Wind whistles through the dark pine trees. An owl hoots. Two shadowed shapes pad stealthily through the undergrowth. The perfect setting.
The larger figure steps into the moonlight, he's a large tom with dark russet fur and glowing yellow eyes. The second cat is a silver furred female, a leaderlike glint in her hazel eyes.
"This way" The tom hisses, flicking his tail to the left. The she-cat dips her head in acknowledgment before starting towards the darkness. The tom follows, his eyes darting from side to side as he watches for ShadowClan warriors.
A sweet scent wafts into the tom's nose, a familiar scent. Oh no...he thinks, motioning for the silver she-cat to wait while he checks the age of the scent.
Flattening his ears, the tom backs away from the dark brambles. "Fresh ShadowClan scent" he announces softly, gesturing with his paw to the patch of brambles.
The she-cat lets out a soft hiss and opens her mouth to speak, but she's cut off.
"Intruders, how lovely" meows a feminine tone. A plump tortoiseshell she-cat slinks out from the side of a pine tree, her green eyes narrowed and her nose wrinkled. "RiverClan" she spits, her eyes raking over the tom. "What are you fish-eaters doing here?"
The silver she-cat raises her head, as if trying to gain the ShadowClan she-cat's attention. "We are just passing through, I need to visit the moonpool" She explains.
The tortoiseshell looks taken aback, then she narrows her eyes. "Your the RiverClan deputy, Froststripe, aren't you?"
Froststripe nods, though she looks suddenly anxious.
"We don't need to tell you any more than that, let us through" The tom growls, his tail lashing.
The tortoiseshell rolls her green eyes and steps aside, flicking her tail at the shadows behind her.
Froststripe dips her head in thanks to the tortoiseshell before continuing down the shadowed path.
The tom follows quickly after his future leader, anxiety causing his paws to move faster.
The trees start to thin out, becoming oaken instead of pine. Skirting around ThunderClan territory, the two cats head towards the moonpool.
~Time skip~
The tom heads up the slope first, his paws skimming over the ancient pawprints from his ancestors.
Leading the way into the spiral path that leads down to the pool itself, he opens his jaws and allows the fresh scent of the water to flood his scent glands.
Froststripe takes a deep breath, closing her eyes and whispering something inaudible. Then she leans down and laps from the glistening cold water. She slumps into a sleeping position and begins to dream.
She's standing in a starry field, with multiple figures standing around her. The first cat she recognizes is a silver tom, he looks just like her but with broader shoulders and a longer tail.
"Marlinstream!" Froststripe stares at the tom, her brother who had died from whitecough many moons ago. He dips his head, blue eyes sheepish.
A tall black cat steps forward, her yellow eyes glinting as she looks down at Froststripe. "Bloomstar" Froststripe mews warmly to her former leader.
"Yes Froststripe. But we must start the ceremony, it is time you became a leader" Bloomstar meows briskly, worry clouding her gaze for a few seconds before vanishing.
"What's wrong?" Froststripe can't help but be curious. A few cats shake their heads, others lash their tails.
"Nothing for you to worry about. You will find out eventually" Bloomstar sighs.
"Now! Let the ceremony begin!" She raises her mew an octave and turns to the eager crowd of cats.
A cat Frostsripe had not seen for many seasons starts forward, eyes shining. Her mother. The larger grey she-cat stares into Frostsripe's eyes before she gently presses her nose to the top of Froststripe's head and speaks. "With this life, I give you the gift of bravery. It may seem hard at times, but a leader must stand strong and be brave for their clan. Use it well" she then steps back and the fire of her touch fades.
Next is a young kit. He had a similar pattern to her fur as Froststripe, but his fur was a darker colour. More grey than silver. The tom-kit straightens, puffing out his chest. "I'm your brother!" He proclaims.
Froststripe is still dazed from her mother's gift, but she leans down and allows her newfound younger brother to touch his black nose to the top of her head. "With this life I give you honesty. A good leader must show honesty, and always keep in mind that a lie is not always going to help you. Use it well" The small kit murmurs. The pain of this gift was excruciating, and black spots dance in Froststripe's vision.
He steps back and Froststripe sways slightly. Next is a cat she knew well. The gift of power. Next was the gift of mothering. Then the gift of love. Soon she was ready to be given her ninth life and the ceremony would be over.
Bloomstar steps forward, her yellow eyes piercing and bright. "With this life I give you serenity. A leader must maintain a bold calm towards anything that may harm the Clan or territory" she pressed her nose to the top of Froststripe's head. The silver she-cat had prepared for pain, like her other lives. But this gift left her feeling warm and sleepy.
Bloomstar raised her head and yowled to the sky, "I hail you by your new name, Froststar. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of RiverClan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the ; live each life with pride and dignity"
Froststar dips her head, but the vision is fading back to the grey of the moonpool cove.
She opens her eyes and sits up, shaking her head slightly.
The russet tom pads over, his eyes wide. "You were writhing in pain! What happened!? Are you okay?" He blurts.
Froststar stands, waving her tail to calm him. Authority seeps into her voice when she speaks, she feels like a leader.
"I'm fine. I cannot speak about the ceremony, but I am now Froststar!"
Okay so, how was that? Some of those paragraphs got a bit long didn't they :0
I honestly can't wait to start writing chapter one!
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