wall? They'll very much see in the end.
Behind the camera the two once again broken angels are looking at and trying to figure out what the hell's happening, a lady of art seem to chuckle at their actions while enjoying a cup of tea, feet propped up on her table. Her thoughts began to be filled with bloody artistic ideas. She is wondering how she can use their blood for paintings to be showcased in her hallways in the future and how fascinating this bandaged fellow would look like as a sculpture. But it's not just that the great serial killer and artist [Y/n] gets excited about, it's also about the process she will have to go through to get her 'supplies' from them for her art. She would slaughter the both of them and grab some bags to put their precious blood in, throw this bandaged beast's in cement or such for sculpting...
"OI!" Zack yelled at the other side of the camera with a glare. "Whoever the fuck's watching us behind this damn camera, you better get your ass over here right now!" He threatened with his scythe pointed unknowingly to [Y/n]. The Bloody Artist's brows raised in amusement as she took a sip from her tea with a smirk and continued to watch this man's anger spilling out for her and, stupidly, through a camera. Since she finds Zack unamusing anymore because his threats sounds like a three year old's so-called 'hurtful' words now, she decided to speak to them through her little microphone.
"Good evening, young lady and not-so-gentleman!" [Y/n] said in much of a cheerful tone to Zack and Ray's depressing mood and room. "Welcome to another devil's game! My name is [Y/n] and this is my floor. It is pleasant to meet you both, new players. May I ask what your names are?" The woman giggled as she waited for their answer but Zack spoke up first. "GO FUCK YOURSELF AND LET US OUT!" He demanded as he sent another glare to [Y/n]. The woman blinked in amusement as she let out a chuckle. "Alright, Mr. Go Fuck Yourself And Let Us Out. That is quite a long name, eh? Quite a strange one too! Now, what is yours, little girl?~" Once again, this artistic lady waited for an answer as she ignored Zack getting irritated by her. "My name... Is Rachel Gardner. I am usually called Ray." Ray responded calmly, totally the opposite from Zack. [Y/n] smiled at the girl through the camera as she was reminded by someone as she look upon Ray. "Alright, thank you for kindly giving your name to me, Ray!"
"You truthfully know why the both of you are here based on your experience ten months ago," [Y/n] continued, placing her propped feet back on the ground and placed her chin in her palm that's propped up by her elbow instead. "You both are broken and need to be cleansed. You don't deserve the freedom you wish for yet. You both are still in Hell and you must be punished through a HUNDRED and TWENTY floors! It is just the right amount for you to move onto Purgatory~." [Y/n] then pressed a button to open the metal door she held the two captive and didn't speak more into her mic, knowing that Ray probably knew what she meant already. Zack and Ray looked at each other as they realized that they were right the whole time.
This place is a whole new Hell they have to go through.
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