Chapter 13, Shift
Authors note
Sorry for my terrible updating once again, & it's kind of a shortie...
“And shall you be just that, for you already are, a dead demon… I am destroying that filthy thing you call your kingdom as we speak.” Secret snarled as bones snapped, not from my body though, Samantha’s
Her mouth went black as something came out, the demon; I refuse to say his name. Samantha fell limp returning to her body.
In front of my body was man with black hair, red horns, fangs, etc. He truly looked like a demon. He hissed at me as my own bones started to break, and reform.
Chapter 13, Shift
(Tenna’s POV)
I looked at the demon, he was truly ugly. Secret, once controlling my body had given it back to me for some reason.
“What do you mean your destroying my kingdom?” Ki hissed at me as I stared into his eyes, my own glowing.
“I mean that I called on the power of moon about a week ago, made a parasite, and sent it to your kingdom, which actually right now should be affecting it.” Secret snarled through my mouth after I didn’t know what she meant at first either.
“YOU FILTHY MUTT,” Ki snapped at me as I let out a snarl to my pack members to not intervene. I sensed him nearby, at least in a 5 or so mile radios.
“No, according to the dictionary, Secret isn’t a mutt, or filthy.” I said point blank, a bored expression on my face.
With my words the demon lunged at me as my bones snapped again, letting out a grunt of muffled pain I mostly dodged earning a scratch from his horns on my hand. He noticed, lunging again he got my arm.
Snarling I sung my arm into a tree banging him against it, he was clawing at it. “LET GO!” I snarled with Secret as Ki smiled.
“Mortem,” Ki laughed the Latin word for, “Death” as he dug in his nails more jumping back. I looked down at my arm to see a symbol, rune, on its meaning mortem, or death.
Letting out a howl of pure pain and agony, I longed for my mate, and for freedom. I felt pain surge through my arm as the symbol started to move up my arm but vanished, demon magic rarely ever truly works on werewolves and Moon Wolves.
“Playing dirty now are we?” I asked with a laugh covering a whimper of pain from more bones breaking and reforming.
“I have the advantage, Moon Wolf,” Ki shook his head saying the words, “Moon Wolf” with distaste, even a tiny but of fear.
“Good luck with that.” I stood in a fighting stance as he charged, I dodge, and unlucky for me my arm broke and reformed just as I slid across the ground making him be able to grab, and pull it out of socket and then cut a diagonal line down it.
I froze feeling my shift stop, I was too weak and beaten up now, I had to get safe first, a shiver past me as I took my attention off fighting for a millisecond.
“Got you!” Ki yelled as he punched my gut, red claws growing from his nails puncturing my skin, cutting farther in by the second.
“Stupid bad luck,” I muttered under my breathe as I fell backward pain surging through me, I felt so weak…
‘Secret, are you there?’ I sent to her not feeling her presence.
‘Get to safety’ she whispered fading away.
I froze feeling g her vanish for the time being. I looked up feeling the pull I snapped my head towards the right, Ki and everyone else fallowing my lead.
“Nothings there, no one’s coming to help you.” Ki sneered as he froze, seeing the exact same thing as me I felt my body relax.
“Oh, now that’s where your wrong, demon.” I laughed as the angry and threatening growls, snaps, and snarls relaxed me, they weren’t against me, they were protecting me.
Black soft, but deadly fur whipped along his back, seeing white on his right paw made me smile, its true Secret, I thought as I read the marking.
I watched as my mate charges Ki, quickly ending his life, not caring for the blood streaked across his muzzle and paws.
My mate walked up to me, laying down watching me, still in wolf form. He licked my hand taking some of the pain away as I did my best not to scream.
My body broke, twisted, reformed, snapped, and reformed again as I felt pain, pain, pain, and more pain find its way through me. Biting my lip, snapping my eyes shut, nothing helped as I felt stiffness through me.
Opening my eyes I starring at my paws, now in wolf form, I stood up. Starring at my mate I admired his fur as Secret pushed through to control me.
As soon as she did she stretched like a cat, I saw whiteness coming to my eyelids, but no fear and I knew where I was going.
(Third person POV)
Secret pushed through to gain control of Tenna as Surlue did the same with Max.
Stretching like a cat, Secret let out a yawn as her new bones popped and felt sore, yet nice. Tilting his head in submission Surlue bowed to her, the slowly started to wag his tail like a dog to play.
Secret stared at him confused of his actions at first, her brown coat was different now, and it was no longer its original color, exactly. It was its normal coat everywhere, except for her right leg, just like Surlue’s, same everything, except the ancient Ronna words were different, and instead of black with white flames, it was white wither black flames.
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