Chapter 14
~~Later that day
Celeste looked at her blade. It felt strong and its aura was a lot more potent than her own. Perhaps it was because it was a mixture of her and his. With this blade, she could no longer use her fake Ragnarok. This one was perfect. Just by holding it, she could feel that it was no ordinary blade. There was only one problem. It had been ignoring her ever since its creation. She could not know any of the blade's abilities or its full powers if it refused to speak to her. She know that he had imprinted his consciuousness upon the blade. But given that he was a lot more moody, she would have to be patient for him to talk to her. She disliked carrying a weapon without knowing anything about it. Even when it was made out of his power.
It's not that I'm ignoring you. I have been busy trying to stay within the blade.
A masculine voice suddenly echoed within her mind. It stopped any further thoughts from the blond.
"Trying to stay within the blade?" Celeste repeated those curious words. But she was a little pleased with the fact that her blade was now speaking.
You know that your will overpowers mine. Given that your power forms half of the blade's power, the will in your energy was trying to overwrite my consciousness. The voice did not seem pleased with what had happened.
"Why did you not let that happen?"
I have been unconscious for thousands of years in our body. I would like to be alive before you completely consume me.
"I see." Celeste nodded realizing something. "During the time the seal was weakened, you transferred some parts of your conscious into the blade knowing that after I undo the seal, you will cease to exist. So becoming my blade keeps you alive. This is the result of that man's mendling. If he had not, we would still be one."
Yes. You are mad, you know that? You do know that no one would give you a real challenge after you went back to that dimension. If you want, then nobody within this dimension could defeat you, even without your omnipotent powers. Ragnarok paused for a moment. Coming up with a conclusion, he continued. You were not satisfied with that, were you?
"You are wrong. Those things could become a threat especially when they worked together. They just would not be able to kill me. This is why I had to form this risky plan to restore myself completely once I had recovered my memories. I know that it would always be a challenge to me if I did not reclaim my whole being."
But still, going through all this? I think they did not know that they could be a match for you. They might have thought that you were complete.
"I was not satisfied with being imperfect. Besides, I could not do all that I could without being complete."
So what now?
"I shall call you, Shi, now and forever."
"You will represent death once I have ascended to the heavens and Ragnarok will represent life. Now, tell me about your abilities."
~~Celeste's house, after a few hours.
"I have been looking for you for quite some time." A soft voice reverberated within the area as Isabel appeared to the blond's roof.
"I have been expecting you." Not bothering to open her eyes, Celeste made no move at all. "I am a little surprised that you took so long to come."
"I had some business to take care off before looking for you. I went to your lab, but you were no longer there. Why would you even need that place when you can't see to operate it?"
"Are you mocking me, Isabel?" Celeste questioned as the woman sat beside her.
"No. I'm just curious."
"I was thinking," Celeste responded.
"Where is Callus? I have not seen him in a number of days."
"He was summoned to the deities dimension." With a shrug, the blond adjusted her body in a more comfortable position.
Isabel looked at Celeste curiously. "What for?" She did not want to think that he was there to report everything. If so, Celeste would surely kill him.
"For his mind to read." Celeste's face didn't even seem concerned for the matter. She still had her favorite poker face. "The poor thing wasn't even aware of it. The only reason he was brought to Lukedonia was for this purpose."
"You knew that he was being used and still did not tell him? What of the other reason you told him?" Thinking about Callus, Isabel can't help it, but pity the man. He maybe older than the younger generations, but in front of someone ancient like Celeste, he was still considered a child. He still have many things to learn.
"That is also true. What's the use of hiding when soon enough, everything will be revealed." Celeste knew that she had no control over this matter. Even so, it would bring trouble for her. She could already feel the headache should the deities read Callus mind. The man withheld much information about her.
Before Isabel can speak, the blond continued. "Let it be. They won't do anything so long as I'm alive. They already know that I won't die. I did not even tell Callus everything, and with the unexpected having been occured, what they will find out will be of no use."
"But when you leave again, I will..."
"Be quite!" Celeste stated with a firm tone. "You will not be killed. No one will touch you. I will not allow you to die."
Isabel was quite for a moment. "What will you do about Callus then?"
"I will kill him. For now, I will let him enjoy his life. Sooner or later, I will send a message to those things to inform them that they should stop using him."
Isabel felt a shill ran down her spine. Celeste spoke of killing the only man she cares for like it was nothing. She cannot even imagine the things that the blond can do. "Don't do it." Isabel had a serious look on her face. She definitely did not want Callus to die.
"Okay." Standing up, Celeste glance down on her guest. "Would you like to see heaven, Lady Isabel?"
Quirking a brow, Isabel smiled. "I have seen your dimension before. Isn't it heaven?"
"No." Celeste cannot help, but smile. "The real heaven. Only two have seen it. Only I who is alive now has seen it."
Isabel was quite, again. It was unlike her to ask her a question like that. Normally, she would not have made such request. She wondered what drove her to ask such a question. She could feel that she had not spoken to Callus about this subject. But here she was, speaking to her about it. "Are you going to tell me about the unexpected?" she asked changing the subject.
"No. It is best if you don't know this." She paused for a moment when she sensed something. "Ah, Callus is back," she mused.
Isabel quieted as she wait for Callus to locate them. He would certainly sense them and come up here.
It only took a few moments for Callus to appear before them. He had an angry look on his face. "You knew, didn't you?" He demanded, glaring at Celeste.
Despite her blindness, she could feel his glare. "Oh, so you discovered the reason why you were summoned?" the blond stated knowing why he would glare at her like that. Isabel remained quiet, choosing not to get involve in this matter.
"Unbelievable! You knew about this and you said nothing! How could you?" He looked at Isabel. "Did you also know about this?"
Before Isabel could answer, Celeste spoke. "So you will no longer be summoned?"
"Yes," Callus responded.
"Good. This settles things," Celeste stated as she got up. "You will no longer feel some sense of loyalty to those things."
Callus noticed her appearance. "What happened to you?" Although she had gone back to wearing the attire she wore when she visited the mortal world, her face could still be clearly seen that it had become younger.
"The unexpected," Celeste responded as she walked past Isabel. "I am going to rest my body. After what I went through today, I have to sleep for some time. Don't wake me up." With that, she was gone.
"Did you know?" Callus questioned Isabel to see if she was aware of the unexpected. There was a possibility that Celeste had told her. That was not important though. What he wanted to confirm was if she was told or not.
"No," Isabel stated shaking her head. "She did not tell me anything. She only said that it was best I did not know. I think that also extends to you."
"Cold bitch," Callus muttered, "she refused to tell me everything, and she threatens to kill me. I don't think I can handle this anymore."
Isabel offered no words for comfort. She thought this was better than being killed. But it was certain that if he thought of leaving Celeste, she would kill him for that. Celeste did not accept rejection. But she was not going to say anything. Callus was aware of this fact. And it was not her place to say anything.
The following day, Celeste walked out of her slumber room with an impassive look on her face. Callus was close by her. It was very much annoying that she had been awakened from her sleep. Her body was torn apart and then reformed again, literally. The process was painful, hence she needed rest. But these fools had the audacity to force themselves to her house.
"Finally!" Lady Roseia said releasing a sigh. "The Council won't be happy with you after all the efforts it took to get you to leave your room." She smirked at the thought. With this, Celeste would get in trouble for sure. She would gladly see her get punished.
Celeste walked towards the woman with her eyes still closed. The aura she was now releasing was deathly. It caused the members of the Techno corps to stay away from the blond. Celeste stopped in front of Roseia. She opened her eyes forcing her to go through the same experience as Kahedin. While she was still going through the ordeal, Celeste grab her neck. She left her unable to breath properly with her grip. Her left hand pierced through her left shoulder like it was made of steel.
"Argh!" Roseia shrieked out in pain. The pain she felt broke her out of her illusionary state. Her group was quick to attack Celeste, but the blond quickly took out her blade.
"Celeste, you will end up destroying the house," Callus stated with a calm look on his face. He had told Roseia that Celeste had told him that she should not be awakened. He knew she would react like this. He did not care though. And there was the fact that he was still angry at being used.
Celeste disappeared from the house and went a distance away. She looked towards the Techno Corps as they appeared before her. She drew out her sword.
"Bitch! You will pay for this!"
"Pay?" Celeste questioned in a hallow tone. Roseia charged towards her in a bleeding state. Celeste sighed as she opened her left eye. She was a bit fast for a mere child. But she was still a child nonetheless. Her left eye is now becoming the color of blood. As soon as the woman reached her, she released her power freezing Roseia enough for Celeste to move towards her and gripped her by her neck, for the second time. "I have no time to play with a child," she stated, "but you have annoyed me." Her left eye was forced to fully developed. It turned into a glowing bloody eye.
"Now then, experience hell!" Nothing came out of Roseia's mouth as within the second, she fell down the ground. The rest of her soldiers tried to attack her, but Celeste just raised her right hand. Just then, a pure black ball of energy begun to form at an insanely fast speed on her right palm. But before Celeste could release it, another wave of heavy power hit the area. The blond's technique disappeared from her hand before turning around to look at Alaric with her one opened eye. She closed it because it was painful as she had forced its development by pushing much of her power to make it happen.
"What is the meaning of this?" Alaric questioned looking straight at Celeste. His eyes is now looking at the fallen Roseia: she was still alive.
Celeste did not respond. She took a few steps before going towards the Council manor. Alaric did not attemp to stop her. He had put the other Commanders at the entrance of the place to stop Celeste from getting in. He knew that those fools had called her, but in this state, it was best she not go there because she would kill them.
"Callus, what happened?" Alaric questioned the man who was merely watching everything.
"Celeste's body and soul were torn apart yesterday before they were put back together. You must imagine how painful the process might have been. And how stressed her body must have been after the process. She had decided to sleep for a few days to allow her body to rest and she gave me one instruction: don't wake me up."
Whether Lukedonia had been invaded by demons: don't wake me up. Whether someone close to is about to be killed: don't wake me up. Whether the end of the world has come: don't wake me up.
Don't wake me up meant don't wake me up to Celeste, Alaric knew this. He shook his head slightly, he had warned Roseia to stay away from the blond, but she never listens. "Will you take her to Lady Isabel's place?"
~~~At the Council manor.
Why did you do that? Shi questioned not sounding the least ammused at what she had done.
"Do what?" Celeste asked, she had done a lot of things. Shi had to be precise on what he was asking.
Force one of your eyes to develop fully like that. Do you know the consequences of doing something like that?
"What are the after effects?" Celeste questioned as she made her way towards the manor. She could feel the strong aura of the Commanders waiting for her. Alaric should also come here. Given her state, she could not afford to fight Mormont, Isumbras and Alaric at once. She would not win such a battle. Her current power was only enough to handle Alaric without the others.
I told you that the seal had weakened when you regressed to this state. Given that, I was able to allow a part of my consciousness into your inner world. The seal had yet to regain its full strenght after that process, but when you slept, giving rest to your body, it regained its full power. And because of your mood, and forcing that power to be active when its not ready, I am going to disappear in a matter of second.
So it's true, nothing of you can exist outside of the seal while it is stil active and at full power, Celeste stated, not sounding concerned with the development. But the blade can exist because it is no longer you, but something new made of you and I.
Shi never replied to those words. His consciousness was already forced back to the seal. Celeste did not mind it though. It changed nothing. But at the same time, it showed that the seal was truly powerful; that man was truly a genius with seals. How long has it been within her body? How long has she been trying to find a way to break it? If he was alive, it would have been a different story. She would have simply forced him to undo it. She had her ways to make him do it. But he was already long dead and he was the only one who knew the seal. He never kept notes about it. All she had been doing over the past years was studying it. But even though she studied it, she had been unable to unlock it. Only a single keyword remained though.
"I am afraid we cannot allow you to go through," Celeste heard as she reached the humongous doors of the manor.
Celeste looked at the Commanders. Perhaps she should fight them and relieve the fact that man outsmarted her. She had been unable to break the seal he placed on her, on her very own soul. He was way below her in terms of strenght and power, but he had done this to her. She had gone through so much pain yesterday and her left eye was causing her severe pains because of the forced development. Her other eye was also affected because of this. She could feel that their development had been halted. This was going to slow things down.
Who was going to pay for all of these?
Ah, there are still those high ranking demons sealed in a safe place somewhere in the underworld. She had kept them there so she could devour them when she had become weak. But now, she did not have the means to devour them. It was no matter: she could just go and destroy them. That should release some pent of frustrations.
With a snap of her fingers, she was sucked up in a vortex of darkness. She disappeared without a trace of her left.
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