Chapter 1 || Eloquent Bloody Desires
02/08/20 - 02/11/20
"What a fucking bitch..." Zack growled to himself before kicking the chair at the side, teeth grinding in rage. "Who does she think she is, hah?!" Ray let out the unknown breath she was holding on and grabbed onto Zack's arm to try and calm him down. "Zack, get yourself together... We just have to do what we did before." Ray simply said as she looked at Zack's mismatched eyes, rage flickering behind them. "You say like it's that fucking easy. We almost didn't make it out, dumbass..." The bandaged boy finally sighed and calmed down, letting Ray let go of him. He then groaned. "What-fucking-ever, let's just get a move on. Come on, Ray. I have a bitch to kill."
The two went out of the cold and tiny room and moved onto the next one. Upon doing so, the metal door behind them slammed shut and they were left in total darkness. "Hold on," Ray said as she stuck her hand inside her bag. She then brought up a flashlight and turned it on. It's a little flickery since it needs to get charged but it works just as fine once it was shook a little bit. "We can see now." Zack snorted at her remark and let out a slight chuckle. "I know. I have eyes, you idiot."
The room they're in isn't so different than the last one. It's just more spacious and lacks any kind of light. Whatever boards that cover that one particular large window doesn't help out either. It's as if whoever designed this room has lost their marbles while doing drugs and made sure no source of light entering that window. Hell, it's probably the fact they even wasted money building this room and now, they cannot afford a single bulb. And when they did, they placed it inside the smaller room that Ray just assumed the storage room. Ray explored the room alongside Zack, who is currently yawning, and found a... Pentagram in the middle of the room? What's that got to do with the current issue of being 'broken angels' and 'getting the freedom they want back'? Oh well, this place is Hell and this pentagram just proves more that this place is indeed Lucifer's lair. "And what the hell does this got to do with us?!" Zack yelled impatiently while Ray just gave him a look. Ray sighed as she carefully felt around the red painted pentagram with her fingers. It felt rough and rocky, parts of the demonic symbol even crumbled down on the ground. "I don't know and I don't know if there is something behind all this or not... But it seems useless so I highly doubt it'll do anything." Ray clarified before a screachy sound coming from a speaker in who-knows-where sounded off.
"Useless?" The familiar sound of [Y/n] in the speaker echoed around the room, startling the two a little bit. "It's not too useless especially the death you will bring yourself upon right now!" Before the two could react, a loud click was heard and the floor underneath opened up. Ray screamed and Zack called [Y/n] "A fucking twat!!!" as they both fall down to their demise. But luckily and to their replies, a whole bunch of pillows caught those two and proved another thing; Death was just playing around.
Zack got up quickly with a grunt and threatened the camera watching them with his pointing at it while [Y/n] laughs sadistically. "YOU BETTER KNOW WHO YOU ARE MESSING WITH! I SWEAR, IF I GET MY HANDS ON-" Before Zack could even finish, [Y/n] cuts him off. "No, you won't. You don't know where I'm at and you're an idiot so you won't get too close to me~!" She then laughed again, Zack threatening and insulting her more but, as usual, [Y/n] doesn't give a damn about his attitude.
On the other hand, Ray stood up and went off on her own in the hallways. She turned her flashlight off since light is at least available in this place even though it lets out a red and pink source. This place was humongous and it's filled with red and brown paintings, sculptures that look like they're screaming for help, and the scent is disgusting. But for Ray (and Zack), the stench is nothing for them. She knew that it has to do with a dead body around and a bloody massacre. But on the bright side, it was a less stronger scent unlike Zack and the others' floors which smelled bad all the way. Except the priest's. He at least had some priorities. The speaker in the hallway Ray's in screeched and [Y/n]'s voice was once again heard. "Hey, Ray, your partner's really annoying. I just wanted to let you know... Oh, are you looking at my work? Wonderful! The one you're currently looking at is very very fresh! All of my work is made with blood and corpses. Fascinating, eh?" Ray's eyes widened a fraction before turning back to normal. What the hell is this woman thinking? It's nothing too big of a deal but... Why? Ray just shook her head and proceeded to look for more things that can let her and Zack off this floor. They have a long way down and when she meant long, she meant long.
[Y/n] is just humming a melody with her mic was muted while she was fixing another cup of tea. "I'm going to kill another one, another one, another one, I'm going to kill another one..." She sang along but without her noticing and expecting before which made her stop her humming, a huge unfamiliar black blade is place before her neck and it threatens to slice her head off her body. "And go fuck yourself~." Zack sang along quietly in [Y/n]'s ear and made his scythe's blade closer to her neck. Instead of panicking, [Y/n] gave him a laugh and turned her head a little bit to face him. "Wow, you aren't as dumb like I thought you were, Mr. Go Fuck Yourself And Let Us Out." She said in sarcasm but still have her cool. Zack scoffed at that dumb name she kept calling him. "Shut the fuck up. I can kill you at this very second and you can't fucking stop me." [Y/n] smirked at his cockiness. He clearly doesn't very well know him while on the other hand, this Bloody Artist knows everything about the two broken angels ready to be sacrificed for good.
"Oh?" She let out with a giggle as she discreetly let a knife out of her jacket. "Is that so, Mr.-" Zack grunted and made the blade have contact on [Y/n]'s neck. "If you fucking call me that dumb name again, you really are fucking dead, you hear me?!" The Bloody Artist hummed in fake thought for a moment before smiling up at Zack. "Hear you scream? Yes, indeed." With that, [Y/n] stepped on Zack's foot with her heel which made him howl in pain and let his guard down. [Y/n] swung her knife towards Zack but he was quick enough to dodge and got a chance to slash her but failed as she was nimble and quicker than Zack. They kept trying to hit each other but neither of them doing so until [Y/n] finally plunged her knife into Zack's side. It isn't too deep but it was enough to make him fall onto the floor. "You little bitch..." He growled as he grabbed the knife off him and throw it at the side, blood dripping down his mouth. He watched [Y/n] chuckle at his current state before walking towards her closet and opened it to grab something... And as it looks like, it's a scythe with two blades on each end. "Let's finish your life the fashionable way, eh?" [Y/n] giggled out as she stepped on Zack's back who's crawling in attempt of getting his own scythe for defense but clearly failed. She aptly spins her scythe in one hand as she thinks which side she should use to slice him in half. It reminded Zack how girls can be really picky over useless things but if he ever makes a comment about it, he's good as dead. He hates looking weak to others, meaning he hates [Y/n] with all his heart, soul, and mind.
[Y/n] finally which side she should use and swung towards Zack. Everything went to slow motion for the male. Is this it? Is this fucking it? He knows he will die someday but definetely not like this at all. He doesn't want to die in the hands of a pathetic sadistic woman who 'placed him in his place'. But all that stopped once a gun shot was heard behind him and a bullet went through [Y/n]'s dominant arm. She let out a yelp of pain and dropped her scythe. "Zack, come on!" Ray yelled by the Mona Lisa painting-like door of [Y/n]. Zack got up from the floor and made his way out along with Ray as fast as he can. [Y/n] just laughed when those two left as she placed her hand over her injury. "I'll come and get you both, Isaac Foster and Rachel Gardner! I WILL get you~!"
"Damn bitch fucking stabbed me!" Zack complained in a loud bark. Ray just nodded but kept running beside him. "It's fine, Zack. It's nothing too big and you handled worse than that. Stop crying about it." Zack's face became offended by her words but said nothing. Is she calling him a pussy about it? This is probably one of Ray's savage and bitchy moments she had done to Zack after all these months. "I'm not fucking crying, you asshole! I'm SHOUTING!" He once again yelled by Ray's ear. She let out a sigh. She feels like she's handling a full grown man-child all this time especially right now. Ray then found a random empty room and dragged Zack in there. He then sat down with another grunt with a hand over his bloody side. "Still got them first aid shit with you?" He muttered out his question, watching Ray shuffle inside her black slingbag. Ray nodded as she took out some bandages, antibiotic, a towel, and a bottle of water. "Might as well wash your wound a little bit, at least." Ray said before letting Zack ask about it in which he was just about to do so. She lifted Zack's jacket and shirt by where he was stabbed and poured some water over it, patted it dry, and did the usual first aid routine she always does to Zack. They both live together in a small abandoned shack to avoid the police to find them. It isn't much but it is comfy enough for them to live in. The male comes home with stabs and bruises in some nights when he's out killing and had to fight some of his victims that are trying to resist his kill. Finally, Ray got her red thread and needle to stitch Zack up. "Got any colors beside red?" Zack half joked, making Ray sigh and pierced the needle through Zack's skin, making him let out a hiss. "Ray, give me a fucking warning next time, will you?"
"Where are you, broken angels~?" [Y/n] sang out in the hallway. The loud clicking of her heels are heard and Ray and Zack had to duck down a little bit to refrain the Bloody Artist from seeing them. God, what did they do to deserve another suffering they have to face for You just to take them? But the two must deal with it for now. for they are in another demon's trap. But just to their luck, the clicking of heels seem to go the other way now. Good, they're safe. Ray went back to stitching Zack and finished. "Stay here," Ray whispered to Zack. "I'll go out by myself for a bit." Zack's eyes widened and smacked the back of Ray's head. "Are you an idiot?! You tryin' to kill yourself?!" Zack whisper-shouted to Ray who just let out another sigh. "Zack, I'll be fine. It's been ten months already and that's almost a year. I can handle my own. I know how to defend myself thanks to you. " Zack was about to say something but thought about it. Yeah, she's right. Ray's independent and she's not like other little dumb girls. She has a gigantic mind and her knowledge in fighting is already enough. Zack let out a long low sigh. "Fine. But I swear to God if you don't come back alive..." Before he can even finish, Ray stood up from her knees. "I will, trust me." Those are her last words before going out discreetly.
Ray grabbed her pistol out, making sure it's loaded. She checked how many ammo she has left and she only have five more. She mentally sighed as she looked up at a camera which is slowly moving around to hunt for her and Zack. Lucky for Ray, it was looking the other way so that's already a signal for her to move. She noticed her distance between that Mona Lisa door; she isn't so far from it. The camera turned to Ray's direction and she had to hide behind a pillar to avoid [Y/n] from seeing her. This reminded Ray of that one movie she just watched with Zack the other day. And so, she feels like she's in those kind of movies that require stealth and stuff. The camera looked back at the other way and now's her chance. She silently dashed towards [Y/n]'s door and quietly but carefully opened it, slipping herself inside.
She can't believe that [Y/n] did not notice her but that is a blessing. [Y/n] had her feet up on her desk with a light frown, probably frustrated at the fact that she cannot find the two basically partners in crime. Ray plans to threaten [Y/n] with her gun but that's not going to end too well in her perspective considering that [Y/n] can probably deflect the bullet back to her. But the thing is, she can't. She only has a knife and doesn't have her scythe with her. It's beside Zack's and Ray swore it was not clean before unlike now. Did [Y/n] clean it? It's either because she just wanted to or she just did because she thinks she'll be the new owner of it once she kills the both of them. Ray can deal with [Y/n]. Why? Because she trusts herself. She has no 'god'. She can do whatever she wants, she and Zack has no boundaries anymore. [Y/n] isn't on guard and her's knife has a distance from her. If Ray calculated correctly, she can go ahead and-
"Come on, Rachel. Why are you taking so long to get a move on, hm?" The Bloody Artist chuckled as she pressed a button that locked the door before turning around to face Ray, smile filled with intention to kill. What? How did she know already?! "I have a good sense of hearing and you left the door open. Oh my, I expected something better than that, young Gardner~." The lights flickered and to Ray's surprise, her gun isn't in her hand anymore. Instead, [Y/n] has a hold of it and that same gun is now threatening to end Ray's life here and there in an instant.
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