Chapter 10
~~The following day (Midgard)
A huge portal opened within the skies of a city as Celeste came out of it. Her rebirth had left her one sided. She could not utilize most of her powers as well as the power of her eyes. The only useful thing that was left in her arsenal was her speed. Her demon powers had been left untouched. This meant that for now, she was stuck using her demon powers. It was not that bad. But given her current state, she could not use her all of her powerful techniques. She did love throwing them around like they were nothing. It would be disappointing if she could not light up some fireworks. It was only temporary though.
It had been so long since I came into this place. Since no mortal could see and sense her presence, then she won't bother to lower her energy level.
Lukedonia had banned you from coming into this place, Ragnarok started, It had been over 2000 years since they did that. Your aura alone was not good for the humans. It was hard to place a seal on you to limit your power since it would just break within seconds.
"You are here?" Celeste asked. Surprise was written all over her face.
I told you, there is nowhere you can go where my voice cannot reach you. I might not be able to manifest physically, but I was originally a part of you so it is only natural for my voice to reach you.
"I am aware of that. After all, I am your creator. I am only curious as to why you would speak to me this often. You spoke to me yesterday, this morning and now."
My lady, you have not been able to hear my voice for over two thousand years and when I try to make up for our lost time, you say something like this?
Celeste raised an eyebrow at the words."You are bitter about our separation."
But of course! It feels you have abandoned me.
"It is not as if I will have any good fights without you. And besides, it won't take years for me to come and get you."
It better not.
"I sense a threat, Ragnarok. You should not have thoughts like that. Was it the fact that you're beginning to separate with my soul that's affecting your personality?"
Celeste sighed and looked down at the mortals going about their businesses: completely unaware of her presence. She knew that her condition is getting worse and soon enough, they would be able to feel her. But it was no bother, all worked out better for her.
My lady, Ragnarok started, you have been down twice now. First it was from grace thousands of years ago, now, it was for your glory.
"My fall from grace, eh. It was ages ago. But because of it, you understand why I must do this."
Yes, they must pay for what they did. Your actual rebirth should awaken the sleeping power that has been sealed shortly before your fall from grace.
"Be patient and wait for me. I will reclaim that which has been lost and we will sit with the stars as we watch over the world. Heaven was made for us to rule. It is only a matter of time now."
I will wait. Just don't take too long. Heaven is waiting for us, and the stars are already bored without their master, Ragnarok then paused for a moment, well, that is what you told me anyway.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
You are a liar, my lady. You have decieved everyone. This may be your true self to some extent, but you said things in the past to manipulate future events. Those Knights think you always told them the truth. But you always had a reason for saying what was said to those people. No one knows where you came from or even your true age, except for them.
Celeste smiled as Ragnarok's voice disappeared. It was truly refreshing everytime he spoke.
I guess I better go find the scientist, she thought before disappearing from sight.
~~Mallard's Clinic
Celeste appeared in front of a small clinic she had been told to visit. Outside, it looked like a normal health center. Who would have guessed that a former Commander lived here?
As soon as she walked in, she saw a young woman scribbling something on her pad. She seemed too busy to even notice her presense.
"Woman," she called, "where is Mallard?"
That seemed to get her attention as she looked up to Celeste. Instead of answering, she gave her a stare. "Who are you?"
The woman's voice is demanding and she didn't like it. Without any words, Celeste just whizzed past her in a blur and entered a random door. The young woman was left blinking as she disappeared.
As soon as Celeste entered, a skinny man was greeting her.
"You are not the one I am looking for," Celeste stated calmy, "where is Mallard?"
Garret, the skinny man sized up Celeste for a moment. Certainly, it was her. "The doctor is currently busy right now. I can go and inform him of your presence."
"Take me to him."
It was not a request and he was smart enough to realize that. "Please follow me." He quickly turned around. Not wanting to be at her presence any longer. He led the blond towards an underground entance, but did not go in. He just told her to go down and she would find Mallard.
As soon as she arrived, Celeste realized that she was in a secret training ground. Whoever created this place was quite crafty. The space looked eternal, and one could do all the damage he/she wanted. But someone like her could destroy it within seconds. Well, that is during her prime. Now she no longer had that power. It was rather sad.
She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a voice and was soon followed by a dark energy coming towards her. Without worries, she brought out her left hand and deflected the technique with her bare hand. The action seemed to notify the occupants of the training ground.
As soon as she locked eyes with a red haired teen, she inwardly smirked. It was faint, but she could easily tell that there was a dormant power within the child. It was interesting for her to find another soul with multiple types of energy. She can also sense two other people, but she paid them no mind.
For his part, the teen was also shocked. That was one of his most powerful technique, but she deflected it with only her bare hand.
"Can you hit me with that technique again?" It seemed interesting. She wanted to analyze it.
Narrowing his eyes, the boy seemed unsure of what to do. He looked confused. "Who are you?" It seemed to be the smartest question for the moment.
"Sing, hime!"
Celeste narrowed her eyes without turning her head. She saw a yellow beam traveling through the ground towards her, fast. Like she did with the first attack, she easily deflected it with her left hand.
Celeste then took a few steps towards the red haired boy. "You have an interesting child, Mallard." She did not know the man personally, but she spoke like she was familiar with him.
"You think so?" Mallard chirped as he became visible with Freya by his side.
"Yes." Celeste responded as she stopped in front of boy, Trolan. This was the human she had been told of by Isabel. Definitely interesting. She had also seen some videos in her lab. They were battles of him at Lukedonia. However, it was not enough to make her follow the child's movements.
"Attack me." Celeste's voice was commanding and there was no room for an excuse. She wanted to see what the child could do. Taking things from what she had been told was not good enough for her. But testing him was good.
"Just do it, Trolan!" Freya yelled. "It will be a good test for you." She was grinning madly. She was interested in how Trolan would do against a woman like Celeste.
"Okay?" Trolan said still looking unsure of himself. He then glanced at the blond beauty who stood like a statue.
It would be a shame if her pretty face got some scars.
Without saying a word, he rushed towards her in an impressive show of speed. He appeared behind her and swung his sword across her back. Celeste did not bother to turn around as she simply disappeared leaving an after image. She appeared behind Trolan while the teen was still in momentum of his swing. She placed her palm on his back and pushed him hard.
The teen stumbled forward, but got his balance quickly and turned around to take a swipe at Celeste. The blade sped towards her head. The blond simply raised her right hand and caught Trolan's blade, surprising the teen.
"Fear." Looking straight at Trolan, she continued. "You are not afraid of me, but of something. With that look on your eyes, you cannot cut me, child. The sharpness of your blade is reflected on what you feel inside. When controlled by fear, your blade becomes useless."
She flicked Trolan's blade out of her hand and turned towards Mallard and Freya. She left the teen standing as he was. She was quite disappointed with the child. Despite having an impressive power, the fear nullified all that. Even his blade would reflect nothing, but his emotion.
"You have quite a lovely place." Celeste commented as she made her way towards the former Commanders. She did not wait for Mallard to comment. "I have come to speak with you."
Mallard and Freya looked at each other before the former nodded. "I will take Trolan on the other side to continue his training."
Celeste looked at the kid. Trolan was quite impressive for a mere human. To be able to stand up against a Commander was no ordinary feat especially for a mere mortal. Perhaps if it had been a Knight, then she would not have said anything. "Training would not help that child," she started, "he needs to face his own emotions. If he cannot deal with what scares him, then he should put down his blade and quit playing a warrior. It was never a job for mortals to begin with."
Celeste noticed that both the former Commanders cringed at her words. There was definitely more to it. "Your reaction is quite intriguing."
"Perhaps if it was another time, I would have been interested in finding out the child uneasiness."
Mallard chuckled nervously. She was highly observant, he would give her that. Being a Commander for almost three Centuries, no one was able to read him except for Freya. But here comes Celeste. A single look and she had already found some interesting informations. She had not even asked: they involuntarily gave her what she wanted. He thought that they were careful enough, but it seemed that nothing gets passed her eyes.
Sorry my friend. But I would have to abandon you today. Goodluck.
Mallard flinched as he suddenly heard Freya's voice within his head. Before he could respond, she already disappeared. He just sighed at her friend's behavior. He then focused on his guest.
"I thought you had refused the position." Upon seeing the crest on her haori, he narrowed his eyes. He had never seen anyone adding a few things to it. But then again, this was Celeste Alathielle. Accolon had only added a few bloody design on his crest, but it was nothing like Celeste.
"Alaric played a good card," Celeste responded vaguely. She was not going to tell him in details.
Mallard nodded and said nothing more. By the answer and look on the blond's face, he knew she won't tell him anything. He could only imagine that it had to do with fighting. He could not think of any possible way for the Grand Master to force Celeste into something she did not want to do.
"I had thought that I would be the first one to come before you." Mallard regained his calm as he looked straight at her. Certainly, he had thought that he would be the one to visit her because of his need for answers.
Celeste raised a curious brow. "You have spent time with Jorah and Joram. They told you some things that left you with many questions." She had yet to speak with those two. She should make some time to see her former friends. They were not as bad as Alaric was.
Mallard nodded. The blond was accurate. He did not think it would be like this. "Anyone would have questions after hearing all about you." He sported a small smile.
"Anyone always has questions." Slipping her hand inside her cloth, Celeste retrieved a folded scroll and threw it at Mallard. "I want you to decipher that scroll. Isabel told me your are a genius of some sort."
Mallard's eyes widened upon seeing it. It looked very old and special. He was certainly interested in what was in the scroll. He opened it carefully and saw words written in an ancient language. He focused on the letters and soon realized that it was some sort of a formula. He looked at Celeste again. This was an ancient language, and he did not think such writing would exist. "What is this?"
"It is a formula. What is written in there is a key. It is set like a puzzle. Something that even I cannot solve." In reality, it was the last 100th key to unlocking a seal that was placed within her. She had already deciphered 99 of them. But the last one had proved nearly impossible to solve. She had tried all her wits to put it together, but to avail. As it was now, it was useless. Being the last key, it held two functions. All of which were important, but she won't devulge any of this information to a man like Mallard.
"A key?" Mallard had a thoughtful look on his face. He wondered what the key could unlock. How Celeste came into possession of such scroll with ancient language. He was sure that even the Alaric would have no luck in understanding the language.
Celeste threw another scroll at Mallard. "This contained the seal in today's language. I made it so that you could understand what is written. But do not attempt to solve it using the second scroll. As you will notice, it only has word explanations.
"Can you read this language?" When Mallard got no answer, he continued.
"What do I get for this? First, I don't even know what this key unlocks."
Celeste smiled slightly. She snapped her fingers and a huge portal opened. Mallard would surely try to find out what the key unlocks. But he would not figure it.
Mallard of course raised a curious brow when he saw Celeste opening a portal. "You said that you wanted answers. Solve that puzzle and I will give you a reward. A little brain teaser is something that a scientist wouldn't miss." With that, the blond stepped into the portal and disappeared.
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