Chapter 6 Really And Chapter 7 the Other Side
Authors note,
Hey i am uploading to chapters today on the same part so ya, heres chapter 6, Really, and chapter 7, The Other Side
Chapter 6, Really
"Of course M- umm Tenna," They both said as they bowed, I simply laughed and they stopped their bow mid-way taking my laugh as a go ahead and stop bowing.
Smiling I nodded as they looked at me in question then I turned my head to a nervous hoping I wouldn't ask Sammy, but of course I had to ask.
"Sammy please tell it's not what I think, please tell me the truth please Sammy." I pleaded with fear laced in my voice as she gulped.
"Well I could tell you the first one but then it wouldn't meet the second ones requirements." She said with a forced smile as she also had a saddened and fearful voice.
"Sammy, oh please, oh please it's not true is it?" I asked with pleading eyes again.
She took in a deep breath and gulped, fear laced her voice, fright, pity, and sorrow was shown.
'Please tell me she's acting, it can't be true can it?' Secret whimpered
'Oh no, oh no, I fear the worst Secret.' I told her with a wine escaping my thoughts to my throat.
"The legend is true, Secret, and I have meant the other, male, Moon Wolf that is the sixth werewolf." Sammy said in her scared voice.
'I think we're going to faint, Secret.' I told her as I felt dizziness find its way to my mind, along with fright.
My head felt light, my eyes started to get heavy, and the worst part Jack and Isabella are screaming that there is no legend and it's impossible.
"Must be witch tricks, there's no way who is he then hmm?" Snorted Jack, I think.
"Why would I have reasons to lie to my best friend? And do you think I would joke about her fears? She wanted to a normal life not one filled with legends and riddles! And he warned me he-"Samantha was yelling at the two siblings but I didn't get to hear the rest.
My dizziness won as I fell to the ground preparing for the impact that I didn't feel but heard the distant thud as I drifted off to my own world.
"Donule Moon Wolf," a voice filled my thoughts as I looked out, I must be dreaming... I listened to the famine voice fill my head speaking in the ancient language called, Ronna, it was a legend that all Moon Wolves must know, and only them, the female voice said, Welcome Moon Wolf.
"Floe mopn jolie?" I asked the voice, Where am I?
"I figured it would be best to greet you in your native tongue, Moon Wolf." The voice said not answering my question, now speaking in English.
"You never answered me, and please call me Tenna." I told the voice a bit harshly, they had a very faint British accent mixed with Australian.
"My apologies, we are at the birth place of the Moon Wolves, but not physically, through your mind, your human body is where you fainted, with the Great Witch, Samantha, and two werewolves, I assume you know them all." She spoke her voice coming less distant by the minute.
'She must be coming closer, and speaking through our minds,' I thought in my mind, but she couldn't hear it. Looking down I noticed I was in my wolf form, but something was off, on my paw there was a streak of white leading up my leg.
I looked around seeing a pond I ran to it to look at myself as I answered the women.
"Is that so? Who are you, and how did you know Samantha was the Great Witch?" I asked her wondering how she knew that Samantha was the Great Witch, the most powerful witch to live, there can only be one at a time and a gap of a hundred year before the next one can be born after the last one died.
Gasping in my mind I looked at the white streak, around the sides of it was black making it look like the white was engulfed in black flame. The streak got thicker as it went up; it stopped at the start of my shoulder blade and spelt out in the native writing of the Moon Wolves the words, "For being the hunter of all, a living God, Immortal Moonlight." I shook my head knowing what that meant.
'We're the Immortal Moonlight Moon Wolf, Tenna.' Secret told me surprising me she hadn't said a thing sense we woke, or entered this place.
'Where were you Secret?' I asked her.
'Exploring our birth place we haven't been here for a while, even if this is in our head.' She told me plainly.
"I am the last great Witch, Samantha is my reincarnation, that's how I know who she is." The female spoke.
Turning my head I saw her eyes widen as if she saw a ghost.
"What? Why did your eyes widen?" I asked her.
"Y-you're you're evolving, you must have seen you're mate the last week, or at least been in a 30 meter radius of him, a week ago." She stuttered with a smile plastered on that face.
I remembered a smell last week that was pulling me towards it, but then I was attacked by a group of vampires and they pulled me away from it dragging me into a river and then I lost it.
Flash Back
I looked around as I walked through the forest trying to find my brother, he said he would go ahead to the next forest and scope out that area for the king's town; he was unsuccessful in that forest so I had to find him to move on.
Walking through the undergrowth and avoiding running into the thick trees I looked around, I was in human form, I continued walking but set off a trap without knowing.
I growled as I tripped over a branch. Then a rope net filled the space around me, spraying me with wolfs bane and liquid silver.
Being immune to both helped, but what didn't help was that it made me smell even more mouthwatering than a Moon Wolf already was to vampires.
Letting out a growl of anger I let my canines grow out as I bit the net shredding it, I retracted my canines as I remembered I had a knife in my pocket.
I stopped almost done cutting the rope as I smelt an amazing scent, I smelled it again as I felt my mouth water.
I shook my head as I heard a hiss, cutting the net I looked up to see a group of 12 vampires, not many hunt in such large groups.
"You smell like a delicious, human, I can't wait to drink you dry!" One said they all were wearing black robes with blood still on some.
"What? I get to drink her dry! It's my trap that I set up!" Another yelled at it its voice holding not as much strength as the other.
"But I called her, and I am your leader, lowly new blood, respect your elders." The first one spat taking off his hood, revealing orange hair, blood red eyes, and hard face, he looked like he was changed in his late 20s.
Gasping I covered my laugh and smile, I killed his twin last week in my wolf form and he escaped, he looked at me baring his fangs with a hiss, I knew he heard my muffled laugh.
"What are you laughing at human? Is the blood of that wolf that killed my brother still on my face? Or do you think I'm some prankster?" He hissed.
"I-I am not human, bloody, and no, my blood is not on your face it's in my body." I laughed but it was so quite that he could only hear I, blood, and face.
"What? Speak louder." One from the crowed said.
I noticed two cutting the rope off the branch as I hit the ground with a thud still laughing, in the net still.
"You- You do not," I was still laughing but stopped as I looked at them my face now alert and serious, "a vampire such as you does not make me submit, own me, or even have my respect, filthy bloodsucker." I was growling now.
They dragged me to a river and through me in covering my scent from any possible tracking dog, and trying to make me bleed. I let out a whimper as my mates scent vanished.
The one that I could see their face smiled thinking it was a cry of pain.
I looked at them knowing I wasn't bleeding I smiled.
"I don't need to hide any secrets from my next victims, so I will tell you my biggest secret now ok bloodies?" I asked with a smile on my face was I ripped the net standing up shaking myself to get the water off me, only a little came off.
"You will be our next victim, human, but feel free to tell us anyway." The leader spoke up. I smiled to myself knowing how dumb they are, Secret agreeing.
"Vampires have always been dumb," I stated shaking my head as I spoke again, "You are speaking to one of the last five werewolves."
I looked at them as they just hissed the leaders was the loudest, "We could easily take out a lone werewolf, filth, but you don't smell like one and the silver and wolfs bane had no effect so your lying, human."
I growled at his insult as Secret snarled in my head, 'I want to rip him to shreds like we did with his brother last week!' I nodded agreeing with Secret in my head.
"Oh, I forgot to mention, I am also the last Moon Wolf." I snarled with a smile as fear hit their faces I spoke once more, "And did you tell your little group that you killed that wolf that killed your brother? It's a shame you lied to them, because to the looks of it I am standing alive and well right in front of you. Not to mention giving you the same treatment as your brother." My growl was so strong the forest rumbled, I smiled hearing a howl from a wolf, too strong to be a normal wolf's. It was either my brothers or mate's but I wasn't paying attention.
Before they could speak I let out a snarl, transforming into my wolf I charged their leader, nipping his leg then biting it, I through him at a rock, breaking his back as I already saw him turning inside out and screaming in pain.
Quickly ripping the throats, and insides out of the others, I spat one of their hearts out to see the leader dead.
Sighing I went over to the river to wash my face and paws off, then I continued my search for my brother after not smelling my mate anywhere.
End of Flashback
I looked back at the spirit of the last great wolf and shook my head, sighing I let out a whimper, "That would make sense I guess..."
I looked at the spirit touching her foot with my snout I shared the flash back with her.
Chapter 7, the Other Side
(??? POV)
I clenched my fist as I smelled the air, no sign of her.
'She's safe, and alive, otherwise we would be grieving, Max.' My wolf, Surlue, told me concern but honestly laced in his voice or well thoughts so to say.
I looked at my hand as I shook my head, shifting I ran to a stream. Lapping up some water I stared at my reflection, I had a pure black wolf, except for the white on my right paw covering it like a glove, the white going up like flames across my legs and spelling out side words letters in the ancient language of Moon Wolves, Ronna, was it I can't really remember that much.
'Yes you idiot, it's called Ronna,' Surlue growled, he has been on edge ever sense we found a lot of dead vampire bodies and lost her scent at the river with a net swaying in the water.
Trotting through the forest I stopped dead still, smelling the most amazing scent, pine mixed with a wood fire, I looked around knowing it was my mate following the scent I stopped.
I turned to see a human hiding in the bushes with a gun, noticing I saw him he shot me in the shoulder, snarling I bit the flesh that the bullet struck, getting the bullet out and some of my flesh in my mouth, I spat it out the wound already almost healed.
I turned my focus back to the naïve hunter who was trying to reload, it was illegal t hunt wolves now a days.
'It must be a traveler or someone that doesn't care for wolves or laws.' I stated to Surlue, he was trying to sniff out my mate again; her scent was getting fainter as if she was moving away.
'Ya probably,' Surlue yawned then focused on sniffing out my mate again as I fight the hunter.
I charged at it ending its life quickly and painlessly I ripped its heart out with my muzzle digging deep down into its chest.
I turned around and followed my mate's faint scent wondering why she was moving away not towards.
Surlue let out a growl, as one found my throat, I could smell vampires, along with my mate.
'Mate is running, or captured by vampires!' Surlue snarled as I nodded and let out a strong howl to my mate to let her know I was coming to help, of course I knew she would probably not get a chance to comprehend the howl but at least she could be reassured by it.
I ran after her faint scent and followed the marks on the ground from the dragging of a net. I stopped as I heard a bullet go off.
'What's with the hunters?' I snarled to Surlue as I snapped my head to the sound, feeling g a slight tingle in my chest I looked down, I had a bullet in my chest, wow.
I lifted my paw as scratched my chest ripping the flesh; blood covered my paw as I saw, flesh, and the bullet fall to the ground, shaking my pelt to get all the blood off my chest was already healed completely.
"What- what the!" The hunter yelled surprised I was healed completely, the bullet was centimeters from a bone protecting my heart, luckily I only had to move flesh to get it out.
I shook my head as he realized he was attacking one of the last werewolves, to be exact the last male and probably only Moon Wolf, unless y mate was one of course, but part of me feels like that's not exactly it.
I walked up to the hunter snarling as I bit his arm then through him against a tree.
'We need to find mate!' Surlue whimpered. I nodded to him mentally agreeing.
I ripped the hunter's throat out then turned back to the scent trail, I heard a strong growl in the distance.
'Mate must be fighting the vampires for her life!' Surlue whimpered but I could tell she was strong; could the legend even slightly be true? Nah.
I turned around and looked for the scent, nothing, it was as if I could smell anything but her, or even the vampires, I let out a worried whimper.
Looking for the drag marks I couldn't see them either.
'What's happening why can't we find any clue where she is Surlue?' I asked him in a worried tone.
'I don't know, the legend, but it can't be true, can it?' he was whimpering and wondering at the same time.
I shook my head as I knew she was either captured, hurt, or hiding and couldn't find my scent either.
After about 10 minutes of wondering, searching, and looking for her I smelt the heavy smell of blood cascade the forest, worry struck me but as fast as it came it vanished, it was vampire blood.
Following the scent I noticed Surlue wasn't speaking, as I found the vampire I stopped dead still, there were 11, no 12 of them; I haven't seen such a big group for ten years.
I shook my head they were all dead, but looked poisoned, as if bitten by a Moon Wolf but that was impossible, the only one that could do this was my mate but she wasn't a Moon Wolf I knew that I was the last one; maybe because I was near she had more strength.
'Mate is safe.' Surlue sighed in relief.
I simply nodded but then something caught my eye, evidence was right in front of me but, I knew that it was impossible.
'It must be one they stumbled across while chasing, or dragging her that we killed, last week we were near this river.' Surlue told me, I agreed but part of me felt like that wasn't it.
I shook my head as I continued searching for my mate.
End of Flashback
I shook my head at Surlue's comment as I read the writing that had occurred yesterday, it read, ' Zulk nu intalen yolkten Laggiah julk' but translated to English it's, ' Mate, and follower, of greatest hunter, Immortal Moonlight, living God, Immortal Moonlight Fellow' The Immortal Moonlight was the strongest being to walk no live in the entire universe, it was a living god, and the mate of the Immortal Moonlight Fellow, who was the male version of the Immortal Moonlight, and mates to her.
'Mate must be a Moon Wolf, according to that mark, and the Immortal Moonlight, mate must be beautiful.' Surlue purred as he read it as well then spoke again more serious, 'So the fearful legend must be true...'
Authors Note
So what do you guys think? Theres Tenna's and Secret's mates Max and his wolf Surlue.
Give me feedback, and vote if you liked these are my favorite two chapters so far, and feel free to give suggestions or point out mistakes(Nicely) also to those who don't know what the legend is it will be in the next chapter and in the authors notes as well.
Any way Vote, if you liked, comment, and share! Also please give me feedback!
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