Red Flags (2) ✅
This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.
Loved y'all's reaction to the last chapter haha. Johnny is sadly up to something, and the states are getting heated. Wait until the war actually happens...
Anyways thanks for all of you who dropped a comment for the last two chapters! Writing is just so much more fun when you know an audience is there ^^
⚠️ Warning: Lots of language ⚠️
[2191 Words]
[Turkey's POV]
-A week later-
Sighing in content, Turkey smiled. He tilted his face upwards towards the sun, soaking up all of the light.
It was a beautiful day, and Turkey was lucky enough to be off from work. He had the whole day to himself.
The Turkish personification was currently at a park, the lush grass and healthy oak trees swaying in the wind. Flowers and bushes popped out of the ground, giving the park a homey feel.
A few humans walked by every so often, a few picture takings here, and a few autographs there. Countryhumans were celebrities compared to the average human, so it wasn't surprising behavior.
Soon enough though, Turkey was met by a familiar country.
"I was expecting to find you here, صديق قديم."
Turkey raised an eyebrow, tilting his head up towards the country looming over him. He stared into green stars stitched into a blindfold. "Syria," Turkey greeted. "What brings you to my country?"
Syria sighed. He motioned towards the floor besides Turkey, asking silently if he could sit down. Turkey let him.
When Syria was finally settled, he opened his mouth. The personification's voice was raspy, almost as if he wasn't used to speaking. "I had work in the area so I decided to come in and stop by. But you know I'm not here for pleasantries."
Turkey hummed, smile fading. He looked away, "I know."
Turkey could feel Syria's eyes burning through him, even through the blindfold.
"...Why did you cut our ties?" Syria finally asked.
The birds sung happily. The lush grass and healthy oak trees still swayed in the wind. It was still a beautiful day.
Turkey still did not look at Syria. "I'm sorry."
[Philippines's POV]
Philippines fidgeted with a bright yellow flower, swirling it between her fingers. It was a simple flower, yet it meant so much.
Joy. Happiness. Friendship.
In the end, Philippines tucked the small flower behind her ear. She smiled slightly as she checked her appearance in the mirror.
Philippines walked outside of the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. She then went downstairs into her living room, collapsing onto the couch. It was a hot day (as usual), and she was home alone.
Pulling out her phone, Philippines scrolled through her contacts. Her finger hovered over America's contact, hesitating before pressing it.
Dozens of messages from her side popped up, along with a couple of missed calls. America had been "missing" for a while now, and countries had been getting worried. Philippines was no exception.
"Where's America?" Philippines had overheard UN ask the UK after the most recent World Meeting. Peeking past the corner of the hall, she found UN, the UK, France, and Canada all gathered together.
Canada was wringing his hands together nervously, while France and the UK both held deep frowns.
"I don't know. I haven't heard from him since forever," Canada had said. "I genuinely don't think it's a joke anymore. Something is wrong."
"America is our world's only superpower." UN had said lowly. "If something is wrong with him, we need to know immediately."
The organization turned to his right.
"Canada, once you get back to North America, fly over to the United States and track America down." UN ordered. "If you talk to him, he'll listen. I recall that you two are close, yes?"
Canada hesitated. For just a moment.
He silently nodded.
"Good. That's the plan then." UN said. "Any questions? Is everything clear?"
"Crystal, sir."
Canada had nodded. "I understand."
Philippines loved her kuya, she really did, but America always got her worried too much, too many times. America always teased her for worrying enough for the both of the two, but it was true. America always had some kind of problem, protest, or riot. Maybe he was dealing with something like that?
As she skimmed over the one-sided text messages, a notification popped up on her screen. It was a message from Indonesia.
Did you see the news?
Philippines stared at the message in confusion for a few moments, before replying—
No. What happened?
Three dots inside a message bubble popped up, showing that Indonesia was replying. Philippines waited impatiently. The message from Indonesia finally rendered.
Just see it yourself. It's about America.
Another text followed behind it.
Everyone's going crazy about it.
Almost immediately, a dozen notifications popped up on Philippines's screen, all text messages from her ASEAN family. What a coincidence.
Phil have you seen any suspicious activity with United States recently?
We're scheduling a meeting ASAP!
Gather your forces at the borders
does anybody know if the euros knew abt this?
phil get your brother under control!
Philippines, intrigued, shut off her phone and grabbed the TV remote from beside her. She clicked on the TV, switching channels until she found the International News.
It showed hundreds of protesters at parks, walking down streets, and even at important landmarks like the Lincoln Monument. They were all yelling and shouting, holding up homemade signs.
Police and Security guards stood by, trying to calm down the protesters.
The scene switched to show a woman with a microphone (the news woman) and she started speaking in an urgent tone.
"Today, on September 3rd, protesters from all around the United States stand outside to protest for the peace of the world. Many citizens were outraged when they found out that American soldiers were ordered to aim their guns at various international allies. The attack left 13 individuals injured and hospitalized. The world is outraged, but most of all— confused."
Philippines unconsciously leaned closer towards the TV, her heart skipping a beat. Her mind was racing a mile per minute, trying to make sense of... everything.
Why were American soldiers ordered to be aggressive? To shoot at unexpected allies and civilians?
It seemed so unusual for America to order something like that. Did he not know what that single action meant? What it was implying to the rest of the world?
This action could literally be taken as an act of war. Philippines couldn't believe this was America she was talking about. He would know better. He should know better.
The news woman continued speaking as Philippines was caught in thought, the sound quickly becoming background noise. None of this made sense.
Was America going insane?
"At the moment, there is no information on why this is happening. Even the military being ordered to do so isn't of use." The news woman reported solemnly. "American politicians are keeping quiet and the newly elected president has nothing to say."
"Although, we may have one lead. The United States, the countryhumans personification we all know and love, is being interviewed on the subject right now. John, over to you."
The TV screen glitched for a moment, and the news woman was replaced by a newsman. The camera quality was nowhere as good as the one before, rain splattering on the lens and fast movements blurring most of the image, but one face could not be mistaken. Philippines could recognize those red and white stripes anywhere.
"Mr. America!!" The newsman shouted, shoving his microphone in America's face. "What's going on with our international military bases? Is this a declaration of war?"
America's iconic smile was nowhere to be seen.
"It's nothing to be worried about." He assured. "Please, do not fear. We know what we're doing."
Philippines frowned a bit at that, doubting. She was sure millions of families watching did the same. How could you say that after shooting 13 people?
"What was the reason behind this, then? An act of intimidation? A show of power?" The news reported interrogated, his tone growing harsher. The man was definitely pushing it. "There is only one way to interpret this, Mr. America, and I'm sure you know what it is too. The people are worried. Foreign countries are not taking this lightly. War is on the horizon, and there's no easy way to turn back."
In response, America's face hardened, but it wasn't worry. It was anger.
"You don't know what you're talking about." He replied lowly. "I said I'd deal with it. Sure, things are looking a bit rough right now, but whatever happens next is for the good of my country and my people."
"Even if it's war?"
War. Such a small word for such a big thing.
America was silent at that. His face softened into something like fear, before the personification turned away. He was walking away before they knew it, and his bodyguards kept the news reporter from getting any closer. The scene turned black just as the news reporter screamed America's name.
At this point, Philippines knuckles were white from the amount of force she was squeezing the remote with. She could only stare emptily at the screen while her mind raced.
Philippines was fearful for the future.
A future that seemed to have America at the center of it all.
[America's POV]
"This is a bad idea."
Deep inside the White House, America and his newly elected president sat alone. The lights were dimmed low and the curtains were pulled all the way, setting an eerie glow on their faces.
Anger was etched into America's hardened expression, but POA was too busy to even take notice.
The haughty man took no effort to look up from his desk. Despite only being elected a month ago, the man had a terrifying amount of arrogance.
It pissed America off.
No respect was being shown. Not to him, his people, or his country.
"POA." America growled, eye twitching at the fact he had to make such an effort for any ounce of attention.
It shouldn't be like this. America shouldn't be pushed away so easily.
POA tilted his head towards America's direction, but his gaze was still set firmly at the paperwork in his hand.
"I apologize. Repeat that again?"
America could feel his temper rising. He took a moment to calm himself before finally answering through gritted teeth. "This is a bad idea." He repeated.
"The riots or The Plan?"
"Both!" America replied exasperatedly.
POA just grunted, unamused.
"Well whether you like it or not, we're already too deep in this. You heard what the newsman said."
America scoffed, "I've never cared about what other people thought before. Why would I care now?"
"The world is changing, boy. You should too."
America's gaze narrowed into a glare. Did POA have no shame?
"I don't want things to change." America hissed. "Everything is fine just as it is!"
Finally, finally, POA looked up. For some reason it was that sentence that seemed to catch the man's attention.
Out of nowhere, POA let out a quick, breathless laugh. His papers flew in every direction, seemingly to be pushed away by an invisible force.
"Everything is fine as it is?" He parroted. "Everything is fine as it is??"
America was silent.
"—How fucking selfish do you have to be to say that?!" POA yelled. "There are millions of people dying on the streets from hunger and war and you say everything is fine as it is?! Who the hell do you think you are?!"
POA continued to ramble, "Just because it's fine here doesn't mean everyone else is so lucky. Open your eyes, America. The people need this. They need us!"
America shot to his feet.
"And we're going to give them war in return?!" He snapped. "Are you fucking stupid? Do you even hear yourself right now?!"
"Well it wouldn't be so hard if your friends could just do their fucking job!" POA snarled. "When your friends know how to care for their own damn country you can give me a call. Until then, you have no say in this."
"—No say in this? No say in this?!"
America laughed, a mean, hollow thing.
"I'm the fucking United States Of America, bitch. I will and do have a say in this."
"God, just get out." POA snapped, standing up. "Get out! Get the hell out of my office!"
For a moment, America seemed like he was going to prod POA further. It was in the last second he turned away, scoffing. He stormed out towards the door. He couldn't put up with POA right now.
As America made his way out, the personification made sure to shout one last sentence over his shoulder.
"I won't let you destroy my country!!"
Sorry for ending a bit abruptly there. I didn't know how to end the chapter 😭
School's starting up again for me next Wednesday (September 7th), so updates will be slower. Just a warning I wanted to put out there.
"Kuya" means older brother in Tagalog. It's a respect thing, and is usually put before names. We use it all the time in my household, it's pretty common to see!!
Thank you so much for reading! I hope all of you have a great day, and you all deserve the best! Stay safe <3
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